Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 275: .275 Dare to go to Europe?

The news of the Hamburg players\' transfer and departure was as dizzying as the heavy snowfall, and the news of the players joining one after another came.

Players who sign in for free are officially announced the fastest.

Goalkeeper Navas, midfielder Kanter, defender Van Dijk.

In addition, the progress of negotiations with AC Milan is also very fast, 2 million euros won Aubameyang.

Monchengladbach bought Royce for 1 million euros a year ago, and a year later, Hamburg paid 6 million euros to account for its income.

Griezmann\'s negotiations also quickly ended. After paying 7.5 million euros, the French striker announced to join Hamburg!

After communicating with Situ Yunbing to confirm that there will be a main position, De Bruyne joined Hamburg for 4.5 million euros.

Azpilicueta joined from Osasuna and only cost the club 4 million euros.

Matuidi’s negotiation progress is the slowest, and the other party’s asking price is too high, requiring some patience.

Ricardo Rodríguez’s transfer fell apart directly. Zurich asked for more than 10 million euros, claiming that Rodríguez is the top full-back potential in Europe, and the top full-backs are scarce resources.

But it\'s a bit too much to ask prices before they\'re printed.

Situ Yunbing\'s advice to the transfer department is to wait and see for the time being. If Matuidi\'s transfer negotiations can be completed, Rodriguez can be abandoned.

The Hamburg club’s busy schedule dazzled its fans!

Before the opening of the World Cup in South Africa, Situ Yunbing received job offers from the French, German, and Chinese sports media. He hoped that he could serve as a guest commentator or commentator. The salary was not low. France opened about 1.5 million euros during the World Cup. Salary.

Situ Yunbing did not accept this job. He has not had a good rest since the end of last season. The whole world is watching the World Cup in South Africa, but he wants to leave the football world temporarily.

In Milan Summer Fashion Week, at the T stage show, Sigrid wore different new fashion suits and walked the show dazzlingly under the gaze of the audience. During the show, her face was cold and cool, making her look cool and beautiful.

But when she finally walked out of the finale, she couldn\'t help but smile like the ice melted.

In an instant, everyone in the venue turned their eyes to where she was looking.

Situ Yunbing, dressed in casual clothes, stood in the aisle below the runway, and suddenly many reporters took pictures of Situ Yunbing.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Sigrid on the T stage not close or far. After the two looked at each other for a long time, Sigrid turned and walked back, and then the designer took all the catwalk models to the final curtain call.

At the end of the show, Sigrid jumped off the T stage and ran directly in front of Situ Yunbing. Situ Yunbing smiled and raised his arms slightly. After Sigrid took his arm with his left arm, The two quickly left.

Two days later, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid appeared in the Chinese capital.

During this summer\'s vacation, Situ Yunbing took her to China, and let her experience Chinese culture and customs.

At the same time, there are also some famous mountains and rivers that Situ Yunbing has never visited before, this time it is considered to be traveling with the United States.

If you are not particularly concerned about football, it is basically impossible to recognize who Situ Yunbing is at a glance. Moreover, he is not a star, and there is no difficulty in traveling.

When the World Cup was in full swing, Situ Yunbing took Sigrid to the last stop of their China tour, Shanghai.

Wandering around the Bund, visiting the Pearl of the Orient, where Situ Yunbing and Sigrid went, she always took pictures with joy, and laughed on her face. This sweet and warm journey ended with Situ Yunbing leading her Came to Chongming Island Xu Genbao Football School.

The Chinese league is different from Europe. Europe starts in late summer and ends in early summer. China is similar to South America. Both start in spring and end at the end of the year.

At this time, the Chinese league has also entered the summer truce, especially in the World Cup, which will also affect the ratings, so it is normal for the half to end earlier.

When the news of Situ Yunbing\'s visit to Xu Genbao Football School reached Xu Genbao\'s ears, he immediately greeted him in person. At the same time, various media who heard the wind sent people to investigate the purpose of Situ Yunbing\'s trip.

Do you want to find football genius in China?

When Situ Yunbing and Xu Genbao met, they did not choose to meet at the office, just beside the training field.

Seeing those energetic children training under the scorching sun, Situ Yunbing\'s face was like a clear lake, but his heart was rippled.

No matter how the outside world laughs, criticizes, and humiliates Chinese football, it is undeniable that there are still many children in China who pursued football dreams when they were young. If they can not forget their original intentions and work hard, even if they cannot become a world-renowned fierce fighter. At least he can live up to his youth and at the same time contribute to Chinese football.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t know much about Xu Genbao, and he had basically heard of some deeds, so there was no need to greet them so that they seemed to have been in love for a long time.

Say hello, introduce himself, and then he is straight to the point.

"This time I came here to want someone."

Xu Genbao was full of interest.

People who can be admired by Situ Yunbing, no matter whether they can succeed or not, at least have a great influence on his football school brand.

"Who did you see?"


Wu Lei now plays for the Shanghai East Asia team, and Shanghai East Asia is Xu Genbao\'s club. In the future, Shanghai East Asia will be wholly-owned by Shanghai SIPG Club. At that time, Xu Genbao tears down the green field in front of 80,000 fans.

Xu Genbao looked embarrassed and didn\'t answer immediately. Situ Yunbing continued: "Let\'s call him over. I want to say something to him."

Wu Lei happened to be training here. After all, here is the same line as the Shanghai East Asian team. There are not a few players training here if the club does not play.

When the young and immature Wu Lei appeared in front of Situ Yunbing, Wu Lei looked at him with a look of suspicion.

Situ Yunbing stretched out his hand to him and said lightly: "Hello, Wu Lei, my name is Situ Yunbing."

Wu Lei\'s small eyes suddenly opened wide, as if the eyeballs could fall out at any time!

Xu Genbao asked the management to keep the reporters out of the base. Although some people sneaked in, they could only look at this place from a distance and could not approach.

Wu Lei forgot to raise his hand, and Situ Yunbing didn\'t mind. After retracting his hand, he said to Wu Lei, "Do you want to go to Europe?"

Wu Lei\'s expression suddenly became tense. He looked at his mentor Xu Genbao. Seeing that he did not speak, Situ Yunbing disappeared and the gentle color on his face disappeared. He said in a deep voice, "I should ask, do you dare to go to Europe?"

As soon as Wu Lei was about to speak, Xu Genbao said rudely to Situ Yunbing: "You shouldn\'t ask him in such a compelling tone that he is still just a child. What good is it for him to go to Europe now? Can he play the game? Can\'t fight! That will only delay his growth!"

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward and depressing.

Situ Yunbing did not go to see Xu Genbao, but looked at Wu Lei, his tone had become very rude.

"Wulei, in the next ten years, you will be the strongest player among Chinese players.

But it is only limited to Chinese players, you should understand how low the upper limit of this level is.

I am not here to give you advice, not to guide you, but to give you a chance.

This opportunity will not let you go flat, it will not let you go smoothly, and it will not make you an immediate top player in Asia.

But if you grasp this opportunity and are willing to overcome all the difficulties you can and cannot imagine, then in less than ten years, maybe three years, you will be the strongest player in China, and five years, the top in Asia. In the future, it depends on your good fortune.

What your master said is going to Europe is not good for you. I can tell you straightforwardly that he was wrong.

If you go to Europe tomorrow, you won’t be able to get into the game the day after tomorrow. Maybe you haven’t played a professional game in two years, because the intensity of the game is too cruel and you cannot bear it.

But in the past two years, you will get better technical guidance, scientific training, and more advanced football tactical thinking training. I think the most important thing is to go to an unfamiliar environment and go to a place where no one cheers for you. , Where no one supports you, this will squeeze your potential to the limit and hone your will. How can football win? You can rely on technology or spirit. If you don\'t account for both, then there is nothing to expect.

The key question is how much you can pay for football!

It\'s difficult, it\'s difficult. Has anyone taught you that playing football is nothing more than happiness? "

Situ Yun Bingyan observed Wu Lei\'s reaction faintly.

Wu Lei still looked at Xu Genbao, who was struggling.

For 3 minutes, the three of them didn\'t say a word, Wu Lei\'s breathing was a little heavy, and Xu Genbao hesitated to speak several times.

Situ Yunbing showed a bitter smile, but then his expression became very relaxed.

"In the past two years, the Chinese media criticized Situ Yunbing for not contributing to Chinese football. They publicly recommended some players several times and tried to put players into my club. I turned a deaf ear to them and turned a blind eye.

Today I took the initiative to ask for someone, but this is the result.

To tell you the truth, the Hamburg team has a South Korean forward. If you don’t know his name now, it doesn’t matter. Within two years, mentioning him will be the pride of South Korea, and it will bleak the new generation of Chinese players. His name is Sun Xingmin. .

He is about eight months younger than Vure, but he went to the Hamburg youth team two years ago. It only took him three months to communicate with his teammates and coaches in German. He almost gave up last year, but he clenched his teeth and persisted. , The warm-up lap from the team is always the last one, and now it has become very easy to be able to run into the top three, and I just gave him a professional contract, the new season he will play for Hamburg in the Bundesliga.

You can continue to worry about your concerns and hesitate your hesitation.

Efforts may not be rewarded, but there is nothing wrong with hard work. If you use difficulties to convince yourself to stop in place, your talent will evaporate little by little. Oh, maybe this is a common problem in Chinese football. Think too much and do it. Too little.

Sorry for disturbing you. "

Situ Yunbing took Sigrid\'s hand and turned and walked away.

Sigrid could not understand what Situ Yunbing said. Although she studied Chinese hard, she was limited to a few simple words and phrases.

When Situ Yunbing drifted away, Wu Lei looked at Xu Genbao almost desperately!

He knew that this was the most important decision in his life to this day!

Situ Yunbing\'s understatement actually shocked Xu Genbao!

He closed his eyes and gave no instructions to Wu Lei.

Wu Lei also closed his eyes. After gritting his teeth and opening his eyes, there was an unprecedented firm light in his eyes. He turned and ran to chase after him!

When he was 5 meters away from Situ Yunbing\'s back, he shouted at Situ Yunbing: "Coach, I want to go to Europe! I dare to go to Europe! I want to go to Europe!"

Situ Yunbing did not look back, nor did he stop, but there was a gratifying smile on his face.

"Go home to pack up and wait for news."


Situ Yunbing ended the trip to China, and then went to Canada with Sigrid to see the progress of their island project.

At the same time, China\'s football is fried!

Hamburg publicly hopes to introduce the forward Wu Lei of Shanghai East Asia Club!

Money is not a problem at all. There are Chinese corporate sponsors directly sponsoring Hamburg and providing transfer fees to improve the effect of publicity. This is also the most common mode of operation when Chinese players are abroad.

The German media questioned the signing of Situ Yunbing!

You must know that Hamburg can only have four non-European foreign players, Navas, Aubameyang, and Sun Xingmin, which is already three. The last foreign aid quota was actually given to a Chinese player!

However, the Hamburg club executives did not question the signings.

The transfer does not cost money, but it also attracted the sponsorship of many Chinese companies!