Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 271: .271 Unbreakable


When Situ Yunbing uttered this greeting in German at the auditorium, the members on the scene boiled again and applauded desperately.

Situ Yunbing stood in front of the stage and gave a speech with a microphone in hand.

"I\'m sorry, I only speak German. It was the chairman Mr. Hoffmann who taught me. Please forgive me. This is my second time to Germany. The first time I went to Munich. The two times together were less than seven days before and after. , So I’m really not good at German, but it doesn’t matter. I will have plenty of time to learn German in order to communicate with you better and to make me work better."

The members were flushed with excitement, nodding and applauding.

After two years of big scenes, Situ Yunbing controlled the atmosphere and rhythm of the scene well.

He looked back at Hoffman, and then said: "As Chairman Mr. Hoffman said, not long ago, I signed a new contract and now I am the head coach of Hamburg. If anyone objects, Then I’m sorry, the objection is invalid."

The members at the scene laughed, I am afraid no one will object to them!

Situ Yunbing put away his smile and solemnly said: "Hamburg is a great city, and there are great clubs here, but the glory has been gone for a long time. I know that many people here have witnessed the most brilliant club 30 years ago. Moment, in the past two decades, the club has been working hard to return to the peak of the past. Unfortunately, the past two decades have gained more disappointment.

Before choosing Hamburg, I asked myself, what is the purpose of coming to Hamburg?

If Hamburg is for the team to end the long chaos, then it is not me.

If Hamburg is for the team to qualify for the Champions League next season in the new season, unfortunately, it should not be me.

If Hamburg hopes to win the championship next season, taste the taste of winning the championship, let the depression of the past two decades be vented, and make the fans smile again, it is good, then this should be what I will fight hard for The goal is why I came to Hamburg!

Here, I implore your help. We have experienced many years of failure. We have strong opponents in the league, Bayern Munich, Schalke 04, Dortmund, Leverkusen, Bremen, Wolfsburg, My God, why do we have so many enemies? Because we do not have the strength, we lack confidence, it seems that there are too many opponents that we cannot say with confidence: kill him, no problem!

I need your help, the team needs your help!

In rushing to the championship and clearing away the opponents, we need unity. The team needs the support of fans to make us more confident, so that we can cheer up when we experience setbacks and never sink down!

Only your most enthusiastic support can convince the team that the dawn after the dark is not far away, so that the team can burn their lives to fight and defeat the enemies that are stronger than us!

To be strong, Hamburg must first be united!

Anything that hinders Hamburg\'s strength will be my enemy, and it will be your enemy, because we don\'t allow anyone to stop and delay the rise of Hamburg! "

As soon as Situ Yunbing\'s voice fell, the scene was enthusiastic!

Many member fans raised their fists and shouted loudly!

Chairman Hoffman is crazy happy!

This general meeting has become the best new coach inauguration ceremony!

After giving a speech, Situ Yunbing originally planned to end there.

But the fan representative Bednarek smiled and asked him: "Coach Situ, can I ask you some questions on behalf of the fans?"

When the scene calmed down, Situ Yunbing took the microphone and walked to Bednarek and reached out to shake hands with the other party, saying, "Hello, I don\'t know your name yet."

After the other party introduced himself, Situ Yunbing went on to say: "The media knows that I never accept private interviews, but since this is the membership meeting in Hamburg, it is my duty to answer your questions, and I also have the obligation to communicate with the fans."

Bednarek had a good impression of Situ Yunbing, because Situ Yunbing asked his name as soon as he came up, and shook hands solemnly. This is the most basic respect, but in fact, too many people will ignore this. .

He smiled and asked: "Did you just say that the goal of the new season is to lead Hamburg to the championship? But to be honest, is our team lineup enough to compete with such strong teams as Bayern Munich and Schalke 04?"

Situ Yunbing shook his head calmly and said: "It is not enough to compete for the championship, so I have communicated with sports manager Reinhardt. About 20 players from the first team will leave the team this summer. We have to build a new lineup. After selling people to collect cash and buying people to introduce new players, generally speaking, you will not invest too much in the revolution. You will see a brand new burger in the new season!

Here I can also announce the first news that Boateng’s transfer was blocked by me because he is an indispensable member of the puzzle of my championship lineup. We do not allow him to leave for such a player!

We cannot lose important players, and at the same time we have to add players who are capable of bringing us championships! "

The reactions of the members on the scene were wonderful, half worried and half surprised. They didn\'t know what expressions to make.

Bednarek exclaimed: "20 people left the team? Coach Situ, are you sure this won\'t let us experience disaster?"

Situ Yunbing looked around the scene and found that everyone had the same worries.

Situ Yunbing bluntly said: "Did Hamburg have won the championship for many years? No, this is enough to prove that there are many players in the first team that cannot help the club win the championship.

I have no intention to comment on the club’s previous signings, but veterans like Ze Roberto and Van Nistelrooy are no longer what we need. They are good, they can score goals and make contributions to the team. But they can’t give the club a future. We must respect the laws of football. I know that some players in the team are also what you like and support. You will think that some players can continue to fight for the team if they stay in the team. Forceful.

What I want to say is that the players have not changed, but the team has changed.

Hamburg\'s pursuit has become higher, and our goal has become higher!

We can no longer continue to work and work hard to advance one or two in the standings every season, that is not enough!

Look at our opponent Dortmund. The quality of their signings in the last three years is very high. Look at Bayern Munich in the past two years. They are also pursuing an upgrade of the lineup. I envy them having Tony Kroos with such outstanding ability this summer. Young players return to the team and can play for the team in the new season. Retiring players is the most normal thing for a team. Why does Hamburg have to revolutionize this summer?

Because we are behind, because we should have replaced players but have not done so!

It\'s like a person who has a minor illness but has not been treated in time, and when it is hard to return, he needs major surgery!

Is it dangerous?

Of course it\'s dangerous!

But there is no time for us to make changes step by step, because then we will only walk on the old road and fall into an endless loop. Good players can\'t see results or get honor. Of course they want to leave!

We want to keep good players, those who can become top players, we must give them honor, let them taste the taste of championship, let them know that staying in Hamburg has a bright future!

To be honest, I will introduce a lot of young players in the summer. What I said just now requires your support. I also hope that you can be more tolerant and supportive to young players, and less pressure and harshness. We will all make mistakes. I will Make mistakes, players will make mistakes, the key is our attitude towards mistakes, I will make a guarantee, we will learn from any mistake, we will become better and stronger every day!

But we need time. This is a process of rebirth from the cocoon. It is difficult but worth maintaining patience. It may be painful, but picking fruits is a wonderful journey.

I hope you are with me, with the team!

Don\'t doubt at any time, my goals are the same as yours. We all hope to see a Hamburg that occupies an important position in the German football map, and a Hamburg that can have a place in the European football map! "

After Situ Yunbing\'s speech, the members at the scene applauded passionately again!

Many people respect Situ Yunbing!

His ambition, his drive to revolutionize the team, and his humble attitude to plead for the support of the fans have moved the Hamburg members!

Some people are moved, and some are excited!

I want to work with Situ Yunbing to transform Hamburg into a stronger team!

Bednarek also applauded while paying attention to Situ Yunbing.

He is rational, but he understands Situ Yunbing\'s good intentions.

Do not break or stand.

Otherwise it will be difficult for Hamburg to become stronger, because no one wants to wait any longer, Van der Vaart did not wait any longer, Kompany did not wait any longer, De Jong and Boateng were unwilling to wait any longer!

Only the champion can retain the really good players, and only glory can make Hamburg have the confidence to continue to have good players!

When a member on the scene called out a question to Situ Yunbing, it made Situ Yunbing dumbfounded.

"Will you bring Gareth Bale to Hamburg?"

The scene quieted down instantly, and everyone seemed to look forward to it.

Situ Yunbing picked up the microphone and laughed: "Welsh\'s Gareth Bale is a Monaco player. Unfortunately, Hamburg should not be able to pay the high transfer fee to bring him, but I will work hard to cultivate new players in Hamburg. Les Bell."

After he finished speaking, Chairman Hoffman took the lead in applauding, and the members on the scene also applauded very excitedly!

If you ignore Situ Yunbing\'s ability to cultivate stars, then he really understands him too superficially.

In the Monaco Champions League championship lineup, most of the stars are trained by him. Even if some people have not played for Situ Yunbing for a long time, they have completed a transformation or a qualitative leap in strength under him!

When Situ Yunbing left the scene, the audience cheered.

They chanted Situ Yunbing\'s surname repeatedly like the previous Monaco fans.

"Situ! Situ! Situ! Situ!"