Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 270: .270 debut!

Hoffman felt ridiculous when he saw Situ Yunbing in the morning, but when he saw Situ Yunbing in the afternoon, he suddenly felt a bully!

Situ Yunbing, neatly packed in suits and leather shoes, with a sunny smile, young and energetic, unrestrained and stable. Perhaps now he has made Hoffman feel the most popular young coach in the new generation of European football. Demeanor.

Hoffman personally drove Situ Yunbing to the auditorium where the general meeting was held, which was in an office building next to the home stadium in Hamburg.

Situ Yunbing found out on the road that Hoffman wanted him to attend the membership meeting this afternoon or had other plans.

The theme of the membership meeting held today is about investors asking for some of the proceeds from the transfer of players after the appreciation of the player’s worth. The fan representative Bednarek will speak for the fans. Their position is that they do not want the club to add this when receiving external funding. This may affect the autonomy of the club’s top decision-making.

Originally, the Bundesliga did not allow private or consortium holdings so that there would be no international capital predators to inject capital into the Bundesliga team, unless the team is really loyal to the team and it is completely hoped that the team will have a good record.

The situation that Hamburg is facing now is that they agreed to the tycoon Quene last season. Now the transfer of the team of Neguerro, Ogo, and Jenson will be 30% owned by Quene, which is not wrong. Nei wants to use this to make money. Based on the contributions he has been funding Hamburg for many years, it is a bit of a little heart to doubt that he wants to make money through the sale of players. Specifically, why such an agreement has appeared, perhaps the Hamburg executives also have Responsibilities, such as giving such conditions, can make Qu Nei spend more money. Situ Yunbing is not interested.

But now the problem is coming. In the summer, there are some investors who can come up with a lot of money. They also want to do this, and they want to get the promise of the Hamburg club. After they help Hamburg sign new players, if the new players appreciate in the future , Part of the transfer income is given to them.

Is such a deal worth doing?

Of course it is worth it.

You must know that Hamburg has made a good income from selling people in the past few years, such as Van der Vaart, De Jong, Kompany, and Boateng, who has been determined by the media this summer to join Blue Moon Manchester City. Double the return, the high one is really more than three times.

The club’s board of supervisors and chairman Hoffman were incompatible with each other, but their position on this matter was totally inconsistent.

In the eyes of the Hamburg fans, they are in the same way, betraying the club\'s interests in order to obtain a large amount of capital injection in the short term!

Hoffman hopes that Situ Yunbing can help them to talk to the fans when they attend the general meeting, and suppress the fans\' opposition.

Situ Yunbing shook his head after listening. He said earnestly to Hoffman: "Mr. Chairman, believe me, don\'t openly oppose anyone against anyone, especially in a democratic club. On the contrary, we To win the favor and support of the fans, this is the best for you, me, and the team."

Hoffman drove the car and smiled bitterly: "I also understand the truth, but the club needs more money to sign in, so as to become stronger."

Situ Yunbing shook his head and said: "It is absolutely impossible to have money in the football world, but money is not omnipotent. The key is whether the money is spent properly or not.

Although I have not read Hamburg’s financial report and understand the current financial situation of the team, I think that fans can broadly oppose the club’s acceptance of external conditional capital injections. At least one point is that the fans know that the club has not yet reached the situation where it must accept external capital injections. Now that this is the case, then I think we can justly reject those conditional capital injections. The club cannot be kidnapped, and we cannot be alienated from the fans. Believe me, the embarrassment of the Hamburg club is that it really needs to spend a lot of money. Even if we have money, we can’t buy the stars, and if we really want to burn money, it’s impossible to make so much money. Instead of swollen faces and fattened up, it’s better to plan carefully and unite with the fans. This is very important for the connotation and spiritual construction of the club! "

Hoffman was thoughtful when he heard the words, but when he finally arrived at his destination, he was persuaded by Situ Yunbing.

Before getting off the car, Situ Yunbing smiled and asked him: "Hello, how do you say in German?"

Hoffman said twice, and then Situ Yunbing simply learned.


The Hamburg membership meeting site.

The auditorium was full of seats. On the stage were members of the club\'s board of supervisors and board of directors. Chairman Hoffman and chairman of the board of supervisors Becker sat in the middle of the stage.

In the middle of the first row of the audience sat the fan member representative Bednarek.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bednarek fired on the supervisory board and the board of directors.

The structure of German clubs often coexists with the board of supervisors and the board of directors. The former is for decision-making and the latter is for execution. It can be said that the supervisory board has greater power. Of course, this only exists in German democratic clubs, like clubs in other leagues. It is the board of directors that is the highest authority. If the club is in private control, then the boss is the dictator.

Bednarek\'s impassioned questioning won the applause and support of all members on the scene.

"Last year it was Qunet. He owned the transfer share ownership of our three players. Who else will this year? If this policy continues, it will not be long before the Hamburg players will become the private property of those investors! One day when they need money or are not interested in football, will they put pressure on the club? Can the club make the right decision without their interference?

Our club is going bad!

Wrong decision, wrong direction!

Such a policy must end! "

The chairman of the board of supervisors, Becker, repeatedly emphasized to the members that the club will not be influenced by investors, but apparently no one believes him.

Bednarek continued to press Chairman Hoffman.

"You have repeatedly reiterated that it will not be this way, it will not be that way, just like every time you promise to find an excellent coach but always let us down, we thank and support Reinhardt, but he has no management experience. Now we only It can be seen how he will perform, and other teams are already preparing for the new season and operating in the transfer market, but we don\'t even have a coach!

I don’t know if this is the first time I have heard President Hoffman say that he wants to find a suitable head coach for us. Today at noon I also heard that Hamburg may sign the Chinese marshal who just won the Champions League. I think this is A ridiculous joke, is Chairman Hoffman inciting the media to blow bubbles for us?

We won\'t be fooled anymore!

Just like the promise you made today, it is an insult to our IQ! "

Cheers from the audience!

The Hamburg members obviously support Bednarek’s remarks.

The chairman of the board of supervisors, Becker, had to shake his head and said: "We are working hard to make the club better!"

"But you are ruining burgers little by little! It starts when you distribute the player transfer income to investors!"

Bednarek made a tough counterattack immediately.

The chairman of the board of supervisors, Becker, pushed the microphone in front of him frustrated.

It seems that the board of supervisors and the board of directors have been forced into a speechless situation.

The scene seems to be in a stalemate.

At this time, the silent chairman Hoffman cleared his throat. He solemnly said to the microphone in front of him: "I need to make my position clear. First of all, the agreement we reached with Qunet last year does exist, but I, as the club president. To unilaterally announce the cancellation of this agreement, Hamburg will maintain the independence of the club\'s decision-making power without any interference from outsiders!

The chairman of the board of supervisors, Becker, looked at Hoffman with wide eyes, and he felt betrayal!

Originally, he supported Hoffman on this matter, but now Hoffman has sold him!

The members at the scene were stunned, including Bednarek!

Unexpectedly, Hoffman would compromise as soon as he spoke!

And then Hoffman\'s words completely shocked them.

"I think the theme of this membership meeting should have been the topic we discussed just now. It is now over, but before the meeting adjourns, I want to announce one thing. The Hamburg officials have not announced it to the public, but we have finalized the new coach. He should have signed a four-year contract with the Hamburg club about 5 minutes ago, accompanied by the sports manager Reinhardt. Now, let me introduce to you all that he will lead Hamburg to glory for at least four years. , The coach who regained his former glory!

He just won the Champions League trophy in Madrid ten days ago. He swept all trophies in France for two consecutive years. His name is...

Situ Yunbing! "

The members of the board of supervisors and the board of directors on the stage were surprised, and it was too late to think about Hoffman\'s betrayal. They acted in the same way as most of the shocked members in the audience and couldn\'t help standing up.

Because Hoffman took the lead and stood up, then smiled and applauded toward the entrance of the auditorium.

He was the only one applauding.

The door was opened from the outside. After it was completely opened, everyone on the scene focused on the door.

Under the attention of the public, Situ Yunbing of Yuxuanang, a suit and leather shoe, walked steadily into the auditorium with his head held up and his chest high in his hand.

When he walked onto the stage with a smile on his face to shake hands and hug Hoffman, everyone who was surprised was dumbfounded.

Because almost no one has seen Situ Yunbing so close, some people even wonder if it is the real young marshal!

But a member in the audience suddenly shouted: "It\'s him! The marvelous young marshal! He is right! My God! Is this true?

He really wants to coach Hamburg! "

As if someone had verified the authenticity of Situ Yunbing\'s identity, the auditorium was boiling instantly!

The members of the board of supervisors and the board of directors on the stage applauded, and took the initiative to shake hands with Situ Yunbing, and expressed friendly welcome to his joining.

The members in the audience burst into cheers and applauded enthusiastically, including the fan representative Bednarek. At this time, his eyes softened when he looked at Hoffman.

After all, there is no personal grievance between them, everything is for the better of the club!

Hoffman looked extremely happy, and the fanatical atmosphere on the scene made him feel like he had won everyone\'s support!

God knows how terrified he was at today\'s general meeting when he got up this morning, how a headache he felt!

Situ Yunbing looked at the enthusiastic Hamburg members at the scene.

It looks much better than his first day in Monaco.