Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 266: .266 Ready to Depart

A week after the European competition ended, Monaco was calm. Due to the status of the Principality of Monaco, fans here are more like watching the World Cup on the wall. At best, they will support the French team or their home country before immigrating here.

The azure coast is full of people, and there are endless tourists during the peak tourist season. Situ Yunbing sits in the cafe of the ocean hot spring bath. The window position overlooks the lively scene of the sea and the magnificent ocean waves. Looking up at the clear sky in the distance.

Alonzo was late, and his messy hairstyle was obviously too late to clean up. Situ Yunbing ordered a cup of coffee for him and said to him: "Thanks, I have already entered the holiday, but I have asked you to work overtime."

Alonzo smiled and said: "I should always be worthy of Porsche."

At the end of the season, Situ Yunbing privately gave him a Porsche sports car.

In the 2009-2010 season, he took away more than 8 million euros in salary and bonuses from Monaco.

Now that he has nearly ten million euros in assets, Situ Yunbing is also generous.

Alonzo took out a stack of papers from his bag, took a sigh of coffee and breathed out, cheered up and began to report the results of his work to Situ Yunbing seriously.

Three days ago, Situ Yunbing gave him a mission that surprised him.

Analyze the situation of several clubs, the possibility of hitting the league championship next season, and the potential plasticity of the club.

"The Premier League’s Tottenham club ranked fifth in the Premier League last season. The overall strength of the team is significantly behind Manchester United, Arsenal, and Chelsea. Now it may not even be comparable to Manchester City. Manchester City was fourth in the Premier League last season. They did not stop the pace of continuing to expand and strengthen the team.

But Tottenham’s player strength is still there, but the upper limit is not very optimistic. I think Modric, the core of the team, has the potential to become a world-class midfielder. Maybe he is just developing in a better environment. In terms of Spurs, it is very difficult for the club to compete with the Premier League giants in the Premier League next season, but it is not completely without opportunities. In terms of plasticity, due to the limited investment in the club by Chairman Levi, it is more hopeful. The spurs earn stable returns, so I am also cautious, but in fact, the club itself still has room for improvement.

La Liga’s Mallorca also won fifth in the league last season. This is the club’s highest ranking in La Liga in the past ten years. I have no more historical data and no reference meaning. This means that Mallorca almost played its limit last season. It is meaningless to simply analyze the strength of this team, because the degree of cruelty of competition in La Liga has exceeded the previous category. Last season, Real Madrid scored 96 points but could only get the runner-up. Barcelona won the championship with 99 points. Lorca wants to win the championship next season, even if the team is overthrown, it is difficult to bring in all first-tier stars, because the fault tolerance rate is too low, so I think this team is the least likely to win the championship. , No, it is exactly 0. If only Real Madrid or Barcelona dominate, there is still some hope. As long as next season does not perform well, other teams will have a chance, but both teams are so strong. It\'s impossible for other teams.

Palermo, in Serie A, ranked fifth in Serie A last season and is 17 points away from champion Inter Milan. This team has a strong plasticity because the team has always been a star processing factory and has done a lot of good deals in the past years, but If you want to compete for the championship, you need better staffing and better performance in the league. After all, there is still hope, but it is not very big, because Inter Milan has dominated Serie A for many years. Although it was only two points ahead of Rome last season, the BOSS I also know how strong the Inter Milan lineup is. In addition, Juventus has steadily improved after returning to Serie A. Naples, AC Milan, these teams all have the ambition and strength to compete for the championship.

The last team, Hamburg of the Bundesliga, ranked 7th in the Bundesliga last season. The results are not good, but not too bad. Hamburg is also very malleable, because they have been frequent changes in the Bundesliga team for many years. The team ranks among the top in the transfer market for investment over the years, but the team is always accompanied by problems of one kind or another, and when the record is not up to expectations, the stars will choose to leave. For example, the flag star Van der Vaart in previous years, The competition difficulty of the Bundesliga is lower than that of the other three leagues, but the strong players that cannot be ignored here are also well known. Bayern Munich, last season\'s Bundesliga runner-up Schalke 04, Schaff has managed Bremen for many years. There are Leverkusen, whose record has improved since Heynckes took over last year, Dortmund, who has come out of the trough, including Wolfsburg, Stuttgart, etc., whose defending champions declined last season. When Bayern Munich is strong, others The team has no chance. When Bayern Munich’s dominance declines, the Bundesliga is a melee. Similar to the French Ligue 1, in the past many years, apart from Bayern Munich, no other team in the Bundesliga has been able to defend the league, that is to say, many goals The team has the opportunity to taste the taste of winning. In the past ten seasons, in addition to Bayern Munich, Dortmund, Stuttgart, Wolfsburg, Werder Bremen have all won championships. This is also the birth of the championship in the four major leagues in the same period. In the most leagues, Hamburg also has the advantage that their financial situation has been very good. In 2009, they were the 15th club in the European club income rankings. This year, they are 11th, although they are different from the top Real Madrid. It\'s nearly three times the gap, but for Hamburg\'s record over the years, their revenue capacity is surprising enough, which also means that they have better financial support for the team.

Combining the strengths of these four clubs and the competitive environment in the league, I think that Mallorca can be eliminated directly. Palermo ranks last among the remaining three clubs. Tottenham and Hamburg have the highest probability, but they are also limited. "

Alonzo finished speaking in one breath, ordered a glass of lemonade and drank it.

Situ Yunbing remained silent and listened quietly, unable to see how he felt.

If he wants to leave Monaco, he has only these four options.

To his surprise, if he remembers correctly, last season’s Premier League’s fourth place should have been Tottenham, because in the original history Gareth Bale should have made Maicon famous in the Champions League half a year later. After checking the standings, Spurs turned out to be fifth. Perhaps Bale was brought to Monaco by him. Tottenham’s final results were affected and Manchester City took fourth place.

The standards given to his club by the system look similar.

La Liga, Premier League, Serie A, all ranked fifth last season.

And only the Bundesliga ranks seventh.

When he first accepted the challenge two years ago, he remembered that he was choosing mid- and lower-level teams in the league. In comparison, the competitiveness of the league was not as cruel as the top league. This time, he was given a choice, although the ranking Going up, it is even more difficult!

The reason why the Bundesliga is 7th instead of the same 5th, the reason should be that the competitiveness of the Bundesliga is relatively lower than the other three leagues, so the ranking of his team is also lower, and the difficulty of balancing the selection.

Just like Alonzo said, if you go to Mallorca, no matter how hard he toss, he will be a dead end. Wanting to steal the league title from Real Madrid and Barcelona is tantamount to grabbing food from the mouth. If you give him a foundation With an ambitious team, plus enough time, he is willing to challenge, but he must win the championship next season. This is simply impossible. It is not for Tom to shoot Mission: Impossible. The impossible task is not. It might be done.

He has nothing to consider for a team like Palermo. Serie A teams are now tightening their belts to live, and Juventus is determined to forge ahead in order to restore the glory of the past, but he has not been selected.

Only the Premier League’s Tottenham and Bundesliga’s Hamburg are left.

Really hell.

If the Bundesliga also gave him the fifth-ranked team to choose, then don\'t hesitate at all.

The fifth-ranked team in the Bundesliga last season was Dortmund led by Klopp!

There is foundation, ambition, and passion.

Tottenham, Hamburg, Tottenham, Hamburg, Tottenham, Hamburg...

In the depths of Situ Yunbing\'s heart, there was a pendulum that kept shaking from side to side.

Tottenham’s advantage is that the cards are good. At least the team has fighting power. If Hamburg is set to compete for the championship, then the team basically has no fighting power at all. Tottenham have at least half of the championship framework based on .

But when he thought of Chairman Levi, the Jew\'s style that he didn\'t seek honor and only wanted to make a fortune, Situ Yunbing only felt a mess.

Regardless of external competition, at least internal ambitions are needed.

Compared to choosing a club two years ago, Situ Yunbing is now more cautious, and at the same time his mindset has changed a lot.

"Boss, what use is it for you to let me analyze these teams? Are you predicting the dark horse for next season?"

Alonzo asked curiously.

Situ Yunbing smiled at him and said, "Which team do you think will become a dark horse?"

Alonzo scratched his head and said: "Tottenham, as long as they can withdraw from the Europa League battlefield from the beginning, concentrate on the main league, oh, and strengthen the team in the summer."

Situ Yunbing asked jokingly, but at this moment he fell into contemplation.

Yes, Tottenham still have the Europa League to play next season, which is a big burden for the league title. Even if honor is no longer valued, the revenue of the Europa League cannot be ignored.

Situ Yunbing knew that there was not much time left for him to make a decision. If he delayed one day, he would have one less time to prepare and build the team, so he must immediately make a decision!

Hit the league championship wholeheartedly!

He had left the throne of ease and made himself more difficult. He didn\'t want the game to kill him. On the contrary, he was exhausted and overworked.

Situ Yunbing looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window again, and then smiled at Alonzo: "Are you interested in going to Germany with me?"

Alonzo asked in surprise: "Where to go?"
