Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 265: .265 Hard to say goodbye

When Situ Yunbing opened his eyes again, he roared at Debondan with a ferocious expression like a beast!

"Scandal?! Damaged the image of Monaco?! Tell me! What is the image of Monaco\'s club? Noble? Honor? The board? You can just say the Monaco royal family!

Have they forgotten that the glory of Monaco today and the success of Monaco are not the result of every player on the field switching back? !

Without them, where would the glory come from? Where does the success come from? Where is the image of the **** who cares? ! "

De Bangdan knows that Situ Yunbing is defending the team and defending the position of his disciples, so he dare not speak out, it is too difficult for him to do it in the middle!

"Situ, they didn’t deny the team’s efforts. It’s just that Suarez’s behavior was unbelievable. He could commit malicious fouls, he could flop, and there was no problem, but biting people was not a football match. Appearing behavior."

Situ Yunbing laughed furiously and shook his head: "I\'m not discussing with you whether his behavior is right or wrong. Obviously, it\'s **** wrong. No competitive sports will tolerate biting. This is the **** common sense!

But the whole world can blame Suarez, condemn him, **** him to the gallows!

Only **** Monaco!

We don’t have to discuss why he behaved like this. Perhaps it was because of his growing up environment, living like a beggar’s childhood, or perhaps because of a single-parent family that made him only bite when he was bullied! I do not care!

He came to Monaco, he fought for Monaco, he brought honor to Monaco, this is what I care about!

We fight together, we should unite, we should treat him like family, he made a mistake, we can not argue for him, but when the whole world will attack him, how can we also ignore him?

Would you treat your family like this? Will the Monaco Royal Family?

Anyone with a little conscience wouldn\'t do this, right? !

So it can only be explained that the Monaco royal family does not think Suarez is our family at all. He is just a mercenary, a mercenary who has done meritorious service and deserves a salary, and pays for granted. If he makes a mistake, he will be expelled.

Just like me too. "

De Bondin quickly shook his head and said: "You are different. You are the coach everyone here likes to support. You have almost become the faith of Monaco!"

"I\'m not a god! I also make mistakes. I have also had times when I was pointed out by a thousand men. At that time, I hoped that someone could help me and stand by my side to defend me. The result? No, I still remember the Monaco royal family was there at that time. Disregarding the connection with me, you will certainly not forget it, because it has caused a lot of pressure on you.

I thank you, Mr. Chairman, really, from the bottom of my heart.

But I will not let my players, the players who fight for me, end up in the same situation as me. I will stand by his side and support him. This is my decision. You can tell the Monaco royal family and tell them clearly. They are just mascots. When Monaco was in the most difficult time, they couldn’t afford to help the team tide over the difficulties, and they wouldn’t defend anyone. They only cared about being spotless, so they were not qualified to do it for me. Decided. "

Situ Yunbing said these words frustratedly and turned to leave.

Without any hesitation, go to the interview after the game.

Debondan looked at his back and looked very tangled.

Unsurprisingly, it is one thing for Monaco to win the championship, but Suárez\'s rare behavior that is beyond ordinary thinking is more likely to attract media attention.

Situ Yunbing faced the reporters and let go of all his pride.

"First of all, Suarez\'s behavior is definitely a red card behavior, behavior that should be punished, behavior that should be prohibited.

I am as shocked as you are, unable to understand why he would bite.

I know that UEFA will definitely punish him after the game. I don\'t justify his behavior, but I beg UEFA to show mercy.

Suarez is a promising player, he is talented, he brings a lot of happiness to the fans, he committed a serious mistake today, I will hope that everyone will help him together, so that he will not have the same behavior in the future.

I also implore the media to show mercy...

Maybe no one would agree to this request. In any case, Suarez is not heinous. "

Situ Yunbing got up and bowed after saying this.

Some reporters at the scene looked at Situ Yunbing with complicated eyes. They could understand Situ Yunbing\'s determination and position to defend the players. This was his effort to win the support of the team, but as he himself said, no media would agree to his request!

This kind of news is bound to grab the attention.

Someone bit someone on the football field!

Even people who don\'t watch football may open the news curiously to see what\'s going on!

At this time, it is enough to say a few words for Suarez, but Situ Yunbing can make everyone on the scene feel his sincerity, which is not good!

Because many media will even put him in the target!

Regarding the game, Situ Yunbing is no longer in the mood to answer, and does not want to make any remarks about the Champions League final.

As a result, for a long, long time in the future, people will make decisions about the tactical change of the Monaco army attacking and scoring lore goals in the Champions League final. At that moment, Situ Yunbing had a gambling mentality or had a premeditated difficulty. The following conclusions.


The players of Monaco are not surprised by Situ Yunbing\'s behavior, and even take it for granted. If Situ Yunbing sits on the sidelines regardless of himself, it will surprise them.

They didn\'t have to guess and knew that if they were themselves, Situ Yunbing would do the same.

Monaco returned with praise. On the way back to Monaco, Situ Yunbing sat with Suarez. Suarez showed his heart to Situ Yunbing. Perhaps because he was an orphan, Situ Yunbing\'s confession can also touch Suarez. The mind of Si.

Situ Yunbing gave him a suggestion to reunite with his family after returning to Monaco to participate in the championship celebrations, not to pay attention to any news from the outside, and to see a psychologist to help him control his emotions and avoid future Biting happened again.

Suarezna was so good, he did not resist Situ Yunbing\'s suggestion, because he knew that Situ Yunbing was for his good and for his career.

What worries Situ Yunbing is that for the upcoming World Cup in South Africa, Suarez will definitely return to the public, and he will bear great pressure on the World Cup stage.


Situ Yunbing made his position clear, and the Monaco royal family chose to back down because they did not want to lose Situ Yunbing.

Moreover, the ship is done. After Situ Yunbing made a public speech, the club can only choose to protect Suarez.

The whole city of Monaco is celebrating the team\'s five championships this season!

After the bus won the championship parade, in the square outside the cathedral, there were crowds of people. When Situ Yunbing gave a speech, no matter what he said, everyone would cheer. At that moment, the whole city was shaking!

The Monaco royal family also held a grand celebration banquet for the team. Even Paris sent an invitation letter. French President Nicolas Sarkozy also hopes that the entire Monaco team can come to the Elysée Palace as a guest. After all, Monaco is a French team. The identity brought back the Champions League trophy!

When the celebration ended, the players of Monaco either went on vacation or prepared to go to the national team to report on the World Cup. Situ Yunbing talked to the players before they left. Some players expressed their desire to leave, not the club. Not good, but they want to play in a more competitive league or traditional giants.

Situ Yunbing did not stop them. He just said that he would come to the specific operation after the World Cup was over to give the club some time. At the same time, he hoped that after the World Cup, the transfer market will go through hype and the players\' worth will increase more.

Situ Yunbing has always been very open-minded in dealing with players\' choice to leave or stay.

At the Paris Hotel in Monte Carlo, Monaco at the end of May, Situ Yunbing stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at the beard on his chin. In the past week, he had participated in celebrations of one kind or another. After the outside activities, there were also activities in the team. Activities in the coaching staff, etc., he is too lazy to shave, perhaps the end of the work cycle, indeed people become a little lazy.

Sigrid came behind Situ Yunbing in a lace suspender nightdress, jumped on his back and wrapped his neck, and smiled in his ear: "Hey, champion, let me shave you? "

Situ Yunbing smiled and said, "Okay."

Sigrid has been by his side since the Champions League final. Today she will go back to work and will have a vacation three weeks later.

After Situ Yunbing had a sweet breakfast with her, she packed up and went away exquisitely.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t feel reluctant to give up, anyway, he was on vacation, and he could go to her anytime.

Situ Yunbing in casual clothes remembered the challenge of the game at this time.

He took out the tablet computer from his backpack, sat on the sofa in the living room and opened the game interface with a smile.

Sure enough, a dialog box popped up on the interface.

"Congratulations to the players for completing the season challenge goals, please receive the season rewards."

He opened the season reward and took a look, somewhat surprised.

Last season’s reward was an experience card.

There are actually two rewards for this season!

The experience of last season was used on De Gea, and the effect was good.

Now that he has two experience cards, he will not be small in helping him build the team in the future.

A new dialog box pops up in the game interface.

"Please choose a new season challenge goal."

Situ Yunbing\'s smile instantly solidified!

There are two options for the challenge goal of the new season.

The first option is: lead Monaco to complete the following season challenges.

Unbeaten in the league!

Champions League champion!

Situ Yunbing was like a bolt from the blue!

Unbeaten in the league?

That is to copy the league record this season, but Monaco has been unbeaten in 42 games across the season!

If you win the championship undefeated for two consecutive years, it means that the number of unbeaten league games across three seasons will reach an astonishing 80 games!

And the defending Champions League champion, this is simply impossible!

After Monaco won the championship this season, if you want to defend the title next season, you can only do it unless you have a leap beyond imagination!

And the European powers can no longer ignore the existence of Monaco!

Winning this season is a miracle, and defending next season will be a hundred times more difficult than a miracle!

Situ Yunbing only felt that the sky was spinning!

This is to kill him!

He put down the tablet, and stood up with a muddled expression on his mechanical movements. He didn\'t seem to have a trace of strength, but he burst into anger in an instant, bent down and overturned the coffee table in front of him with his hands!

Situ Yunbing, who has always been very gentle in life, vented all the anger in his heart with a smash in the hotel suite. When the house was full of chaos, he almost collapsed and sat in front of the French window, holding his head in his hands full of helplessness.

The first challenge option is almost suicidal, impossible to achieve!

The second challenge option is to leave and go to other leagues to lead other teams to win the league championship!

Now he has only a second way to go.

But he was extremely reluctant inside!

In Monaco, he is a champion marshal who sits on the throne and holds a scepter and is admired by others!

He can enjoy the beautiful scenery every day, he can enjoy the admiration of others, and he can reap the champions of French domestic events calmly. If it is not a matter of life and death, who can easily let go of all this?

If it’s not about life and death, it’s about losing the life he has now, the love he has, the wealth he has, and the beautiful future he has. He is willing to take risks and accept any hellish challenges, because failure is nothing more than a new start. , But he has no retreat, he can only be forced to leave, because he can\'t really take his life to gamble, at this moment he can only escape the most difficult option and try new adventures.


Volume One: The Pocket Principality splits the earth and seals the king, finally.

Next volume: The legendary group of Elbe is beautiful!