Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 25: .025 vs. Paris

When he woke up, Situ Yunbing was refreshed. After the bath, he changed into clean sportswear and went out, and walked along the eastern coast of France towards Monaco.

The sun is shining on the sea, and the clear sky is refreshing.

When Situ Yunbing entered the territory of Monaco, he became cautious.

He was afraid of being humiliated by his words and deeds after being met by the fans who resisted him.

But he walked through the lively streets this way, but no one made irresponsible remarks to him. What was even more surprising was that someone would suddenly say "good job" to him.

At first, Situ Yunbing would move away two steps in a slight shock to do a dodge, but when he was surprised, he found that passers-by were complimenting him, which made him want to smile but tried his best to restrain it.

Without responding to those passers-by, Situ Yunbing still walked into the club quickly.

It happened that De Bondan walked out of the parking lot, and he took the initiative to greet Situ Yunbing: "Situ, good morning, did a good job in Marseille yesterday!"

With just simple greetings and praise, Situ Yunbing could feel that De Bondan\'s attitude towards him has improved significantly!

Thinking of the next five league trials, Situ Yunbing didn\'t dare to get overwhelmed, but just nodded to De Bundan and said: "The team will get better in the future, trust me."

Debondan smiled and walked into the administration building.

Situ Yunbing went to the restaurant for breakfast.

After breakfast, he returned to his office to browse today\'s French media news reports.

The most sensational match in the sixth round of the league was when Monaco defeated Marseille 3:1 away!

The French media did not praise Situ Yunbing. Instead, they took the opportunity to kill Gretz!

Situ Yunbing was still a little unconvinced at first, but after reading the professional reviews of "French Football", he really felt that Gretz was unshirkable for the loss.

Marseille\'s underestimation is one of the reasons why Monaco won away from home!

After finishing the game in midweek, Liverpool was at home on the weekend, but facing Monaco, who had no retreat, Marseille wanted to swallow Monaco in one bite, but instead fell a big somersault at home!

There was a knock on the door, Situ Yunbing said please come in, and Alonzo\'s handsome face came into view with a smile.

He smiled and walked in with a glass of takeaway soft drink in his hand.

"You must have not slept last night, yes, this is the best coffee in Nice."

Situ Yunbing didn\'t expect the other party to bring him a drink. He smiled and said, "I slept well last night, but I would like to taste the best coffee in Nice."

After speaking, he took a sip and tasted the aftertaste for a while and said, "Well, not bad."

Alonzo scratched his head and said: "I didn\'t sleep well last night, and I guess you might not fall asleep either. The game last night was so exciting. I was excited until two o\'clock in the morning."

Situ Yunbing said casually: "That\'s also a thing of the past, by the way, do you know Puy Grenier?"

He remembered the third card drawn before going to bed last night.

Alonzo blurted out: "Of course I know that one of the best defenders last season was originally played for Nancy, but he moved to Zenit in St. Petersburg in the summer, which affected Nancy’s defense strength. It has a certain impact, I wrote about it in the report."

Situ Yunbing really did not carefully read the report he had submitted before, because there were more things to worry about, and he believed that Alonzo\'s report was only effective a week ago. Later, The more hysteresis.

Because the situation of the team is updated every week.

Later in the team training, Situ Yunbing and Alonzo conducted a post-match summary, and called out the video of the game last night and watched it again by fast forward or pause.

The feeling of watching the video is completely different from watching the football on the spot. Most of the time, the video can only see the partial information of the game. Of course, the focus is on the football trajectory. But watching the game from the sidelines, Situ Yunbing can see the players running without the ball. Position, position distance, formation compactness, overall offensive and defensive confrontation situation.

This kind of replay requires him to think about last night\'s game, find out the team\'s lack of performance and sum up, and then guide the players to improve in training.

When Situ Yunbing and Alonzo came to the training ground together, the coaches and players were all there. Situ Yunbing turned to Alonzo and asked in a low voice, "What time is it?"

Alonzo raised his wrist to look at his watch and told Situ Yunbing the time. They were not late.

This made Situ Yunbing relieved. If he is late for training as a coach, he is indeed very unprofessional and not dedicated.

Situ Yunbing saw that everyone was in good condition, and the players who played yesterday\'s game would definitely be exhausted, but their mental outlook was very positive.

Situ Yunbing asked Petty to preside over the recovery training, anyway, it was just a step-by-step training program for the club for a long time.

Situ Yunbing mainly supervised on the side, and also exchanged experience with some coaches about the game last night.

The morning training ended quickly. As everyone walked toward the restaurant, Nimani suddenly asked Situ Yunbing: "Hey, BOSS, can I continue to start the next game?"

Situ Yunbing was taken aback for a moment, and was probably caught off guard by the other party\'s "BOSS" call, but then immediately there was infinite pride in his heart.

His coach is no longer nominal!

Situ Yunbing laughed and said: "Then it depends on your training performance! I have high expectations of you, don\'t let me down."

Nimani was inspired and confidently said: "I will never let you down!"

At first, some players took the initiative to chat with Situ Yunbing, and Situ Yunbing also took the initiative to communicate with the players about the problems in the game performance during the break, hoping that the players can improve.

The atmosphere within the team gradually improved!

In fact, the team is sometimes very simple. One victory can change emotions, two victories change concepts, and three victories change beliefs!

What Situ Yunbing has to do now is to continue the current momentum, and to win, he can not only secure the position of Monaco coach, but also truly unite the team with him!

There is a French League Cup match in midweek. Monaco will play against Paris Saint-Germain at home.

France has two home cups, the same as England, one League Cup and one National Cup.

Originally, these two cups were basically used by the first-tier teams for training.

Unless you really get through to the top 8 and top 4, few teams will aim to hit the championship before that.

It is not an indicator of the performance of coaches. Secondly, the teams in the first group of the league have to fight on multiple lines. Distraction in the European war is already their limit, and it is difficult to separate energy to focus on the local cup.

The second group hopes to play well in the league to impact the European war next season!

The center of gravity of the mid-lower team is of course relegation.

Therefore, this unrecognized local cup is more of a parade stage for the club\'s second-tier teams.

But Situ Yunbing really can\'t ignore the League Cup in midweek.

There are two main reasons. One is that he coached two games, losing at home and winning away. The League Cup is the third game he coached. How can he not pursue victory at home?

Especially in the context of Monaco fans boycotting him.

The second reason is even more important. Monaco has played against Paris Saint-Germain this season.

In the league opener of the new season, Monaco defeated visiting Paris Saint-Germain 1-0 at home.

The coach at the time was Brazilian Gomez, who was dismissed by De Bondin after he won the victory for three consecutive games!

In other words, although his predecessor had a bad record in 4 league games, he defeated Paris Saint-Germain!

Moreover, the time interval was just over a month. Situ Yunbing led his team to compete with Paris Saint-Germain again. How could he not pay attention to the result?

If you lose, it will inevitably give the impression that he is not as good as Gomez!

Those main players who have been delegated to the reserve team by him will definitely use this as a handle to attack Situ Yunbing violently!

They can beat Paris Saint-Germain in battle!

For these two reasons, Situ Yunbing paid more attention to this League Cup than the league!