Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 24: .024 win respect!

The game is over.

Situ Yunbing did not shake hands with his opponent coach after the second game in a row.

Gretz was so angry that he left the field.

After Situ Yunbing was relieved, he suddenly became extremely relaxed and walked into the court to praise the performance of the players. The young Chinese coach also won the recognition of many players after this victory!

Today, while Merian shines, young centers Nimani and Moreau also performed well!

It is easier for young players to recognize the coach. After all, Situ Yunbing gave them a chance to play. In the current situation of the team, if they can sit firmly in the main position at the beginning, they will get stable playing time for a long time!

So after this battle, many young players support Situ Yunbing in their hearts.

Those 8 players who were delegated to the reserve team had better never come back!

If Situ Yunbing is fired, then the new coach has a high probability of transferring those eight players back to the first team.

This is a situation that many players on the first team do not want to see.

When Situ Yunbing put his arms around Moreau and praised the other party\'s performance, Moreau smiled contentedly and energetic!

Situ Yunbing was stopped by reporters in the mixed zone after entering the player passage.

Facing reporters for post-match interviews, Situ Yunbing wore a triumphant smile on his face. Not only was the confidence of the team back, in fact, after this victory, he gradually gained confidence!

"It was an unexpected victory. The team had just experienced a disastrous defeat last week. There are still many negative rumors surrounding the team. Have you ever thought about a surprising victory at the Velodrome Stadium today? "

Facing reporters’ questions, Situ Yunbing smiled calmly and said: “The outside world always likes to exaggerate the facts. Monaco has undergone a change of coach and the team needs a process of running-in. This is a normal phenomenon. Negative rumors? After our performance today, do you think Monaco has a problem?

We performed much better today than last week. This is the reward of our hard work. At the same time, it represents that the team’s hard work is in the right direction. Although I dare not say that we have absolute confidence to win this game before the game, Marseille is a very Strong opponent, but we are not afraid of the opponent. We played the expected level in this game and got the desired result. "

The reporter smiled and asked again: "But now Monaco fans are boycotting you, what do you think about this?"

Situ Yunbing can be tough on the players, but he is relatively gentle on the fans.

"I understand the feelings of Monaco fans very much. If you are me, I will definitely be dissatisfied with an unfamiliar coach and the tragic defeat of the coaching debut. But I think many Monaco fans do not understand me. a process.

I can’t ask the fans to support me. The focus of my work is to train the team and lead the team to get good results. I hope that the fans can return to the stadium when the team’s record continues to improve. It doesn’t matter if they don’t support me. But the players deserve the applause and cheers of the fans, and the team also needs their support. "

Situ Yunbing\'s remarks are very humble, but there is no way, who has messed up his debut.

The reporter\'s next question made Situ Yunbing\'s smile disappear.

"Marseille coach Gretz said before the game that the Monaco club hired you was a joke. What\'s your response to this? Some players who have been abandoned, including Monaco, also expressed similar views in an interview."

Situ Yunbing shook his head slightly and said coldly: "If the players perform well enough but lose the game, then they have reason to put the blame on the coach. Obviously, some players in Monaco just evade irresponsibly. Their words and deeds prove Because they are not worthy to play for the team, we don\'t have such players in our lineup today, so we showed the qualities and abilities that a team should have from start to finish, and we won.

As for Gretz, I don\'t know what qualifications he has to make irresponsible remarks to Monaco.

Maybe he has rich experience in coaching so that he thinks he has enough qualifications, but if I were him, coaching for more than 15 years without getting a decent honor, I would have no complacency, and I would shut up quietly and try to win something. There is only one difference between me and him now. He coaches Marseilles and I coaches Monaco. Both me and his coaching honor books are blank. I will not judge others, but he seems to be able to give pointers.

To put it bluntly, this game told him what it means to be humiliated! "

Situ Yunbing\'s words surprised the reporter. Perhaps Situ Yunbing\'s words were too sharp, and it might even cause conflicts between the two clubs.

But isn\'t this the news material that reporters most hope to get?

Situ Yunbing is not grandstanding, but Gretz\'s pre-match remarks have indeed crossed the line. He not only wants to defend himself, but also defend the club!

Monaco he coaches, even at the level of public opinion, cannot be criticized and commented at will!

After saying this, Situ Yunbing turned and left. When he returned to the locker room, he found that the players were celebrating the victory. Everyone was talking and laughing. Some players even leaned together singing songs, and some players danced.

A scene of singing and dancing.

He knows that the players have been depressed for too long, and a certain degree of celebration through this victory is not excessive.

The coaches in the locker room all looked at Situ Yunbing. Everyone saw that his eyes had changed, and the smiles showed his admiration and a certain degree of recognition.


Office of the Chairman of the Executive Building of the Monaco Club.

Chairman De Bondin was sitting on the sofa holding a glass of wine. The red wine on the coffee table had bottomed out. The wall-mounted TV was showing the highlights of the game. De Bondin couldn\'t help lighting a cigar and spitting out a puff of smoke. Know what I am feeling right now.

Just over the phone with Prince Albert, he lied that he watched the game at home.

The two exchanged on this victory for 20 minutes. It was obvious that both the chairman and the prince who represented the Monaco royal family on the board of directors were very excited about this victory!

De Bondin actually did not dare to go home to watch the game, for fear that another defeated game would make him take a bad mood home, so he hid in the office to watch the game.

He thought that if he loses this game again, he will let Situ Yunbing get out early tomorrow morning. As for whether a new coach can be found, it doesn’t matter anymore, even if the same inexperienced Petty becomes The interim coach will also drive away Situ Yunbing.

But who ever wanted to take a turn for the better, Monaco won, and winning so exciting!

During the game, the Monaco players showed an overall tough and clear tactical ability, which really made De Bondin feel incredible.

This is what Situ Yunbing promised to be a "new look"!

De Bondan smoked a quarter of his cigar and drank the last red wine in the glass. He got up and put on his jacket. Before turning off the lights and going home, he couldn\'t help but smile when he remembered a comment from the commentator while watching the game. I said to myself again.

"It\'s better to be late than absent!"


Although Monaco fans resisted Situ Yunbing and did not go to the stadium to watch the football, it does not mean that they would not go to the Monaco game.

The fans who watched the game at home with friends or in the bar have already swept away their disappointments, and replaced them with the team’s goals and cheers for the victory!

Situ Yunbing responded to Gretz\'s remarks in an interview after the game, which made many Monaco fans applaud!

It is not certain whether the fans will return to the stadium to support the team in the next game, but at least they will be happy because the team beat Marseille in the away game this night!


Monaco triumphed from Marseille. When Situ Yunbing got off the car at Capde, the players and coaches still sitting in the car took the initiative to say goodbye to him.

This made Situ Yunbing almost want to cry after getting off the car. He had been ignored by the people around him before, but now everyone is active and enthusiastic towards him. He knows that he has won the respect of everyone through the work of forgetting sleep and eating and leading the team to win the game!

It was midnight, and the entertainment venues in Capday were closed. There were few rooms in the hotel apartments with lights on, and everyone had gone to sleep.

Situ Yunbing walked along the sidewalk towards his bachelor apartment under the illumination of the street lights. From time to time there was a cold sea breeze passing by, but he felt that his whole person was fiery, and the continuous warm current from his heart made him reversed. Very energetic.

In the past week, apart from going home to change clothes, he has never slept at home, either on the sofa or on the floor in the office. When he lay down on the bed in the bachelor apartment, he had never missed this ordinary Single bed.

Looking at the ceiling, Situ Yunbing couldn\'t help smiling. He stretched out his palm and clenched it in the void. He suddenly remembered the game, so he immediately took out the tablet from his bag.

After opening it, he looked at the prompt message on the game interface. After he clicked it, the card drawing interface he saw last week appeared.

Two rows of eight buckled cards, the top shows: Congratulations to Monaco defeating Marseille 3:1 away in the 6th round of the Ligue 1 league, 3 cards can be drawn.

Situ Yunbing exclaimed: "If you win, you can draw 3 cards!"

The effect of the cards is still very obvious. Today Merian\'s performance of two shots and one pass is the best proof!

Although it is not ruled out that Marseille was a bit deceived, and Situ Yunbing\'s tactical power did make a great contribution, Merian\'s personal bravery was unexpected.

Situ Yunbing rubbed his hands, hoping to draw three good cards. He already knew the scope of the draw, the best team in Ligue 1 last season!

But if he draws three goalkeepers, then he really wants to cry.

After carefully selecting and drawing the first card, Situ Yunbing saw the card flashing in the center of the screen, and he couldn\'t help but want to laugh.

Karim Benzema!

Lyon striker Benzema!

This is one of the best forwards of the new generation in European football.

Pump again!

After drawing the second card expectantly, Situ Yunbing was equally excited.

Gerald Wendell!

Played for Bordeaux\'s left wing last season!

Although he doesn\'t know Wendel well, Situ Yunbing actually cares more about where the card players are drawn.

After drawing the last card, Situ Yunbing saw Sebastian Puigrenier\'s card.

Played for Nancy\'s central defender last season.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t have much excitement now, because he didn\'t know whether this player was a good card, but since it was a card at the center back position, it could also improve the team\'s defensive ability.

Situ Yunbing put away the tablet computer contentedly, and then fell asleep as soon as possible. He has to replenish his energy, and the team will have to fight a tough battle at home in a few days. The opponent is Paris Saint-Germain!