Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 197: .197 tempered growth under the intensive schedule

The problem before Situ Yunbing is going to the Home Cup. It is basically impossible for him to really come up with a full lineup to challenge before entering the top 8.

Substitutes must be used. This is the foundation for the substitute players to work their lives safely. They cannot be the main players, because the main players are also humans, not machines, and their energy and state will fluctuate. In this kind of game that people don’t pay much attention to. Go all out?

That\'s just talking about it.

Even if Situ Yunbing is the most special existence in Monaco, he can dominate the overall situation, but he is unwilling to risk the world and violate the collective will. It is tantamount to digging his own grave.

Therefore, he can only put all the substitutes on the field as the starter against Tur, and then bring all the important main players on the bench. He personally analyzes the opponent very seriously, studies the opponent, designs tactics, and prepares for the game. Doing enough.

The rest depends on the performance of the players on the field. If the signs are wrong, he may complete substitutions at any time to let the main players come on the field.

Situ Yunbing was cautious and solemn, but the trend of the game made people feel that he was a bit unreasonable.

Monaco\'s bench lineup performed like a wolf at home, and the gap between Tour and Monaco\'s strength is somewhat large, and there is no way to fight back in the away game.

Even Mangani scored in the game. Situ Yunbing finally felt relieved in the 40 minutes of the first half, because Monaco had a 3-0 lead.

The main players may not have such a good effect, because the fighting will of the substitute players is too strong, and the fighting spirit is stronger!

They have plenty of physical stamina and desire to win, and they are naturally smooth when their opponents are not strong.

Monaco eventually beat Tours at home 6:0 and entered the next round of the French Cup.

Four days later, Monaco rushed to an away game to challenge Toulouse. The starting lineup remained unchanged, but the trend of the game was twists and turns. Monaco has no shortage of goals, but it is difficult to stop Toulouse from not scoring.

Toulouse probably also wants to understand, they are basically difficult to enter the Champions League in the league, it is better to try to get a good result in the local arena, so they played a terrifying game with Monaco.

At the end of the first half, the score had become 3:3.

The goal was like a bamboo tree. When Monaco fell behind in the second half, Situ Yunbing decisively went to Suarez and Moro. Monaco was not equalized by Nimani until the 80th minute of the game. After 4 minutes, Suarez contributed a lore!

Then Monaco entered a state of defense for the whole army. Situ Yunbing commanded quite passionately from the sidelines, and those who didn\'t know thought it was a league championship battle!

When the final whistle sounded, Situ Yunbing himself felt a little faint.

What made him relieved was that he finally won the game.


Monaco won extremely thrilling.

Fortunately, the team successfully reached the quarter-finals of the French League Cup.

Three days later, Monaco played against Sochaux at home and the second half of the league officially kicked off.

Sending the main force to battle, Situ Yunbing was much calmer when he commanded the game.

His adjustment to Monaco in the game is nothing more than to emphasize the team\'s formation switch.

From 442 to 343, it became 451 after leading two goals.

He needs the team to strengthen the thinking loop of the formation and retraction. When they can respond to the situation on the field smoothly and freely, then the team has reached the most ideal state based on this lineup.

Monaco defeated their opponents 3:0 at home, with no blood.

Three days later, Monaco rushed to Paris to challenge Paris Saint-Germain at the Parc des Princes.

Paris Saint-Germain has shown a downward trend again this season. These years, Paris Saint-Germain always gives people the feeling that the state is ups and downs. When their performance improves slightly and the ranking is close to the championship group, they will quickly slip to the middle.

This team has really reached its lowest point, and the famous players who have returned to Ligue 1 are old and unable to carry them. Young players are capable of good, but it is difficult to provoke the leaders.

The goal rate of center Varro last season was quite high, but this season has fallen sharply. The main reason is that it was targeted by opponents, just like why Monaco is always changing because the situation is changing!

Keeping up with this rhythm and speed, the team can maintain a high level for a long time and have record guarantees.

Paris Saint-Germain tried hard to defend the dignity of the home court at home, but facing Monaco, which has mature play style and good combat effectiveness, their resistance is really limited.

In the end, Monaco scored twice with Gareth Bell and Wiltonghen\'s goal to win the opponent 3:1 away!

Three days later, Monaco played against Lyon at home. In the 1/16 final of the French Cup, Monaco was too lucky to sign and was drawn directly to Lyon. Maybe Lyon thinks so too. Their luck is terrible.

When Puel’s team visited the Louis II Stadium again, they directly sent the second team. In the league, Lyon was at least 5 points behind the Champions League team, so Puel resolutely gave up the home cup and looked at the second team. It is more in the interest of the club to create a miracle and keep the energy to hit the Champions League in the league.

Monaco has also dispatched most of the team\'s bench lineup. Situ Yunbing is pleased that the team\'s bench lineup performed well in January, even playing Lyon at home completely suppressed the opponent\'s momentum.

It\'s just that the team lacked some scoring luck until the end of the game in the melee in front of Lyon, Witsel shot the ball into the opponent\'s goal to complete the lore!

With this goal, Monaco reached the top 16 of the French Cup.

After the game, Situ Yunbing was full of praise for the team\'s bench lineup!

In three days, Monaco will challenge Guingamp away to the French League Cup quarter-finals!

There will be games this month from January 9th, until the end of the month, Monaco has a game every three days!

The tight schedule made Situ Yunbing almost exploded!

Even the coaches are urging Situ Yunbing to pay more attention to his body and take more rest. They really can\'t understand why Situ Yunbing attaches great importance to the local Cup.

But every time a substitute player sees the opponent\'s information compiled by Situ Yunbing before the game, he analyzes the opponent\'s strengths and weaknesses well, and speaks well. Of course, the substitute players admire Situ Yunbing very much in their hearts, and they are intuitive. Really feel the sense of being valued by the head coach, and send them to the battlefield. It is not a perfunctory matter, or to kill time through the motions, or really want to win the opponent and win!

In this way, even the substitute players were willing to work for Situ Yunbing, and also reminded them to attach great importance to the game!

Guingamp’s strength is not strong, and it is really difficult to contend against the aggressive and murderous Monaco in the main scene. In the past month, the most shining player in Monaco\'s formation is none other than Nimani. He played more reliably in the abusive game. Spectrally, Monaco has created a lot of opportunities for him. The probability of him turning into a goal is actually not high, but because there are too many opportunities, the total number of goals is also quite large.

Playing Gingamp today, he scored twice and helped the team win the away game 2:0.

Monaco successfully reached the semi-finals of the French League Cup!

A week later, they will play against Marseille at home to compete for tickets to the final.

Three days later, Monaco played against Nice in the 22nd round of the league.

Situ Yunbing continues to use the starting lineup of substitute players. This is the third consecutive game in the past week for the substitute-based lineup!

He intends to activate the main lineup in the match against Marseille in four days!

Monaco is still quite active in playing Nice, and Nice is also very motivated. The two teams played very fiercely at the Louis II Stadium. In the end, Monaco was still better and won the game with a score of 3:2.

The second half of the season started the league with three consecutive victories!

Four days later, Monaco played at home against Marseille.

Deschamps led the team to Louis II Stadium is actually quite embarrassing, although they have the intention to enter the League Cup final.

But the critical situation that fell out of the Champions League in the league forced them to make a choice.

The reason why some French media suggested that Monaco abandon the local Cup is because Monaco has won and promoted and filled their schedule!

Since the start of the second half of the season, the brutal schedule of one match every three days has lasted for almost a month!

Because it has already advanced to the next round of the French Cup, Monaco will be a match every three days until the first round of the Champions League with Real Madrid!

This is entirely due to the pressure of the schedule brought by Monaco\'s consecutive victories. If they are out early, they may be able to play on a Monday in February, with sufficient time to prepare for Real Madrid and sufficient physical advantage.

Objectively speaking, Situ Yunbing was a bit hard-line and stubborn, but others didn\'t know why he had to win and he couldn\'t afford to lose.

However, under the cruel pressure of this intensive schedule, there is still a positive help for the team. Players are trained and grow under pressure. Situ Yunbing\'s insistence on rotation did not consume excessively on the main lineup.

Perhaps at this time, looking back at this time a month ago, Situ Yunbing said that every player in Monaco is useful. It is not an empty word that every player has been fully used!

Deschamps has too many concerns about Marseilles, and Monaco\'s full main force is naturally to win the battle. Situ Yunbing still insists on allowing the team to switch formations back and forth during the game, which is higher and faster than the previous switching frequency!

At the beginning of the drill, after a game, the time ratio of almost three formations is 2:2:1, mostly 442 and 343, and 451 is only used in the final stage of each half.

Not many changes.

But when playing Marseille today, Situ Yunbing allowed the team to switch the formation four times in the first half, and it was almost the same number in the second half!

As the Monaco players are enhancing the proficiency of the formation, their natural agility will increase accordingly.

Monaco frequently switches lineups, sometimes strengthens offense, sometimes balances or strengthens defense just to make Marseille feel dizzy. They always lag behind Monaco in rhythm. Situ Yunbing’s rotation strategy has been greatly appreciated by the French media because Monaco is in company. Win.

Situ Yunbing\'s on-the-spot command in the game has also become a unique landscape on the French football field. He always looks more focused than other coaches, and has ideas and plans for the game.

Marseille was killed by the main team of Monaco in the away game. Gareth Bale, Moreau and Suarez shined in the audience. In the end, Monaco won Marseille 4:1 at the Louis II Stadium for two consecutive years. Enter the French League Cup final!

They will compete again with Bordeaux in the League Cup final!