Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 196: .196 can't afford to lose!

During the Christmas holidays, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid went to New York, USA for two days to see the bustling metropolis and meet the world, and then headed to their island in Canada.

Sigrid and Situ Yunbing looked at each other speechlessly when they went to sea from the eastern coast of Canada to ride the wind and waves and arrived on their private island.

The island is a waste of time, and the project is still in the most basic construction. There is only one way to go. The two hold hands and look at the desolate island against the cold sea breeze. If they tell them that this is the paradise they will live in, They will definitely turn around and leave, and immediately forget about the island.

A virgin forest remains in the north of the island, and other areas will be rebuilt.

After communicating with the person in charge of the project, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid left the island. It is really not worth seeing, but the two of them still wandered around in the nearest port city. If they live on the island If you do, you will definitely need to visit the nearest city to see how the environment is, and it is necessary to understand the local customs.

The holiday was very leisurely. In addition to the long flight time, Situ Yunbing was relieved physically and mentally.

Entering 2010, Situ Yunbing returned to the club and began to work in the second half of the season.

He was also surprised that many fans mailed him Christmas gifts. He was very moved, but the gifts were not opened to see. The staff of the entrusted club were all forwarded to the welfare community in Nice.

De Bondan repeatedly confirmed to him about signings in the winter, and Situ Yunbing took the trouble to inform him time and again that there was no need for signings.

The players came back and started training, without the spur of Situ Yunbing. Every player was training very seriously. After the first day of training, Situ Yunbing saw De Gea and they went to the reserve training ground for long shots as before. Situ Yunbing followed up with the rescue training.

After Witsel took a shot, Situ Yunbing clapped his hands and walked into the court. He slipped and almost fell to the ground, only to realize that water was poured on the turf.

The players almost laughed out loud. When they thought that the watering idea was invented by Situ Yunbing, there was a feeling of gloating.

He didn\'t fall down and didn\'t flash his waist, but Situ Yunbing still had lingering fears, and almost made a big deal.

He pretended that nothing happened before beckoning to the players, everyone came to him, Situ Yunbing first said to De Gea: "I think your long-range save training can temporarily come to an end. In the game, whenever you are scored by your opponent with a goal of more than 20 yards, then you will strengthen this training for three days. I have re-formulated your training plan. The goalkeeper coach will tell you in detail tomorrow."

Then he said to other players: "If you only strengthen long-range training every day, it will definitely be boring, so I hope that if you want to practice more, you will practice more team pass coordination and improve your kick as much as possible. And the habit of taking the initiative to move in search of free time.

The players agreed, and Situ Yunbing told them not to train too late and then left.

The training plan of Monaco in the second half of the season is definitely different from the first half of the season. Players\' strengths and skills and tactics are changing. Of course, training also needs to change.

Team affairs are in order. Since Situ Yunbing took office for more than a year, the Monaco team has formed a self-contained circle, and all sides are in order.

Two days before Monaco\'s departure for the French Cup, Situ Yunbing was stopped by the club clerk when he left the club in the afternoon and said that he had a letter to him.

Situ Yunbing wondered, does he believe?

Is it weird?

No, it\'s so commonplace.

Too many fans from all over Europe wrote to him. Those were fans of Monaco. At first, Situ Yunbing would read a few letters. Basically, the content didn’t differ much, until he saw a letter that vilified him. After that, he won\'t read these strange letters again, he has heard enough praises, and there is no need to ruin his mood with foul language.

The clerks of the club would not notify Situ Yunbing of letters from fans. They also got Situ Yunbing\'s permission to open the letters without authorization to avoid missing important letters, but basically they are divided into categories. Good letters Collect them as one category. If one day Situ Yunbing remembers it, you can check it, and those slanderous or threatening letters will also be collected. If one day Situ Yunbing is attacked by a fan, he might be able to act against him. Evidence.

At this time, the clerk informed Situ Yunbing that there was a letter, and he knew that the letter must be unusual.

Sure enough, when he took the opened letter and found that it was from China, he didn\'t worry about it. After driving back to the hotel, he opened it while having dinner in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the room.

The afterglow of the setting sun on the blue coast is shining brightly. Will a letter from the motherland across the ocean make Situ Yunbing excited?


This is a letter from a college classmate. The person who wrote the letter is named Hu Ke. The two of them were working and studying together when they were in college. They had no contact after graduation. Before returning to 2008, Situ Yunbing spent the New Year. At the age of 30, I heard news about Hu Ke from his classmates QQ group. I heard that he was charged with illegal fund-raising.

This time, Hu Ke’s letter not only recounted the past with Situ Yunbing, but also introduced that he is now engaged in a charitable fund project. It is very straightforward that he hopes that Situ Yunbing can invest in their fund, not only can manage money and make money, but also give back to the society for charity. , Several things in one fell swoop.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, in fact, many illegal organizations have emerged in China under the guise of charity to raise funds illegally or privately use donations. Perhaps Hu Ke is now engaged in it.

Situ Yunbing calmly finished reading the letter, and calmly threw the letter into the trash can, and then ate dinner while enjoying the beauty of the blue coast.

He doesn\'t speculate whether Hu Ke\'s project is true or not. If he hadn\'t lived so many years of social experience before, maybe he would really invest based on the friendship of his classmates.

From his perspective, the investment is really not worrying about the target. Using his monthly salary of nearly 300,000 euros to invest in real estate in China, he can get a very good return, but how much money he makes is not his goal, his goal is to live. Go down and live well!

However, this unexpected letter reminded Situ Yunbing that he really should do charity.

A sword of Damocles always hangs above his head.

Games can bring him rebirth.

Games can also bring him sudden death!

Is it far away?

No, it’s not far away. Just this month, the French Cup and the French League Cup will start at the same time. If Monaco\'s two fronts are broken, then Situ Yunbing will bid farewell to the world without even seeing the Champions League knockout.

He wants to win!

But he still wondered what would happen if he died suddenly?

Everything he owns will disappear for him, but the money in the bank account can\'t be cheapened by capitalist countries.

Now he should plan what to do with his property if he is gone one day.

Thinking of this, Situ Yunbing laughed at himself, feeling like he was thinking about how to make a will.


The next afternoon, the press conference before the French Cup strictly stated that the night game was not attractive. Monaco\'s opponent was the low-level team Tour, but the theme of the press conference was basically related to Monaco\'s off-get off work schedule.

Asked by the reporter about the progress of the work of recruiting Monaco in the winter window, Situ Yunbing said frankly: "At present, we have no plans to recruit. Although the team lineup feels a bit thin, I don\'t think Monaco has any players who are waiting to die. There are no players who can fill up the numbers. Everyone in our team is useful, so we and those who have 25 people, but there will always be 3 or 4 players in a season, basically playing less than 200 minutes of the team lineup. The thickness of the bench is about the same.

In addition, it’s a bit difficult to sign up for the Winter Window. We don’t want to spend the wrong money and sign up for the sake of signing up. If we don’t meet our requirements, we would rather not sign up. Based on these two points, it is not that our work has not made progress, but Is not invested in this work at all.

I am very satisfied with the current lineup. "

French reporters still hope that Monaco can continue the magic of Situ Yunbing in the past two transfer windows.

In the past two transfer windows, Situ Yunbing’s signings are almost regarded as classics. It took him a year to build a brand-new Monaco, which made the team reborn and replaced players quickly, but The players in the team are improving rapidly, which shows that his vision is very vicious.

Indeed, Situ Yunbing can still find a few potential players like Matic and Vertonghen, but the foundation may not be that good, but there is no need, not that they are not good enough in the future, but what Situ Yunbing wants is Now, not in the future, there is no need to waste your mind. Monaco will face Real Madrid in 41 days. How can it be possible to buy a little demon and develop the strength to play the main force or take a step back and trust the bench? ?

Even with card bonuses is not realistic.

Regarding whether he will abandon the local cup for the league and the Champions League in the second half of the season, Situ Yunbing is very satisfied with the reporter\'s question.

He needs to express his attitude publicly to sound the alarm for the players!

"We will not give up any game, a championship, whether it is a coach or a player once they get used to giving up, then I think the long-term impact is greater than the actual benefits. Some people think that even the rich team will despise the local cup. , Monaco has no capital to treat the same in multi-line operations.

But I think we are a young team. The important thing is our attitude and fighting spirit. We are not old foxes and cannot efficiently choose the benefits of the game. The reality before our eyes is whether we are willing to bear the loss of being defeated by our opponents. And blow?

I was unwilling to fight with all my strength, but I lost and I was convinced.

But if it is because of contempt or lack of will to win at all, then this is unacceptable! "

Situ Yunbing hopes his words can be taken seriously by the players!

Because he definitely can\'t afford to lose in the local cup!

Losing any front in January will make him sleepless in the days to come!