Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 650

The words of the beautiful boss made Li forget his worries and tangle all night. The next day, he got out of bed with a pair of black circles under his eyes, yawned and rode to the Tongming gate next to yeting palace.

The reason why he came here early in the morning was naturally to wait for Li Er and accompany Li Er to the Jokhang ballpark.

Before long, Li Er, dressed in casual clothes, led Mituo, followed by more than a dozen palace guards in the same casual clothes, out of the Tongming gate.

"Ha ha, Ziyou is really trustworthy. Let\'s go. It\'s getting late. Don\'t delay the ball game." Li Er didn\'t talk nonsense and urged his horse to go south of the city.

However, Mituo grabbed the horse\'s belly and urged the horse to come to Li forgetful. By the way, Li Er didn\'t pay attention to their stall in front of him, he whispered to Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, there\'s something I don\'t know what to say."

Li forgets his worries and wonders. As the head of the internal attendant beside Li Er and the provincial supervisor of the internal attendant Province, how can he talk haltingly?

"Mito, just say what you want."

Mito lowered his voice: "everyone, he doesn\'t know how he reacted to the article he wrote in the ball newspaper. Don\'t let Huxian Bo slip his tongue later."

Li forgot to worry and was surprised. What does Mito mean?

He didn\'t care about the ball newspaper at all recently, and he didn\'t know what repercussions there were after the launch of the ball newspaper. After all, Li forgets worry. He is not a spy leader. Where will he care about these.

"Mito, what do you say?"

"Huxian uncle, don\'t you know?"

Li forgot to worry and was speechless. What do I know?

Seeing Li forgetting to worry, Mituo quickly told him what Baiqi had told him. After hearing that the people in the market scoffed at the ball reviews written by Li Erhua\'s name "Li Tianshou", Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help feeling a little funny.

The people of Chang\'an City really don\'t give Li Er face.

But it\'s also normal. The devil knows who this "Li Tianshou" is. Compared with Du he, the son of the Laiguo government, it\'s no surprise that the people are more willing to believe the latter.

"Mito, doesn\'t it matter? It\'s normal for your majesty to write a ball review under his pseudonym. The people don\'t know." Li forgets to worry about why Mito is so nervous and asks him to keep it a secret.

Mito looked bitter: "Huxian Bo, you don\'t know. Everyone cares about the ball review he wrote. If they know that the people in the market despise the ball review, they don\'t look good on his face, do they?"

This is also the truth when Li forgets to worry.

Li Er is a good-looking emperor. This kind of thing can be avoided immediately. If Li Er gets angry because the people don\'t give him face, I don\'t know who will be unlucky at that time.

He nodded to Mito, saying that he knew it and would try to cover it up.

If you want to come, Li Er won\'t run to the court. Just pull people and ask others how to read the ball review? By the end of today\'s game, it will be over.

If Li Er\'s guess is accurate, then naturally "Li Tianshou" will serve again, and the people will choose to believe what he said. If you guess the wrong result, Li Er has no face to worry about the people\'s attitude towards his ball review.

Li forgot to worry and Mito\'s abacus played very well, but unexpectedly, Li Er didn\'t play cards according to the routine, which directly exposed the matter.

When the party arrived at the stadium, Li Qieyou took out the prepared tickets and invited Li Er to enter. However, Li Er waved his hand and was not in a hurry to take his seat in the goal field. Instead, he paced to the place selling lottery tickets outside the field.

Li forgot to worry and Mituo looked at each other, and they both saw something bad in each other\'s eyes.

"Uncle, why don\'t you go first? There are so many people late. I\'m afraid it\'s unsafe." Li forgets worry and quickly finds an excuse to persuade him.

Li Er ignored him: "the world is bright, why is it not safe? Son worry, don\'t learn from Mito."

Li forgets to worry and stealthily wipes the sweat on his forehead. Knowing that it\'s useless to say more, he can only go with Li Er. He just hopes that this goods will not become angry later. Just be angry with others.

Li Er took out a ingot of five Liang gold ingots from his waist and bet one or two gold lottery tickets according to the five teams selected in his ball review.

Today, the Royal Tennis League of Datang has only had a round of competition day, and the lottery of the tennis game is a new thing. Although Tang people are fond of gambling, and there are not a few betting to buy Bo lottery tickets, like Li Er, there are not many people who take out five liang of gold to bet at a time.

After all, people don\'t know much about these 22 batting teams, so they naturally have no choice to bet.

Most people just buy a few Wen lottery ticket for entertainment.

Li Er\'s "big bet" also attracted people lining up to buy lottery tickets. Five liang of gold, that\'s thirty copper coins, which is equivalent to Li Er betting six copper coins in each game.

Fortunately, Li Lianyou had already considered this situation. Now his words stunned the surrounding people, and then shook their heads.

"Lang Jun, that\'s not right. There are two articles on the ball newspaper analyzing today\'s ball game. Duke Du he of the Laiguo government is contrary to Li Tianshou\'s view. I think it\'s better to refer to Duke Du\'s analysis."

"That\'s right, and you know that Huxian Bo is in charge of the Jokhang tennis court and the Royal Tennis League. The two CHILDES of the Laiguo government are close friends with Huxian Bo. His analysis is naturally more trustworthy than Li Tianshou\'s article."

"Yes, I also plan to buy the Bo lottery according to Mr. Du\'s analysis."

"I don\'t know who Li Tianshou is or why the ball newspaper wants to publish this article. Who among the officials of the Tang Dynasty has heard of this Li Tianshou?"

"Mr. Lang, I\'m afraid you\'re going to float with five liang of gold."

"Who is Li Tianshou? No one knows. You are confused, sir. How can you listen to this man?"

The people\'s words made Li Er almost run away.

He never thought that his masterpiece would be so despised by the people. Li Er deliberately came to buy the Bo lottery in person to listen to the praise of the people, but he didn\'t expect to be beaten in the face, which made him very embarrassed.

He turned his head and glared at Mituo, who had softened his legs, and then arched his hands at the people: "ha ha, who wins or loses, there will be a conclusion after the game today, but someone still believes what Li Tianshou said."

Li Er was not ready to say more. He turned to the expert on the court. When he passed Mituo, he gently dropped the sentence, "go back and settle accounts with you!" so that Mituo almost didn\'t kowtow in public.

Even Li forgot to worry and was glared at by Li Er.

Watching Li Er go to the inside of the court angrily, Li forget worry is also speechless. What\'s the name of this special meow? How innocent are you? If the people don\'t buy your account, what\'s their business?