Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 649

Where would a beautiful boss believe his words, not to mention the words of dandies before, she had already heard them. She gave a cold Snort and winked at Aphrodite and Perrin.

The two "attendants" of the beauty\'s boss immediately understood the meaning of their sister, immediately came forward, gave a cold hum to Li forgetful worry, stretched out their hands, picked up the sachet handkerchief on several cases, turned and left.

In this regard, Li forget worry is naturally a cold sweat.

Beauty boss jealous, the consequences are very serious!

Injustice, it\'s really injustice!

It\'s like sitting at home and the pot comes from heaven. He didn\'t take the initiative to provoke those little ladies who fell in love with him. How can he be blamed?

Snow in June, how unjust!

But Li forgot to worry, but he was smart enough to shut his mouth and argue with a jealous beauty. It\'s not a good idea. This is a bloody lesson for countless male compatriots in future generations.

Obviously, since the relationship between the two has changed substantially, even the goddess like the beautiful boss can\'t help developing towards the jealous little girl.

Even the dandies felt the low pressure brought by the beautiful boss. In the main room, everyone was sitting upright, and no one spoke at all.

Until the third daughter left, Fang Yiai didn\'t spit out her turbid breath: "Ziyou, you\'re too afraid of yourself. You\'re not married yet. I\'m afraid your husband will be weak in the future."

Li forgot to worry and looked at him contemptuously. He scolded secretly in his heart. It\'s OK for others to say it. What\'s your face to say such words?

The story of jealousy in later generations comes from your husband and wife, and your house loves me, and Datang Du Gou is also fighting for his brother: "Yes, Ziyou, what is this? Who is Li Tianshou? Why have we never heard of this person? In five games tomorrow, except one with the same analysis as us, the other four actually disagree with us. What is this? Is it a challenge arena?"

Li forgot to worry for a moment, and then the expression on his face became strange.

Li Erhua, known as Li Tianshou, published the analysis of the team\'s strength and the prediction of victory and defeat on the ball newspaper. Now only he and Qiu Kun know. Unexpectedly, the dandies came to ask questions about it. It\'s interesting.

He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Li Tianshou, eh, is also a ball player. I think this article is well written, so Qiu kundeng put it on the ball newspaper. Don\'t be angry, brothers. Isn\'t that a good thing? If he guesses wrong, doesn\'t it show the power of his brothers?"

Duhe thought about it, but it was also the same truth.

Although the articles published in the ball newspaper are written by Du he, they are also the result of the analysis of the dandies. Therefore, it is natural to feel very unhappy to see that someone is against them in the ball newspaper.

"OK! After tomorrow\'s game, let Li Tianshou know that I\'m waiting for you!"

Fang Yiai shouted: "when the game is over tomorrow, Ziyou will point out Li Tianshou to your brothers and have to beat him!"

Li forgot to worry, but he almost couldn\'t help laughing. Hey hey, you want to beat Li Er? I\'m afraid you\'re going to be beaten by Fang Xuanling, dear brother?

The goods are also bad. As soon as his eyes turned, he simply dug a hole for the dandies: "brothers, Li Tianshou asked his younger brother to watch the ball tomorrow. Do you want to go with him? You can vent your anger in front of him and beat him up. My younger brother will never stop."

"Seriously?" as soon as the dandies heard this, they immediately rubbed their hands and looked like they were going to beat "Li Tianshou" to death.

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders: "it\'s natural. Can you trick your brothers?"

"That\'s good! Then it\'s settled. Tomorrow\'s brothers will go to the ball with you to see if Li Tianshou is brave enough to fight against my brothers!"

"Tomorrow I will make Li Tianshou look good. I know I\'m waiting for you!"

The dandies gathered together to discuss how to humiliate the bold "Li Tianshou" tomorrow, but they didn\'t know that Li forgot to worry. In order to hold back his laughter, his thighs were almost pinched red by himself.

After an appointment to meet at the tennis court tomorrow, the dandies left and went back to their homes. Until this time, Li forgetful finally couldn\'t help laughing and even burst into tears.

He dug a hole for the dandies. Naturally, he had no bad intention. It was just a trick between his brothers.

Dullele is not as good as zhonglele. Li forgetful immediately trotted to the boudoir of the beautiful boss and told the beautiful boss about it.

The beautiful boss, who was still sulky because of the previous incident, couldn\'t help covering his mouth and laughing.

She was so charming that Li forgot to worry: "just tease them. Be careful. They\'ll settle with you."

"Haha, it\'s none of my business. They want to settle accounts with Li Tianshou. Haha." Li forgot to worry. Seeing the beauty\'s boss laughing, he quickly hit the snake Shun stick, reached out his hand to catch the beauty\'s boss\'s rouyi and stroked it gently.

The beauty boss didn\'t take his hand back, but glanced at him obliquely: "that pile of sachet handkerchiefs. I\'ll let Aphrodite and Perrin send you to your room later. Don\'t disappoint those little women."

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech. The cold sweat is coming down. Why are you still waiting for yourself here?

I haven\'t seen this woman so jealous before.

Out of a strong desire to survive, Li forgets to worry. Naturally, he complains again and again. But he hasn\'t done anything, and he can\'t stop others from secretly falling in love.

"Hum, flies don\'t bite seamless eggs. Who knows what you\'ve done." in fact, Su Changqing is not really angry, but a little woman\'s way of flirting with men in this way. Anyone who takes it seriously is a fool.

Li Qieyou is naturally not an idiot. He really thinks that the beauty boss is angry because of such a small matter. He also didn\'t take this conversation, turned off the topic, said some things at will, but his hands were very dishonest, and climbed to the soft place in front of the beautiful boss\'s chest.

"Pa", the beauty boss didn\'t connive at the evil hand this time. He slapped it open: "be honest, where do you touch it? What do you want to do in the daytime?"

Don\'t you know what I want to do? Hey, hey

Su Changqing looked at his expression and knew that the goods didn\'t want a good thing. He simply pushed him out of his room door and closed the door: "hum, what do you think, go to find Alfred."

Li forgot to worry, but was trembled by the beauty\'s boss.

The girl version of Angelina Jolie, he naturally coveted for a long time, but he didn\'t dare to really move his mind. After all, what a woman says can\'t be true. Who knows whether the beauty boss\'s words are true or testing him?

What exactly does the beauty boss mean?