Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 608

Li\'s second birthday banquet, originally the process of paying tribute to bronze mirrors by all States and offering bronze mirrors by all officials, was disturbed by Li forgetful\'s shocking bronze mirror.

With this bronze mirror and pearl jade in front, the other hundreds of bronze mirrors instantly became garbage, which made Li Er, who has always loved bronze mirrors, no longer have the slightest interest.

Li Er stopped in front of the bronze mirror for a long time before reluctantly giving up his position for the ministers to watch.

After all, he also knew that the bronze mirror was a gift from Li forgetful. He wanted to take photos in the future, but today he had to let the officials on the hall have a good time.

In order to prevent people from accidentally damaging the "extremely precious" bronze mirror, Li Er waved to Mituo and motioned him to arrange several chamberlains to guard next to the bronze mirror, lest they be damaged.

"Promise, don\'t worry, this bronze mirror has a slight mistake. You cut off the slave\'s head!" Mituo, as an internal attendant and provincial supervisor, hasn\'t seen anything good? But the bronze mirror presented by Li forgetful worry really frightened Mituo.

If he didn\'t have to serve Li Er, Mituo wanted to carry a Zhang knife and guard next to the bronze mirror.

In order to seize the opportunity to "look in the mirror", the top leaders of Datang almost didn\'t fight.

Old rogue Cheng Yaojin, shameless, with his advantage of force, occupied the first opportunity to see his whole body. The other Yuchi Jingde princes were not as brazen as these goods, so they had to run to the back and line up.

Just like the Spring Festival transportation rush to buy train tickets in later generations, a large number of officials of the Tang Dynasty soon lined up in front of the mirror according to their official products, ready to watch them in turn.

Even the Yangzhou Chaoji envoy had the cheek to run to the queue. As for the words that questioned Li forgetfulness before, he had long dared not mention it again.

Although Cheng Yaojin grabbed the first position and "flirted" in front of the mirror for a long time, before he became addicted, he was loudly blasted by a group of big men behind him to leave. Don\'t want to occupy the bronze mirror alone.

Even if the old goods are shameless, they can\'t resist the ridicule of the officials, so they have no choice but to dodge. The eldest sun Wuji behind him immediately came forward, looked left and right in the mirror, and sorted out his clothes

Li Wangyou is very speechless to the group of "woodlouse" that has never seen the world. Is it not a mirror? As for?

However, the performance of these big men made Li forget his worries quite satisfied.

Even these old men behave like this. What will the ladies and little ladies of the Tang Dynasty look like when they see this mirror?

How much do you charge for such a mirror?

I think you\'ll have to pay two thousand copper coins anyway!

Two thousand copper coins is the cost. From four thousand, don\'t be too expensive and don\'t discount. You have to study the shopping psychology of customers.

Customers who are willing to pay two thousand copper coins for mirrors don\'t care about paying two thousand more.

What is a successful person, you know?

Successful people are what they buy,

Buy the most expensive, not the best!

Therefore, our slogan for making bronze mirrors is not the best, but the most expensive!

In Li\'s mind, he couldn\'t help but come up with the classic lines in the film big names, which amused himself.

The reason why he took great pains to create this bronze mirror plated with silver amalgam is certainly not just to show off or please Li Er. He wants to rely on this bronze mirror to add another industry to his family.

Today, through Li Er Shou\'s banquet, the bronze mirror was sent on a large scale. It was more like an "advertising and marketing" activity of Li forgetting worry.

Of course, the idea was also given to him by the beautiful boss.

Now it seems that the effect is surprisingly good. As soon as the silver plated bronze mirror appeared, it attracted so many officials. It can be said that it was a great success.

Li forgot to worry, gathered around Li Er and asked in a low voice, "uncle, are you satisfied with this bronze mirror?"

Li Er naturally smiled: "great goodness! Ziyou, I didn\'t expect you to send me such a bronze mirror. Good, it\'s really great! I ask you, do you still have this bronze mirror? You can\'t forget your aunt."

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. It\'s shameless that he still wants the goods in the name of empress Chang sun!

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "uncle, the bronze mirror is naturally not a problem, but is uncle willing to do another business with my nephew?"

"Hmm? What business?"

Li forgets to worry and nods at the bronze mirror: "selling bronze mirrors, hey hey, uncle, you see all the princes love this bronze mirror very much. If you sell such bronze mirrors, do you think you can make a profit?"

Li Er couldn\'t help but stare: "Ziyou, what do you mean, can this bronze mirror be made in batch? How expensive?"

"Naturally, it\'s not easy to make such a huge bronze mirror, but it\'s not difficult to make a smaller one. The cost is well, well, about twenty or thirty bronze mirrors of this size are enough." Li forgets worry, pointing to the bronze mirrors that pay tribute from various states.

Li Er was surprised when he heard the speech: "Ziyou, are you wrong? As far as I know, these tribute mirrors cost more than a hundred times. Why are you so cheap?"

For Li Er\'s doubts, Li forgot to worry and smiled: "uncle, this is not surprising. These tribute mirrors need to be refined repeatedly for copper materials, and they also need to spend manual grinding the mirror, which is time-consuming, laborious and labor-consuming, and the cost is naturally high. My nephew, the method of making mirrors doesn\'t need to be so troublesome."

Li Er\'s eyes lit up and lowered his voice: "in this way, the profit of mirror making is quite thick. In my opinion, there is no problem in selling such a copper mirror for a thousand times. Ziyou, you can go to your aunt for discussion on this matter. I\'m sure."

Li forgets worry and naturally nods again and again. Needless to say, this is another good business that advances every day. Li Er doesn\'t have the reason to refuse.

When Li forgets his worries, the banquet that originally opened at noon did not continue until an hour later. The musicians in the palace began to play again to cheer the people.

The bronze mirror was carefully moved back to the legislative Palace by Li erpen.

After the banquet started again, the Yangzhou Chaoji envoy looked impressive, held up the wine glass and walked to Li QIAOYOU, bowed and saluted: "Huxian uncle, I have offended many times before, and I ask Huxian uncle to forgive me. The bronze mirror made by Huxian uncle is really uncanny. I\'m not as good as Yangzhou Jiangxin mirror. I\'m really ashamed."

Li forgets to worry is a donkey\'s temper. When he sees the envoy of Yangzhou Chaoji bow his head and admit defeat, he will not hold on. Both sides drink up the wine in the cup at once, which can be regarded as exposing the matter.

Li Er suddenly remembered something and called Li forgetful to his side.

"Ziyou, I was almost fooled by you bastard. I ask you, where are the three hundred palace maids you borrowed from me?"

"Hey, uncle, it\'s 227. My nephew told my uncle a few days ago that the 73 palace maids made a mistake and were punished by my nephew for marrying."

Seeing that he dared to say so, Li Er was so angry that he didn\'t kick him down the imperial rank.

"OK! What about 227 people? I\'ll see what you\'ve done. If you dare to fool me, you\'ll go to Taiwan prison today!"

Li forgot to worry and turned his mouth to himself. The guy who crossed the river and demolished the bridge was so stingy that he turned his face and didn\'t recognize anyone as soon as he received his bronze mirror. Didn\'t you just detain 73 palace maids? It\'s rude to threaten to put yourself in prison in Yushitai prison!

"Uncle, how can I fool you? Hei hei, today I\'d like to invite my uncle to have a look at the \'gift\' prepared by my nephew for my uncle."

Li forgot to worry and made a gesture to Mituo, indicating that he could start.

If he wants to "make things" in the Tai Chi hall, naturally he can\'t get around Mito, the internal attendant and provincial supervisor. After watching the programs of those palace maids, Mituo was also shocked. Naturally, he was willing to cooperate fully.

Even Mito made up his own mind and hid it from Li Er in order to give Li Er a "surprise" at today\'s birthday banquet.

Seeing Li forgetful\'s gesture, Mituo nodded and gave a secret signal to the waiters in the Tai Chi Hall