Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 483

The two auspicious clothes on the Niu brothers were naturally made by the beautiful boss, the maidservant in the house, as well as Alfred and Perrin in two days.

The Niu brothers originally disliked the ragged clothes. After a try, they knew what was terrible.

After the two brothers put on auspicious clothes, they have fought with the 73 old soldiers of jinwuwei for several times, and the results are self-evident.

So when Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others ridiculed the Niu brothers for running away without fighting, the 73 episodes couldn\'t help laughing.

Are you kidding? If they hadn\'t used wooden knives and arrows in the "fight" with the Niu brothers before, I\'m afraid 73 of them would have settled down.

Even seventy-three of them were "killed" by the Niu brothers one by one in the jungle. How powerful can Hou Junji\'s episode be?

After several "fighting" exchanges, these veteran ruffians now admire the Niu brothers. No one is jealous of the fact that the Niu brothers can get 50 monthly salaries.

Today\'s gambling fight, these two lucky clothes were carried in the package on the back of the Niu brothers. After entering the mountains and forests, they immediately changed their clothes, blackened the exposed skin such as face and palm, and then hid their body in the mountains and shrubs.

When the Hou family searched for them, they were unconscious even if they passed in front of them.

When the Hou family\'s episodes relaxed their vigilance, the Niu family brothers made a decisive move and killed several people in a row with daggers and bows and arrows in their hands.

From the cattle brothers, Cheng Yaojin and others could only shake their heads after they understood the fighting on the top of the mountain. Hou Junji\'s defeat is not unjust. Whoever comes to meet such an opponent is powerless.

"Hey hey, uncle Cheng and uncle Yuchi, are you interested in those three gambling houses? My nephew said before that, would you like to take over?" Li forgetful thought of today\'s "booty" and immediately asked Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

Cheng Yaojin glared at him: "OK, I said before, can I cheat you if I take the casino? I want the three gambling houses you won, Yongyi gambling house. I\'ll give you 10000 liang of gold, how about it?"

Li forget worry naturally nodded again and again. The Yongyi gambling house is similar to Hou Junji\'s Jing\'an gambling house, with a profit of about 5000 yuan per month.

It was very kind of Cheng Yaojin to buy it at the price of 10000 liang of gold, that is, 60000 yuan.

With Cheng Yaojin\'s move, several other princes will not give up the opportunity to expand their own industries. Anyway, they used to run a gambling shop in the house. It\'s good to have another one.

Li Er wanted to ban gambling, but he couldn\'t implement it under the pressure of his family and Xun GUI. However, Li Er also made three agreements with the aristocratic family Xun GUI, that is, only 72 existing gambling houses are allowed in Chang\'an city. In addition, no more gambling houses are allowed.

This is somewhat similar to the future gambling system. It is a truth that only by holding gambling cards can a casino be opened.

Those aristocratic families and Xun GUI, as vested interests, naturally don\'t want anyone to take a share. Of course, they nod and agree.

This is why Hou Junji, Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou are so sad today. If you lose your own gambling house, you will lose your qualification to operate gambling house. Unless the three families take over the gambling house from other noble families in the future, they can no longer open gambling houses.

Gambling houses are a lucrative industry.

In addition to the last time, Li forgets to worry about using his knowledge of history to bite off a piece of meat from the aristocratic family gambling house together with Cheng Yaojin. Who has ever heard of the gambling house losing money?

Yuchi Jingde and Chai Lingwu also said that they were willing to sell the gambling houses of Hou Junji and the Zheng family in Xingyang. The price was the same as Cheng Yaojin, which was 10000 liang of gold.

This naturally made Li forget to worry, so that his eyes narrowed and bowed to thank him.

A sudden income of 30000 taels of gold, it is true that people are not rich without windfall wealth.

Everyone is satisfied with the harvest today after sharing the stolen goods.

Li Er ordered people to carefully put away the two sets of "military uniform". This thing seems insignificant, but its concealment effect makes Li Er and a group of military leaders very moved.

Li Jing, as the Minister of the Ministry of military affairs, was naturally very concerned about armaments. He looked at the "military service" given by Li Er, but shook his head: "this military service is really good, but there is a disadvantage. The clothes are too trivial. These cloth strips, ropes and branches on it hinder the soldiers from waving weapons."

Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others also nodded one after another, feeling that Li Jing\'s words were reasonable.

"Yes, the military service is really not suitable for ordinary soldiers. How can you fight if you wear it like this?" Cheng Yaojin shook his head.

Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help laughing: "Duke Wei, uncle Cheng, this auspicious, oh, no, the military service is used for special operations. It\'s used by special forces in latent operations. Ordinary soldiers can\'t use it in combat."

Hearing the speech, Li Er frowned: "Ziyou, what is special operations? What does special forces mean?"

Li Qieyou was also stunned. Er, it seemed that he was bald.

"Er, these special forces are soldiers who perform special tasks. Special operations are to complete combat tasks by special means and methods. Well, it\'s like sneaking attacks on enemy barracks, killing enemy chieftains, burning grain and grass, and spying for intelligence."

Li forgets worry. He\'s sweating on his forehead. He\'s so tired of making it up! He is a puppet army fan in later generations. How can he know so much?

He took part in military training in high school and college and hit targets twice. Where do you know what a real special forces soldier is. But aren\'t they all in the movies? Lurking in enemy bases, spying on intelligence, sneaking attacks on the enemy or something.

Li\'s remarks aroused the interest of Li Er, Li Jing and Cheng Yaojin.

"Oh? Ziyou, tell me more about the special forces and special operations."

Li forgets to worry and can\'t help but be silly. Do you want to say it in detail? He knows the details of shit?

But looking at the hot eyes of Li Er and a group of national leaders, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t dare to tell the truth. If he wants to say "little nephew, I don\'t know", will he be beaten half to death by these violent bosses?

Since ancient times, there are two kinds of people, everyone can kill them!

Tempters and spoilers!

Li forgets to worry about losing Li Er\'s appetite. If he wants to say that he doesn\'t understand anything else, he is afraid that Niu yongniu Wu can only lead the 73 episodes and carry him back to Dingzhou village.

Thinking of this, Li forgot to worry. He shivered and looked around. Then he smiled and said, "uncle, this is not a place to talk. The boy\'s residence is not far away. Why don\'t you ask your uncle to move to my house and let\'s talk while drinking?"

"Wow, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Look at the handprint on his white robe shoulder. Li forgets worry and is about to cry. NIMA, the old rascal, did it on purpose?