Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 482

Hundreds of Jin Wuwei\'s soldiers searched the mountain on a large scale, but they didn\'t dig three feet, but they still found nothing except the bodies of the ten Hou Junji episodes.

Hearing the report from his lieutenant, Cheng Yaojin became more and more confused. He carefully examined the corpses brought down the mountain by soldiers. Except for a few people who died of feather arrows, others were attacked and killed by sharp blades from behind.

Cheng Yaojin even asked his soldiers to put up the body. He simulated the attack from behind the body, which made Li forget worry sick.

Those bloody corpses, Li Wangyou did not dare to make complaints about them. He was hiding far away, and he was tucking in his heart.

He was a little white face in later generations. He had seen so many blood stained corpses and didn\'t spit them out on the spot. It was considered that he had strong psychological quality.

After looking at the corpse, Cheng Yaojin casually wiped the blood on his hands on the corpse\'s clothes, and walked to Li forgetful.

"Boy, tell me honestly, are your two episodes still on the mountain? I don\'t believe someone can hide so hidden that hundreds of gold guards and soldiers can\'t find anyone. That Niu family brother has really become an immortal?"

"Hey, hey, uncle Cheng, if you don\'t believe me, I can call them out now. It\'s not clear."

Li forgot to worry, glanced at Cheng Yaojin\'s big hand with wet blood, and quietly moved back a few steps. For fear that the old man would be happy for a moment and pat himself on the shoulder.

"No, I don\'t believe it. I can\'t find this living man. I\'ll find it myself now."

Li Er, Yuchi Jingde, Chai Lingwu, Li Jing, and others became interested after listening to their dialogue. So they simply walked to the hill and planned to see it with their own eyes.

They searched the mountain carefully several times, but they still found nothing.

Cheng Yaojin ran up and down the mountain several times and was already out of breath.

"Boy, call out your episode. I\'m convinced. I can\'t find it. Damn it, I still don\'t believe they\'re on the mountain."

Li Er also nodded: "Ziyou, call out your episode. I want to see how they hide themselves."

Li forgot to worry and nodded. He was just about to open his mouth to summon Niu Yong and Niu Wu, but he saw a bush beside them, suddenly shook it a few times, and then the two figures stood up.

"Lang Jun, don\'t cry. My brother and I are here." Niu Wu grinned, startling everyone.

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t expect that two people would emerge from the grass beside his feet. He was so frightened that he pulled out his knives.

"You two, who are the demons!"

"Hey, hey, I\'ve seen Duke Lu." Niu Wu Han said with a smile.

It\'s no wonder Cheng Yaojin can\'t recognize the Niu brothers. At this time, their faces have been painted black. When they smile, they can\'t see a person at all except their snow-white teeth.

And their clothes are even more strange.

All of them are clay colored and dark green rags, which are hung in pieces, and are also filled with all kinds of shrub branches and grass leaves.

Li Qieyou didn\'t know that the Niu brothers were nearby. Seeing them appear, he hurried forward and looked them up and down carefully: "how\'s it going? Are you hurt?"

"Hey, don\'t worry, Mr. lang. those local chicken and tile dogs are just the ones who hurt me and my brother."

Seeing that the Niu brothers were not hurt, Li forgot to worry, and finally put down his heart.

Li Er and they were all surprised. No one expected that the cow brothers would lie down in the bushes at their feet.

"Niu Yong, Niu Wu, have you two been here just now?"

"Your Majesty, the two ministers and brothers have indeed been here all the time."

"Hide it for me again!"

"Promise." Niu Yong pulls Niu Wu and lies down in the Bush just now.

Cheng Yaojin rubbed his eyes: "zhiniang thief, it\'s really an evil door. Obviously, two big living people lie there, but I can\'t tell them at all."

Li Jing walked closer and looked carefully for a long time before shaking his head: "it\'s incredible. It\'s really incredible. How can it be so magical? I know that the Niu family brothers are here, but I can\'t see it. Tut Tut, if it\'s used to sneak attack the enemy or scout for investigation, who can find it?"

Li Er also kept nodding. He just thought of it.

"Get up, Niu Qing\'s family." Li Er recruited the Niu brothers again and asked, "if I\'m not mistaken, the two Qing\'s family can hide their body shape, should it be the credit of your clothes?"

"Your Majesty is right. This dress was specially made by my husband for my brothers. He said it was auspicious."

Li forgot to worry about a mouthful of old blood and almost didn\'t spray it out. What ghost is auspicious clothes? Good luck? This Niu Yong is really angry. He should be punished. He is not allowed to sleep with his daughter-in-law!

"Brother, it\'s lucky clothes!" Niu Wu quickly corrected his brother.

Niu Yong patted himself on the head: "yes, yes, lucky clothes. Lang Jun said it several times. I can\'t remember."

Li Er couldn\'t help shaking his head: "your husband, everything is good. That\'s why the name is so ugly? What auspicious clothes? I really don\'t know. I think they can hide your body. They should be called avoidance clothes."

Li Wangyou turned a blind eye to you. You are the boss. You has the final say.

The cement was changed into mirage mud by Li Er, and the auspicious clothes did not escape Li Er\'s clutches.

He did understand Li Er\'s meaning. "Avoiding military service" was the title of chameleon in ancient China. It\'s called avoidance service. It\'s really good. Anyway, what auspicious clothing is also a transliteration of later generations, which has no practical significance. Li forgets worry only because of his habit, so he continues to call it auspicious clothing.

What the Niu brothers wear is the necessary camouflage suit - auspicious suit for future special forces in latent operations.

The lucky suit was invented by a Scottish Hunter during World War I. Basically, it is a coat made of cloth and gunny bags with many ropes and strips, usually made into earth color or plant color.

After soldiers wear lucky clothes, they can effectively segment the contour of the human body, like chameleons, and integrate into the natural background, which is difficult to be found by the enemy.

Li Qieyou is also a puppet army fan in later generations.

Although I can\'t recite the data of various military equipment, I still know the general military common sense quite clearly. He is also a regular guest on several well-known military forums in later generations.

That day, when Niu Wu said that he and his brother could deal with dozens of jinwuwei old soldiers in the wild, Li forgets worry as if he was bragging.

Of course, Niu Wu\'s words are indeed exaggerated. Although he and Niu Yong were members of the White army in those years, they did not become Superman and could deal with dozens of people alone.

Li forgot to worry, but suddenly thought of the scenes of special forces sneaking into the enemy in later films, especially the snipers in Gillette clothes, which impressed him deeply.

Therefore, when he was not angry with Hou\'s army gathering to stir up discord and angrily put forward the gambling fight in the jungle, it was because he suddenly remembered the "artifact" of auspicious clothes.

Facts have also proved that the camouflage effect of lucky clothes is surprisingly good.

I never thought that someone would hide his body like this. He was attacked by the Niu brothers and died in the mountains and forests.

After understanding the use of the military service, Li Er asked the Niu brothers to take it off and recruited two Jin Wuwei soldiers to replace it. As expected, it still had the same concealment effect.

"Ha ha, well, Ziyou, I didn\'t expect you to know so much about the army. I underestimated you. I took the military service, but I won\'t give you another reward. Anyway, you have gained a lot this time. Tut Tut, all three gambling houses in Chang\'an city belong to you now."