Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 479

Hou Junji was a little surprised when Li forgot to worry about this sentence "please die for your family!" when he said it. But without waiting for him to ridicule Li\'s wishful thinking, he heard the scream from the mountain not far away.

The scream immediately attracted everyone\'s eyes. None of the people who had talked before stared at the mountain.

"What\'s the matter? What happened? What happened to the scream just now?" Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou were complacent and accepted the congratulations of the surrounding aristocratic families. They were stunned when they heard the sound.

Hou Junji\'s face suddenly became iron blue. He was also an old soldier. Naturally, it was clear that the scream just now was the last scream made by someone temporarily.

What made him more uneasy was that the voice seemed familiar. It seemed to be a part of his family and one of the people who fought today

Without waiting for Hou Junji to suppress his fear, he immediately heard someone shouting behind him: "less, one less! One less in the episode of the Duke of Lu..."

They carefully counted the red and white figures in the mountains and forests, one, two, three... Eight, nine! No matter how many, there are only nine figures!

Sure enough, one person is missing!

And those Hou Fu episodes in the mountains and forests seem to be shocked by the scream just now. At this time, they all run quickly in the mountains and forests and run to the place where they make a sound.

Some people speculated, "did you accidentally fall off the mountain in the episode of Duke Hou\'s residence just now?"

Someone immediately refuted him: "don\'t talk nonsense. The mountain is so flat. Where can people slip and fall to death?"

"Then what\'s the matter with you? I haven\'t seen anything on the top of the mountain?"

"Maybe it was attacked by a beast?"

"It\'s near Cuiwei palace. What beasts should there be? They have long been cleaned up by the forbidden army. What\'s more, there are no beasts on such a small mountain. Can\'t the episode of Duke Hou\'s residence be bitten by a rabbit?"

While they were talking, they suddenly heard a scream from the other side of the mountain.

This voice heard Hou Junji\'s face change greatly, and it was clearly the voice of his family\'s music.

"Another, another person is missing! The Taoist ancestor is on the mountain. Isn\'t there a ghost on the mountain?"

"Yes, I saw it very clearly just now. The figure of the episode on the Duke of Lu just passed by a pile of bushes, and suddenly a dark shadow flashed. Then I heard a scream, and the episode on the Duke of Lu can no longer be seen! What\'s the matter?"

The faces of Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou also became a little ugly. They made a heavy bet on Hou Junji and even pressed out the family gambling house. Is there any accident in today\'s gambling fight?

"Duke Hou, what do you think of this? What happened to your family\'s episode?"

For Wang Renyou\'s question, Hou Junji is also scolding his mother in his heart. You ask me, and who am I going to ask?

However, a smart man suddenly made a voice and asked Li forgetful, "Huxian uncle, are the two episodes in your family just now?"

"Ha ha, you\'ll know when you look down." Li forgets worry with a smile on his face. In fact, his palm is already full of sweat.

Although he was so confident that he took the huge bet between Taiyuan Wang and Xingyang Zheng, how could he not be nervous at all.

What\'s more, he was just an ordinary white-collar worker in later generations. Where did he experience such bloody killing scenes?

Although the distance is very long, there are dense trees blocking our sight, and we can\'t see what happened on the mountain. But every scream would make Li\'s heart beat violently.

On the top of the mountain, the Duke of Lu, who had been silent, also found the body of his companion at this time, and couldn\'t help shouting in panic.

"Come on... He was stabbed... Killed... You... Open your eyes... Pay attention to the tree..."

With the wind, a few words came faintly, but Hou Junji\'s face became more and more iron blue.

It seems that what he guessed is not wrong. The scream just now is really a part of his family. In this way, the two episodes of Li forgetful worry not only did not escape, but hid and took the opportunity to sneak into their own episodes.

"Hum, Huxian uncle, it\'s easy to calculate! Unexpectedly, this kind of sneak attack can be used!" he snorted coldly and glared at Li forgetful.

Li Qieyou was unwilling to show weakness. The eye of death stared back: "why, Duke Hou didn\'t use the art of war before, but could only use a knife to cut people? That\'s strange. In Duke Hou\'s opinion, the amazing art of war of emotion is all a means."

"You..." Hou Junji was offended by Li forgetful\'s words. For a moment, he didn\'t know how to answer. He could only hum coldly, turned his head and ignored him.

As time went by, Hou Junji was not too worried, although he was nervous.

After all, what the two sides agreed at the beginning is that after an hour, whoever has more episodes left will be the winner.

So even if the two disabled, by means of sneak attack, plotted against his two episodes? In less than two incense sticks, the time for this gambling fight will come.

At this time, on the mountain, there were eight episodes of his own. Although the scene was a little ugly, he still won Hou Junji.

In Hou Junji\'s mind, his episodes are not fools. They are all fierce soldiers who are old in war. After the death of two paoze, how can the remaining people be vigilant and not give the disabled a chance to sneak attack.

Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou also gathered around Hou Junji and asked him for his views. Hou Junji naturally told these two people his analysis, which made Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou put down a lot of hanging hearts.

But without waiting for the three to breathe a sigh of relief, there was another scream from the top of the mountain.

This time, everyone saw clearly that it was a Hou\'s residence episode of a red and white figure. It was shot on the back by a feather arrow from nowhere and sent out a dying cry.

"Hou, Duke Hou, another man has died!" Zheng Yuanshou witnessed the death of the Hou family trilogy with his own eyes, and was scared to stammer.

The scene was so strange that no matter how big the people at the foot of the mountain opened their eyes, they could not see the figure of the Niu family brother.

Not to mention the Hou\'s family trilogy, which has begun to become panic at this time because of the continuous loss of three people. In the sight of everyone, there were only seven red and white figures in the trees in the mountains, turning around like headless flies.

"Li family boy, tell me what\'s going on? Are the two episodes of your family human or ghost?" Cheng Yaojin was also frightened. He thought he was capable and difficult to find an opponent. But even if he went to battle himself, he couldn\'t be so silent.

Li Er also looked at Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, can those two episodes of your family fly to the sky and escape to the earth?"

"Uncle, uncle Cheng, I can\'t tell you clearly about it. You\'ll know as soon as the gambling fight is over."

Li forgot to worry about his answer, which made people like a cat, impatient.

What made Hou Junji, Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou worried happened.

On the top of the mountain, there were two screams again, and it was obvious that two more Marquis were killed.

Now half of Hou Junji\'s ten episodes have been removed and only five people are left, while the Niu brothers are still like ghosts and no trace of them