Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 478

After Hou Junji\'s episode entered the mountain forest, all the people, including Li Er, stretched their necks and looked at the top of the mountain to see the results.

The mountain designated by Li forgetful worry is only a few hundred meters away from where everyone is.

Hou Junji is a high-profile man, as are the clothes distributed to the central part of the mansion. The episodes in his house are all dressed in a red cloak, with white feathers and purple flame embroidered. They look very dignified.

The color of this dress is conspicuous, so even if you enter the mountains and forests, people can still see its faint figure.

Through the red and white figures that appear from time to time, everyone can see that the episodes of Hou Junji\'s family have opened the distance between each other and began to search for the traces of the Niu brothers on the mountain.

The Niu family brother, since entering the mountain forest, has never been seen again.

That mountain is not big. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it is only a hundred meters high. It took only a quarter of an hour to search the location of the mountain.

However, even the people who stayed at the foot of the mountain could vaguely see that the sequence of the Hou house seemed to have found nothing, and there was no trace of the Niu brothers.

Can the cattle brothers go to heaven with such a hill without ups and downs?

Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others looked at each other. They couldn\'t understand why no one was found in the Hou mansion\'s episode.

Wang Renyou chuckled: "Huxian Bo, the two episodes of your family are not beautiful. At this time, they have crossed the mountain and run for their lives? Ha ha, no wonder the episodes of the Duke of Lu can\'t find their figures."

"Most of them are like this. If they are beautiful, everyone will say it. I thought huxianbo\'s episode was really a chivalrous hero, but on the contrary, I ran away and killed myself with laughter." Zheng Yuanshou naturally won\'t let go of this opportunity to ridicule Li forget his worries.

Zhang Liang moved his mouth and thought that he had just been denounced by Li Er. He still swallowed the sarcastic words, but everyone could see the sarcasm on his face.

Li Er, Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and other big men also have doubts on their faces.

Their hearts are full of doubt. There are also some doubts about the words of Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou.

The hillside is not big. There is no place for people to hide except for towering trees and many shrubs.

The ten episodes of Hou\'s house were pulled into a human network. They searched all the way from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain and found nothing. This is naturally abnormal.

Those are two living people. Can\'t they make a hole to hide?

Hou Junji stared at the mountain and couldn\'t help laughing at the looming figure of his own Trilogy: "Huxian uncle, I\'m afraid your two warriors have run away? Hehe, this is really a good way, but in this way, there is no need to continue the gambling."

For the ridicule of the crowd, Li forgot to worry and showed disdain.

Even the 73 veteran ruffians behind him were like this. Some people couldn\'t help laughing. They thought Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and Hou Junji were telling a very funny joke.

Li Qieyou is not in a hurry at this time. Anyway, he can\'t stop the Niu brothers from working hard. Let\'s wait and see what happens.

He has absolute confidence in the "artifact" he provided to the Niu brothers, and has more confidence in the skill of the Niu brothers.

Hearing Hou Junji\'s words, Li forgot to worry. He just helped the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and replied in a flat tone: "why is Duke Lu so anxious? It\'s only a incense burning time after an hour. Is Duke Lu so eager to watch his own episode die?"

"Hum, huxianbo and your family\'s episodes are so eloquent. In that case, I\'d like to see what flowers your two episodes can play! What\'s the use of talking well?"

Many aristocratic families and Xun GUI who came to see the excitement also talked about it at this time.

Everyone wanted to see why Huxian Bo dared to challenge his two disabled trilogy to the ten powerful trilogy of Hou Junji, Duke of Lu.

They thought they could see a bloody fight today, but they didn\'t expect it to be so strange.

The two episodes of Bo\'s family in Huxian County fled without fighting, which made the crowd watching the war full of comments and all kinds of cold words.

After another half of Zhu Xiang\'s time, the people looked at the Hou\'s family trilogy hidden in the mountains and searched down the mountain again, but there was still no harvest.

Now the laughter is even louder.

"Huxian uncle, don\'t waste any more time. Admit defeat early. This is a farce. Everyone is not blind. The Ministry of Duke Lu\'s government has searched the mountain twice and no one has been seen. Will the two ministries in your government still be invisible?"

"Yes, if you were afraid, you would have said it earlier, not to mention such hypocrisy?"

"Ha ha, Huxian uncle, you have to keep your eyes wide open to recruit episodes in the future. Who are these people in your family? It\'s a shame to escape without fighting!"

Li forget worry now is not worried at all, but the expression on his face is more and more relaxed.

This situation on the top of the mountain is exactly what he wants to see.

For the ridicule of the crowd, Li forgot to worry at all, but smiled more and more brightly.

"Oh? Really? In that case, I wonder if you are interested in gambling with me?"

Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou immediately stood up and said, "up to now, who else do you want to deceive? You can bet! Take Yongyi gambling workshop and bet on your wine making workshop. The other two members! Huxian Bo dare?"

"I bet 20% of your Shunfeng express horse and cart shop with Lekang gambling house! Will Huxian uncle take it?"

Lekang gambling house is a gambling house in Zheng\'s mansion in Xingyang.

Li forgot to worry and laughed: "why not? Write a gambling appointment!"

As he said this, Li Er frowned.

Naturally, Li Er didn\'t want to be involved by the aristocratic family in the brewing workshop and carriage shop.

Originally, Hou Junji and Li forgot to worry about the members of the tavern. He was already a little unhappy. Just because Hou Junji was his favorite general, he didn\'t say much. It was tacit approval.

But now Li forgets worry and gambles with Wang in Taiyuan and Zheng in Xingyang, which makes Li Er very dissatisfied.

But now, he can\'t stop it.

It can\'t be said that Hou Junji gambles well, but Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou can\'t gamble? That makes no sense.

Cheng Yaojin was even more anxious and jumped: "Li boy, you\'re crazy! How dare you gamble with them at this time?"

Li forgets to worry and doesn\'t panic at all: "Hey, uncle Cheng, someone has to give me a gambling house. How can I refuse to accept it? Uncle Cheng and uncle weichi, are you interested in these gambling houses? My nephew is not interested in running a gambling house. You should be interested. Come back and make it cheaper and give it to you."

Cheng Yaojin was almost annoyed by his words. At this time, he still said such nonsense.

He couldn\'t help gambling: "OK, OK, I\'ll see how you win. If you win, I\'ll take all these gambling houses. I don\'t want you to be cheap. I\'ll give you more money!"

Li forgets to worry and hears the speech, Hei hei Yile: "then thank uncle Cheng."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin turned his head in anger and didn\'t bother to talk to him again.

Li Qieyou, Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou immediately wrote down the gambling agreement and signed it in front of the people.

Hou Junji looked on coldly, and felt that Huxian Bo was crazy and completely unreasonable. But it has nothing to do with him. Anyway, his purpose is only 20% of the winery.

"Huxian uncle, now half an hour has passed, don\'t you intend to admit defeat?" Hou Junji looked at the sky and asked coldly.

Li forgets to worry to lift an eye to look at that mountain head again, but sees that the red and white figure of the Marquis house episode in the forest has completely dispersed, and is searching for the figure of the Niu family brothers everywhere.

He smiled: "since Duke Lu is so worried, please die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a terrible howl from the mountains and forests