Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 440

After Li Er nodded, Mituo naturally did not hesitate and did it immediately according to Li forgetful\'s instructions.

However, at the bottom of my heart, Mito scoffed at Li\'s forgetfulness.

The veteran of Baiqi\'s criminal case failed to pry open the mouths of those palace maids. Li forgets worry. He wants to find the missing prince by means of a royal decree of pardon?

Mito doesn\'t believe it at all.

Even in the bottom of my heart, Mito thinks Li forgetful is a fool. It doesn\'t matter if he dares to cause trouble at this time.

However, of course, he would not object, because in Mito\'s view, Li forget worry\'s "fool" behavior is very beneficial to himself.

Because of his bad work, he has lost a lot of points in Li Er today.

Whether Prince Zhi was transferred or the palace maid suspected of committing a crime was inquired, Mituo, as the provincial supervisor of the internal service Province, knew it later. I\'m really sorry for Li Er\'s trust in him.

Mito is now at a loss.

At this time, Li forgets to worry that he has a way to take over the trial of the two palace maids. How can Mituo be unhappy.

Whether Li forgets to worry or not, this hot potato is temporarily thrown out, which can also let Mituo breathe a sigh of relief.

Li forgets to worry. Naturally, he doesn\'t know what Mituo, the provincial eunuch, thinks. The reason why he suddenly opened his mouth to take over this matter is not that he feels pity for her and is worried that Mituo will kill the two palace maids, but that he just thought of a way.

He thought of a classic topic in game theory, the prisoner\'s dilemma.

The two committed a crime together and made an alliance.

In this case, the police interrogated two prisoners and made the following conditions:

They both lied and were sentenced to one year each;

All confessed and sentenced to eight years each;

One lied and the other denied. The liar was sentenced to ten years, and the Confessor was acquitted.

So should two isolated prisoners lie or confess in the face of interrogation?

Prisoner\'s dilemma is the most representative example in the game. The best choice of individuals is not the best choice of groups.

This is a test of human nature. People will have selfish ideas. Li forgets to worry that this month ran and Niantao may not be so united. When facing the game test of prisoner\'s dilemma, they can resist the temptation of human weakness.

Whether it works or not, this is the only way to find Li Zhi now.

Since torture is ineffective, let yourself try the game method of prisoner\'s dilemma.

After Mituo ordered people to separate Yueran and Niantao, Li forgot to worry and entered the room where the maid named Yueran was detained with the imperial edict written by Li Er in a hurry.

These rooms used to hold the palace maids on trial have nothing but a Hu stool.

After entering the room, Li forgot to worry, and sat on the Hu stool with a golden knife, staring at Yueran lying on the floor, without talking for a long time.

The maid in waiting was beaten black and blue when she was tortured by the Baiqi division. His face was full of bruises, blood spilled from his mouth, and his clothes were dilapidated and full of blood.

Obviously, the woman had been beaten to the death. At this time, she was lying on the floor. If Li forgetful didn\'t see her breathing ups and downs in her chest, she even thought she had been killed alive.

Li forgot to worry a little speechless, rolled his eyes and looked at Mituo: "can she talk like this?"

"Huxian uncle, don\'t worry. You can\'t die for a moment. Just ask if you have anything."

Li forgot his worries and was helpless. He felt that he was really unlucky.

Since crossing the Tang Dynasty, I have done all this to catch up with the ducks and get on the shelf. Whether it is for people to perform surgery, or run to torture "suspect", is true.

However, Li Zhi\'s disappearance does have something to do with him. In order to find Li Zhi, Li forgets worry and can only win one.

"Yueran, you are from Luoyang, aren\'t you?" Li forgets to worry and asks.

With his question, Yueran struggled to raise her head: "yes, slaves, slaves are from Luoyang."

"Your family\'s adult LV Chang makes a living in Luoyang, isn\'t he?"

He said this, but let Yueran\'s body freeze. After a long time, he replied, "yes."

"Hehe, if what I expected was right, you should have learned the Sanle opera with your adults before you entered the palace at the age of 15?"

Yueran struggled and wanted to shake her head. Li forgot to worry, but didn\'t wait for her to speak. He said to himself: "in fact, I already know who did it to replace the prince. Yueran, you don\'t have to deny that it must be that wenpo and you and Niantao."

"No, no, the maidservant is wronged, and the maidservant doesn\'t know anything." Yueran shakes her head desperately to show that she is innocent.

Li forgot to worry, but ignored her and continued, "that steady woman has hanged herself. Now I\'ll leave you and Niantao. I\'ll give you two three choices. Where to go depends on how you choose."

He stood up, walked to Yueran, squatted down, stared into her eyes and raised a finger: "First, you and Niantao both insist that they don\'t know about it. You can bet to see if you can get away with it. But I can tell you very responsibly that if you can\'t find the prince, the saints will be angry. All your twelve palace maids will be killed alive and have no luck."

Li forgot to worry and put up his second finger: "second, you and Niantao truthfully explain. After finding the prince, I will plead with the sage and leave you a whole corpse without harming your family."

Mito could hardly help laughing when he heard this.

Is huxianbo funny?

It\'s also dead to explain with others. If they don\'t, they will honestly tell the whereabouts of the prince when they are crazy. Condition two, shouldn\'t it be to promise them that they will not die as long as they tell the truth?

But even so, it\'s useless. The veteran criminal of Baiqi Division has already said similar words to these palace maids. It\'s useless.

Mituo doesn\'t know what ecstasy he took with Niantao this month. He was so tough. The two maids gnawed their teeth. Even if they were beaten to the death, they still shouted injustice and insisted that they didn\'t know anything.

Therefore, I don\'t believe that killing Mituo. Li forgetful sorrow put forward such conditions, which can also let the two people truthfully explain.

At this time, Li Qieyou raised his third finger: "third, I have a royal edict of a saint here, which can forgive one of you. Who will tell the truth first and let go of the past after finding the prince! While the other will make a decision, and even implicate nine families!"

He stared at Yueran seriously: "Yueran, how do you think Niantao will choose? Well, I\'ve said so, where to go, you decide."

Li QIAOYOU stood up and said, "I\'ll give you a moment to think about it. But maybe Niantao will think faster than you."

With that, he turned directly, pushed the door and went out. He didn\'t look at the palace maid Yueran who was stunned on the ground.

And behind him, Mito was stupid.

Shit, can you interrogate prisoners like this?