Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 439

Yeting bureau is the organization used by the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty to manage the palace maids. All the data and books of the palace maids are managed by yeting Bureau.

If Mito wants to check the information of the twelve palace maids, he needs to go to the yeting Bureau.

Originally, I was just looking for it with a try attitude, but I didn\'t expect that Mituo really found the information Li forgot to worry about.

Mituo asked the chambermaid to hold the names of the twelve palace maids and trot all the way back to the Li main hall.

"Back to everyone, I found it."

Li Er hurriedly asked, "what did you find? Come quickly."

"The stable woman who hanged herself has nothing to do with Sanle Baixi. No one can play Sanle Baixi either in herself or in her family. Most of the twelve palace maids entered the Palace during the period of Wude. There is nothing strange, but two of them, the maid and maid, think they should be able to play Sanle Baixi."

Mituo presented his name book and continued: "look, this palace maid named Yueran was selected into the palace in the third year of Wude. She is from Luoyang. She is twenty and three years old. Her surname is Lu. It is recorded in the name book that her father LV Chang lives on Sanle hundred operas. It is not surprising that she entered the palace at the age of 15 this month and learned Sanle hundred operas from her father."

Li Er took the famous book and glanced at it, but it was the same as what Mito said. He nodded, "there\'s another person?"

"And this palace maid named Niantao was also selected by Wu De in the past three years. No one in her family lives on Sanle hundred operas, but before she was transferred to the East Palace, she was sent to the Taichang temple\'s Taile department to practice music. It\'s also possible that she can play all kinds of operas."

Li forgot to worry, but didn\'t understand it. He looked at Mito suspiciously. Why is it possible to learn magic when you practice music in Taichang temple?

Seeing that he was puzzled, Mituo quickly flattered and explained, "the Taiyue Department of Taichang temple in Huxian County, in addition to teaching musical instruments and dances, will also teach Sanle opera."

As soon as he said this, Li forgot to worry immediately.

If the names of the palace maids in yeting bureau are correct, the two palace maids named Yueran and Niantao are indeed "suspected of committing a crime".

"Go and let people torture these two bitch maids. We must pry open their mouths and ask where my prince is!"

Li Er now doesn\'t care about the life or death of these palace maids. He only cares about where his son is.

Four or five hours have passed since the birth of the eldest grandson queen.

Now night has fallen and it is getting late.

Li Er is so anxious now that he is furious at the thought that his son\'s life and death are unknown.

"Promise!" Mito replied, but his feet didn\'t move.

"Why don\'t you go? What are you waiting for, you son of a bitch?" seeing that he didn\'t go, Li Er stared and was ready to swear again.

Mituo was embarrassed and explained hesitantly: "back to you, the two palace maids, I\'m afraid they won\'t survive if they fight again. I\'m afraid... I\'m afraid they\'ll be killed, so there\'s no clue of the prince\'s rule..."

He\'s not talking nonsense. Those charming palace maids can\'t stand the torture of Baiqi division and those veteran torturers like wolves.

When he came to the Li main hall to report to Li Er, most of the twelve palace maids had been tortured to the point of death. If the torture continued, I was afraid they would have to lose their beauty in a moment.

He killed everyone. Where did he go to find Prince Zhi?

This is the Taiji palace of Nuo da. Where can\'t Tibetans? Not to mention such a small baby.

Since he confirmed that his son had been transferred, Li Er had ordered the palace guards to search the palace, but he still knew nothing about it.

It\'s late now, but in the huge Tai Chi palace, torches are held everywhere to search for the forbidden guards ruled by the prince.

Li Er couldn\'t help twitching his face when he heard Mituo say so.

He knew that Mituo should not talk nonsense. Up to now, his son doesn\'t know where to find them if he doesn\'t continue to torture them. However, he continued to torture and killed the two palace maids alive. There was no clue and his son could not be found.

In a dilemma, Li Er also sat in wax, and his face became more and more ugly.

Li Qieyou was also worried. He kept remembering the detective films he had seen, trying to find a way to break the game.

In Li\'s mind, the two palace maids named Niantao and Yueran are likely accomplices in the crime.

As a result, both of them can do magic tricks and cover each other. Second, they all entered the palace after three years of martial virtue. They should receive palace training together and learn palace etiquette. They are likely to have known each other for a long time and have a close relationship.

However, since this month ran and Niantao two girls, after being controlled by the forbidden guards in the palace, didn\'t commit suicide like that steady woman, it shows that these two people don\'t want to die, but also take chances, trying to muddle through and get a glimmer of life.

But how to pry the two suspect\'s mouth is a difficult problem.

Even the veteran of Baiqi\'s torture case failed to make them confess after torture. Do you expect these two palace maids to truthfully explain Li Zhi\'s whereabouts without continuing to extort confessions?

If Ranran and Niantao did this this this month, they would rather die than reveal a word.

Otherwise, those who wait for them will be killed by Li Erzhu and even the nine families. The two palace maids must know this.

In this case, even if they were killed alive, they would not confess.

Therefore, it is expected that Baiqi\'s torture will not produce results.

Li forgot his worries and couldn\'t help smiling bitterly. He confessed that he would sit in prison leniently and resist going home strictly for the new year... He and Li Er are really in trouble now.

Li Er was also in a dilemma at this time. It was neither to continue to extort a confession nor not to extort a confession. He was so angry that he picked up the sword that had fallen before and chopped it in the hall to vent his anger.

"Go, continue to extort confessions and kill them! I don\'t believe it. They are not afraid of death!" Li Er still hated and ordered Mituo.

Seeing that Li Er said so, Mituo turned around and was ready to go, but Li forgot to stop him.

"Mito, wait!" Li forgot to worry and turned to Li Er and said, "uncle, my nephew has a way to pry open the mouths of these two women, but I need my uncle to give my nephew a royal Edict and forgive one of them for his crimes. Let bygones be bygones."

"What? Ziyou, are you crazy? I\'m already kind to these cheap maids without kings and fathers. You want me to forgive them? It\'s impossible!"

Hearing this, Li Er\'s lungs were about to explode.

"Uncle, now, is it important to find Li Zhi or kill them? Please think twice!"

"You..." Li Eryi was speechless, and it took a long time to wave. "As long as I can find the prince\'s rule, I will follow what you said."

"Thank you, uncle! I\'ll try my best to find Lizhi!" Li forgot to worry, bowed to Li Er, and then turned to Mituo and said, "Mituo, go and ask people not to torture them, keep them separately, and don\'t let them talk to each other."

Mito looked at Li Er suspiciously. He didn\'t know whether he should listen to Li forget his worries.

Li Er nodded to him and motioned him to follow Li forgetful\'s words. Now, Li Er can only hope that Li forgets his worries and expects him to create miracles