Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 415

After Li forgot to worry, the officials in the hall became silent, and soon there was noise everywhere.

All civil and military officials were shocked by his words. If the prince hadn\'t died, it would be a joke today.

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t care about the etiquette in front of the palace. He rushed to Li forgetful in three or two steps and slapped him on the shoulder: "boy, hurry up and tell me what\'s the situation now, your Highness Prince? Is it life or death?"

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes: "Uncle Cheng, I said just now. The prince has just recovered from a serious illness and is recovering."

"It\'s no joke! Is it true?"

Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders. How can no one believe the truth these days?

"Uncle Cheng, is it necessary for me to lie to you? Even if you don\'t believe me, didn\'t your majesty say it just now? Don\'t you even believe your Majesty\'s words?"

"Wow, hahaha, that\'s good. I want to see how these straight mother thieves end today!" Cheng Yaojin looked up and laughed.

On one side, Wang Yuanzhong sneered. How can the prince live?

There is no doubt that Li Chengqian is suffering from intestinal carbuncle. Unless he is da Luo Jinxian, how can he save Li Chengqian.

He didn\'t pay attention to what Li forgetful worry said. He just regarded Li forgetful worry as air.

Wang Yuanzhong, a small imperial historian from the seven grades, was originally the most insignificant existence and mole ant like figure in this court.

But so what?

Today is the highlight of Wang Yuanzhong\'s life. He stands upright and smiles on the hall.

What about Li Er as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

Their family controls the truth of the world! The truth of the world itself is in the hands of these aristocratic families.

In those years, Li Er\'s Xuanwu sect changed. He was able to kill Prince Li Jiancheng and force palace Li Yuan with his sword. Today, their aristocratic family can rely on the sword of tongue to persecute Li Er on this hall!

Geng Hong of Shang pharmaceutical Bureau scoffed at Li\'s words.

He didn\'t believe that Li Chengqian could survive. He didn\'t dare to imagine what would happen if Li Chengqian really lived.

Since the Wang family in Taiyuan found him a few days ago and sent him thousands of taels of gold, plus two beautiful singers, he has no way back.

Of course, the most important reason why Geng Hong dared to accept the gold and beauty sent by the Wang family in Taiyuan is that he firmly believes that Li Chengqian has died.

Not to mention that he has enough confidence in his medical skills. If the prince is really all right, why is it necessary for Li Er to block the news in the east palace?

Ten days have passed since the prince fell ill 11 days ago. No one in the East Palace has seen the prince again.

Even Geng Hong, the Feng Yu of Shangyao Bureau, has never seen the prince again, let alone treated the prince. The meaning of this is self-evident.

The aristocratic family dares to attack today. In addition to Geng Hong\'s words, Wang Renyou and others also know that Li Er ordered people to block a secluded palace in the East Palace, which is surrounded by forbidden guards loyal to Li Er. Even flies can\'t fly in.

Zheng Yuanshou, Wang Renyou and other aristocratic family leaders estimated that the palace was where Li Chengqian was buried.

The reason why Li Er didn\'t lose heart was that he was afraid of the turmoil in the court.

It was precisely because of the assurance of Prince Hong\'s death that the aristocratic family dared to contact the supreme Emperor Li Yuan and chose to launch a palace siege on the occasion of today\'s imperial meeting.

Where can Li Er think of this.

He only blocked the news and kept it strictly confidential because he felt that his son had been broken and his carbuncle and gangrene intestines had been cut off by Li forgetful worry.

The original thought was that when the prince recovered, everything would be calm. No one would know that there was a piece of intestines missing from his son\'s stomach.

But I didn\'t think that today\'s aristocratic family and his father gave him such a big "surprise".

Li Er stared at Wang Yuanzhong and said, "serve the imperial historian Wang Yuanzhong!"

Wang Yuanzhong was not afraid at all. He smiled and said gently, "I\'m here."

Li Er sneered: "You slander the crown prince and talk about your father. Do you know the crime?"

Wang Yuanzhong did not change his face, bowed and bowed: "I will die forever! I will die forever for the country of the Tang Dynasty and for all people in the world! Your majesty thinks I deserve to die, so I am naturally willing to bow my head and neck and let your majesty deal with it. But I will die without regret!"

Wang Yuanzhong doesn\'t care about life and death now.

How happy is life? Why fear death?

He Wang Yuanzhong had already put life and death aside and had no waves in his heart.

To be famous in history is his goal.

Today, my advice will move the world with the mouth of the aristocratic family!

Today, my blood will shine in the history books!

Wang Yuanzhong arranged his clothes gracefully and smiled at the angry Li Er.

On the imperial steps, Li Er, who was originally angry, suddenly smiled.

"Ha ha, Wang Qing, you must think you will be famous in history after today? But in my opinion, you are just a clown!"

Wang Yuanzhong also smiled politely: "the name behind the minister has its own evaluation by future generations."

Li Er sneered: "I think you don\'t cry when you don\'t see the coffin! Li forget worry, go to the East Palace and invite the crown prince. I want these people with no eyes to have a good look. Does my crown prince die?"

Li Qieyou immediately took command, bowed and turned to the layman of the Tai Chi hall.

As soon as he left, Li Yuan, Wang Renyou, Zheng Yuanshou and others were in a panic.

Is their news wrong? Is Prince Li Chengqian really alive?

If Li Chengqian lives well, everything today will really become a farce

A haze flashed through the bottom of Wang Yuanzhong\'s heart. He turned to Geng Hong, but he saw that Geng Hong\'s legs began to tremble. He kept muttering: "it\'s impossible, it\'s impossible. The crown prince has intestinal carbuncle, and there is no medicine! It\'s impossible, it\'s impossible..."

Those aristocratic family officials who were still kneeling in the hall were even more at a loss.


In the main hall, no one was interested in talking. They were all silent and quietly waiting for the last moment when the truth was revealed.

The Taiji Hall of Nuo Da fell into a dead silence.

The air seems to condense

It\'s not close from the east palace to the Tai Chi hall. The people in the hall waited for a incense burning time in such a anxious atmosphere.

Finally, footsteps came from outside the Tai Chi hall.

Many people turned their heads and looked around. When they saw the visitor, many people collapsed on the floor with their spine removed.

Wang Yuanzhong was even more unbearable. It seemed that he was tens of years old. He just disappeared. He knelt down on his knees.

The visitor was Li Qieyou, holding the bouncing Prince Li Chengqian in his hand, followed by Sun Simiao, Liu Shenwei, as well as a large group of internal attendants and palace guards.

"Minister Li Chengqian, I have seen your majesty and the supreme emperor!"