Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 414

Wang Yuanzhong\'s words made the Taiji Hall of Nuo Da boil like a hot oil pot.

Many civil servants and generals were stunned by his words.

Isn\'t wang Yuanzhong, the imperial historian, crazy? What the hell does he want? How dare he say that?

God warning! If virtue doesn\'t match, there will be disaster! This is like a sharp sword, stabbing Li Er, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Wang Yuanzhong said this from Confucius.

Virtue is thin and position is respected, which means that morality and character do not match the respected status.

There is no doubt that Wang Yuanzhong\'s words are to scold Li Er for his lack of virtue, so the prince died young, which is a warning from heaven.

Dare to say that Li Er doesn\'t deserve to sit on the throne. Wang Yuanzhong is also the first person.

As soon as he finished saying these words, the reactions of all officials in the Tai Chi hall were divided into two factions.

Those national leaders loyal to Li Er spoke and scolded one after another. Cheng Yaojin even rolled up his sleeves and prepared to directly perform the whole martial arts.

The minister from an aristocratic family sneered and looked at Li Er and Li Yuan above the imperial rank without saying a word.

Li Er\'s face suddenly became very ugly. When Wang Yuanzhong said these words, he knew what today\'s matter was.

He never thought that the courage of these people was so great!

Li Er clenched the handrail with both hands and made his veins bulge on the back of his hand.

Wang Yuanzhong held his neck high and continued to say loudly, "I think it is your Majesty\'s fault that the prince died! In the ninth year of Wude, your majesty set up troops to make a riot and killed the prince. His highness committed the great crime of killing the king. This is disloyalty! It is unfilial to force the emperor to abdicate and surrender. Your majesty did such disloyalty and unfilial things, which led to the evil result of the death of the prince today!"

He didn\'t care about Li Er\'s eyes, looked around the courtiers in the hall and raised his voice: "Your Majesty was not the eldest son of the supreme emperor, so he had no right to inherit the throne. Your Majesty\'s improper position is now due to his eldest son, which leads to the death of the crown prince in his infancy! Your majesty, don\'t you learn a lesson? Please, your majesty, think of the world, make an edict and return to the supreme emperor!"

After Wang Yuanzhong said these words, there was no more sound in the chaotic Tai Chi hall just now.

He looked directly at Li Er on the imperial rank, and his face was full of pride.

Up to now, Wang Yuanzhong feels that he is a guardian today! Even if he is dragged out and killed by Li Erli\'s immediate order, he is not afraid at all.

If Wang Yuanzhong is killed by Li Er, he will be a martyr and will be respected by people all over the world. He will be recorded in history books. A hundred years later, a thousand years later, he will still be a loyal minister like bagan!

He Wang Yuanzhong was not afraid of death, and even wished he could not. Now, Li Er ordered him to be pushed to Xishi and beheaded in order to fulfill his loyalty.

As Wang Yuanzhong finished, nearly half of the ministers knelt down in the hall.

They did not speak, but knelt quietly, but looked directly at Li Er. Its meaning is self-evident.

Forced palace!

This is the Yang scheme of the aristocratic family!

At the Grand Court meeting, borrowing the death of Prince Hong, he mobilized his ministers to force Li Er to abdicate, welcome back the supreme emperor and support Li Yuan to ascend the throne again!

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, it is better for Li Yuan to sit on the throne of God again than for Li Er to continue to be emperor. Li Er Tai is too strong, and even these millennial aristocratic family leaders feel great pressure when facing Li Er.

Li Er is committed to continuously weakening the power of the aristocratic family, which makes Wuxing Qiwang feel in crisis.

Therefore, these aristocratic families who wanted to suppress Li Er\'s attempt simply contacted the supreme Emperor Li Yuan, who was in the deep Palace by the secluded Bureau, in an attempt to force the palace and send Li Yuan to the throne again.

Perhaps in the eyes of later generations, it is ridiculous to use the death of Prince Hong to attack Li Er.

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. Can civil servants in the Tang Dynasty play like this? Can they say such tricks?

But in the eyes of the Tang people, the death of the crown prince was no small matter.

Natural and man-made disasters such as earthquakes, locusts and floods can be attributed to the era of the emperor\'s fault. It is indeed recognized by everyone to attribute the death of the crown prince to Li Er Wude.

After all, the rulers of China have always advocated that they are ordered by heaven, and that the king\'s father, heaven and mother, is the son of heaven.

Confucius also said that the son of heaven was ordered by heaven.

If the chosen heir of the emperor dies prematurely, the responsibility naturally lies with the Emperor himself. Only when the emperor has no virtue and kills the eldest son of the supreme emperor, will the God punish the emperor and take back his eldest son\'s life.

Wang Yuanzhong\'s words made many officials in the Tai Chi Hall who were not from aristocratic families silent. For a moment, they didn\'t know how to refute.

The aristocratic family is not afraid of Li Er becoming angry. Even if Li Er is angry again, so what?

Can Li Er still let people kill all the officials in the hall?

At that point, not to mention whether the saliva of Confucian scholars in the world will kill him, the aristocratic family will definitely be separated from Li Er.

At that time, it will be the same as the chaos in the world at the end of the Sui Dynasty. I\'m afraid the Tang Dynasty will fall apart and the buildings will fall down.

Both Zheng Yuanshou and Wang Renyou are convinced that Li Er dare not do so.

Li Er\'s eyes were closed. Li Yuan sat on the throne and didn\'t speak. He just smiled and looked at his son.

For a long time, Li Er suddenly opened his eyes, which were murderous.

"Wang Qing, have you finished?"

Wang Yuanzhong is not afraid of Li Er at all: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask your majesty to punish Li forgetful, the founder of Huxian county. This person deceives the public and corrects the imperial edict. He is really a great evil. He should be killed as an example! Your majesty, this is for the sake of the country and the country of the Tang Dynasty. Please also kill the courtier and the supreme emperor! Return the Tang Dynasty to the bright and prosperous world! I know that my words today violate the majesty of the heavenly family, and I will die forever! As long as your majesty still does it for me The supreme emperor, the minister immediately decided to apologize to his majesty. "

After hearing this, Li forgot to worry. His nose was almost out of breath. What\'s the matter with him? He even wanted to kill himself. It\'s really like a pig and a dog!

Li Er calmly glanced at the kneeling ministers in the hall: "so do Zhu Qing think so?"

On the Tai Chi hall, the man Dynasty Civil and military kneeling down were silent at first, and then the people kowtowed together: "Your Majesty, I think what Wang Yuanzhong, the imperial historian, said is reasonable! I seconded!"

"Minister and others seconded!"

"Your majesty! Please attach importance to the country!" a minister began to cry on the ground.

Among all the officials, the heads of aristocratic families could not help but turn their mouths up. The big deal could be settled! Although Li Yuan, who was on the throne, did not speak at this time, he could not hide his smile anyway.

Now at this time, he is the winner!

This is the heart!

In the Tai Chi hall, the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme... Suddenly, a sneer came, which made everyone look sideways.

It was Wang Yuanzhong\'s courtier, Li forgetful, who should be killed.

Seeing that all officials turned their heads one after another, he was a little embarrassed. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "well... I said, if you make such a battle, what if the crown prince lives well? How will you end?"