Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 405

Before leaving, Li forgot to worry and ordered Niu Yong and Niu Wu to move to the village temporarily with their daughter-in-law and the people in the house.

If he really can\'t save Li Chengqian, the people in the house won\'t be implicated by himself.

Li Heng and others were confused about Li forget you\'s arrangement, but Li forget you didn\'t explain it, just let them do it.

Arrange the people in his house. The sky is getting dark. Li forgets worry and doesn\'t dare to delay time. Together with the beautiful boss, they ride zhaoyebai and yuhuayu, whip their horses and rush towards Chang\'an city.

As they galloped, they discussed how to act in the Tai Chi palace.

A beautiful boss gave advice for Li forgetful and soon improved Li forgetful\'s original rough plan.

Finally, when the evening drum sounded, they rushed into the Tai Chi Palace on horseback.

At this time, outside the Xiande hall, there was already some air of mourning.

In the East Palace, a palace maid took out Bai Ling and began to wrap around outside the hall. From time to time, there was a cry. Li forgot to worry and was upset.

Are you still late? Li Chengqian has died?

He hurriedly took three steps and two steps, ran into the Xiande hall, saw Sun Simiao, and hurriedly asked, "old immortal sun, what\'s the situation with the Crown Prince now?"

Sun Simiao shook his head: "Alas, the prince\'s breath is getting weaker and weaker, and his pulse is weak. I\'m afraid it won\'t last long. Just now, under the advice of the imperial medicine bureau, your majesty has arranged the people in the east palace to prepare for the funeral for the prince."

After hearing Sun Simiao say that Li Chengqian is not dead, Li forgot to worry a little relieved, and then became angry again.

Ma Dan, I\'m anxious to have a funeral before I die. This Geng Fengyu is really not unjust! Li forgot to worry. He was so angry that he almost rushed in and beat the damn old man again.

But now it\'s important to treat Li Chengqian. Li forgets worry and has no time to find Geng Fengyu\'s trouble.

He reached for a palace attendant and asked King Li Tai where he was now?

Due to his youth, Li Tai now lives in Chongren hall.

Chongren hall is close to the Li main hall where empress Chang sun lives. Today, Prince Li Chengqian is critically ill. Li Tai is very clever to stay in the Li main hall to accompany his mother.

After asking where Li Tai is, Li forgets worry and her beautiful boss hurried to the Li main hall.

Most of the guards and internal attendants in the East Palace know Li forgetful and know that he is the prince\'s teacher. Naturally, they won\'t stop him. The beauty boss, the number of visits to the Lizheng palace is more frequent, and the forbidden guards in the palace are more familiar.

They went all the way to the Lizheng hall to see the empress Chang sun.

"I\'ve seen my aunt."

"I\'ve seen your highness."

Empress Chang sun\'s face was sad at this time, and her eyes had no look of the past.

She nodded weakly at Li forgetful worry and her beautiful boss: "Ziyou and Changqing, have you seen Chengqian? How is he now? Is he getting better? The palace wants to see Chengqian, but Erlang doesn\'t agree with what he said."

"Aunt, be at ease. Chengqian will be fine." Li forgetful could only comfort him.

"Hey, thanks for your kind words. I hope Daozu will bless Chengqian so that he can get through the disaster smoothly."

Li forgets worry and the beautiful boss comforted the empress Chang sun, so they excuse Li Er to call Li Tai to Xiande hall. Empress Chang sun didn\'t doubt it. She nodded and asked Li Tai to follow Li QIAOYOU.

Out of the Li main hall, Li forgot to worry and stopped the little fat man Li Tai: "green bird, now your brother is critically ill, do you want to save him?"

"Sir, naturally, I want to save my brother. Is he seriously ill? Sir, you can save my brother, right?" the little fat man nodded and immediately asked.

At this time, Li Tai and Li Chengqian will not turn against each other as they did when they were adults in order to compete for the throne.

Coupled with Li\'s education of the second primary school, now Li Chengqian and Li Tai can be said to be brothers and sisters.

The little fat man didn\'t know what disease his brother had. He only knew that his mother had been crying with him today. Smart Li Tai also had some bad guesses in his heart.

Instead of immediately answering Li Tai\'s questions, Li forgot to worry and waved to the eunuchs behind Li Tai to stay away. Then he whispered a few words in his ear.

"Green bird, would you like to help me with what the teacher told you?"

"If I do this, I can save my brother?" the little fat man asked suspiciously.

"Green sparrow, don\'t you believe in being a teacher? When did I cheat you, teacher?" Li forgot to worry and said solemnly.

The little fat man Li Tai tilted his head and thought for a moment: "last time, the teacher said that children would wet the bed playing with fire. Later, my brother and I played with fire after returning to the palace, but we didn\'t wet the bed. You lied to us. And you said that we learned the formula of abacus mental arithmetic and took us swimming, which hasn\'t been fulfilled yet. And..."

Li forgot to worry about not from a black line, quickly stopped breaking his fingers and scolded the little fat man who cheated them many times.

"Those are just kidding you for the sake of the teacher. Cough, this matter today is related to your brother\'s life and death. The teacher won\'t lie to you."

Li Tai looked suspicious and looked up at her boss.

Until the beauty boss nodded, indicating that Li forgot to worry was right, the little fat Li Tai nodded and agreed.

His reaction almost made Li forget his worries to death.

What disciple doesn\'t believe what he said. I can\'t take it anymore. If he hadn\'t hurried to save Li Chengqian now, he had to let the little fat man know what respect for teachers is.

After finishing the little fat Li Tai, all the talents continued to walk to Xiande hall.

When we arrived outside Xiande hall, the sky was getting dark, and the lights in the east palace had been lit. Li Qieyou handed Li Tai a look of "come on, take care of you for the teacher", and took the beautiful boss to the dark place outside the hall.

Li Tai ran to Xiande Hall: "Dad, Dad, my mother said she was not feeling well. Please go to the Li main hall."

With a sad face, Li Er, sitting next to Li Chengqian\'s bed, stood up in horror at his son\'s words.

"Green Finch, what are you talking about? What\'s wrong with your mother? What\'s wrong with her?"

"My mother said I\'m sick in my stomach. Let you go." the little fat man blinked and opened his mouth.

This is what Li forgot to worry told him just now. The purpose is naturally to transfer Li Er away and use the trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

The reason why Li Tai came forward was, of course, because no one dared to spread false news and tease Li Er like this.

Anyway, Li Tai was beaten by Li Er at most. It\'s no big deal. But you have to change someone, not to mention whether you dare to play with Li Er; Even if you dare, you\'ll probably lose your head.

Li Er guards Li Chengqian. Li forgets his worries because he has great ability and is unable to operate on Li Chengqian.

It\'s not close from Xiande hall where the prince lives to Lizheng hall. As long as Li Er leaves, Li forgets his worries and has enough time to transfer his Royal Highness the prince.

Li Er naturally had no doubt about Li Tai\'s words.

He glanced at Li Chengqian, who was still in a coma, and ordered Geng Fengyu and Sun Simiao, "Geng Fengyu and sun Qing, so that they can take care of the crown prince. I\'ll go back."


Li Er led Li Tai away from Xiande hall and hurried to Li Zhengdian. As he walked, the little fat man turned his head and squeezed his eyes at Li forgetful, who was hiding in the dark