Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 404

Li forgot to worry and rode all the way. In less than an hour, he returned to Dingzhou village.

"Lang Jun, why are you back? Didn\'t Niu Wu say you were going to stay in the palace for a few days?" Li Heng asked in surprise when he saw Li forgetful returning to the house.

"Li Heng, don\'t talk nonsense. Clean up the house quickly and bring more gold. Don\'t carry copper money. Get your things ready and start in a minute." Li forgets worry and orders directly without explanation.

His words stunned the old housekeeper Li Heng: "Lang Jun, why is this? Where are we going?"

"Don\'t ask so much, go and clean up! Where\'s Changqing?"

"Lady Su is in the backyard..." before Li Heng finished, he saw Li forget his worries and ran to the backyard.

Li Heng was confused by Li\'s forgetful behavior, but he could only listen to his words and hurried back to the house to pack up his things.

In the backyard, Su Changqing was staying in her room, listening to music with her mobile phone. She was startled when she saw the door slammed open.

Seeing that the visitor was Li forgetful, she couldn\'t help complaining: "forgetful, what are you doing so rashly? It scared me to death. I thought..."

Before she finished, Li forgot to worry and hurriedly interrupted, "Changqing, don\'t talk about this first. Hurry to pack up your things. Later, you will lead Li Heng, Peilan and Aphrodite and ask Niu Yong and Niu Wu to protect you and avoid in the Qinling Mountains for a while. In addition, bring me the jade pendant given to you by your empress changsun."

"What? Why do you want to go to Qinling? What do you want to avoid? Aren\'t you in the Tai Chi Palace today? Niu Wu came back and said that Li Chengqian was ill and asked me to leave. Tell me what happened."

Li forgot to worry about others, hesitated for a long time, only said it was all right, and asked them to live in the middle and small school of Qinling Mountains for a period of time.

He said this, how to deceive the beautiful boss.

Su Changqing said with a straight face, "forget your worries. Make it clear what happened? If you don\'t make it clear, I won\'t go anywhere."

Li forgets to worry: "don\'t you wait to die if you don\'t go? In case..."

"What if?"

Seeing the beauty\'s boss so stubborn, Li forgets to worry. If she doesn\'t make it clear, she won\'t go. She can only say what happened in the Tai Chi Palace today.

Hearing that Li Chengqian got acute appendicitis because of overeating and eating too many cold drinks, his beautiful boss was surprised that he was dying and could die at any time.

"God, how could such a thing happen? Shouldn\'t Li Chengqian live well? How can he die? He\'s only nine years old! Isn\'t it OK to have an operation for appendicitis? Why don\'t you have an operation right away?"

Li forgot to worry and smiled bitterly: "Miss, this is Datang. Where can I have surgery? Appendicitis is intestinal carbuncle, which is an incurable disease for the people of Tang Dynasty."

The beauty boss was stunned when she heard the speech. She also liked Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Lizhi, the three smart little guys. Every time Li Chengqian and his family come to the house to study with Li forget worry, she will make all kinds of delicious food for the three children to taste, play games with the three children, and read and tell stories to them.

Thinking that the little guy Li Chengqian was in danger, the eyes of the beautiful boss immediately turned red.

"Forget your worries, Sun Simiao is a miracle doctor. Didn\'t Niu Wu come back today and invite Sun Simiao to the palace? Can\'t he help it?"

Li forgot to worry and nodded sadly: "now there is only one way to do surgery, and Sun Simiao agreed to try it. But Li Er, that damn bastard, I spent all my saliva, and he refused to nod and agree to do surgery."

The beauty boss suddenly guessed something and looked at Li forgetful: "forgetful, then you let us hide in the Qinling Mountains. Do you want to..."

"Well, now there\'s only one way. I also have a certain responsibility for Li Chengqian\'s appendicitis. I can\'t watch a nine-year-old child called his teacher die in front of me, especially when I have a chance to save him."

Li forgot his worries and continued, "so I\'m going to operate on Li Chengqian without permission. Anyway, I\'ll try it. However, the operation in Datang is very risky. If I can\'t save Li Chengqian, I\'m afraid Li Er will do some irrational things in his anger. That\'s why I think of Niu Yong and Niu Wu. Protect you and go to Qinling to avoid..."

Before he finished, his mouth had been blocked by the flaming red lips of the beautiful boss, and he couldn\'t say a word.

After a long time, Su Changqing stared into his eyes and said, "I won\'t go. I\'ll go to Taiji palace with you to save Li Chengqian. If there is any danger, I\'ll bear it with you."

"No, it\'s too dangerous!" Li forgot to worry and refused.

The beauty boss shook his head firmly: "forget your worries, I\'m not so strong. If you\'re gone, I can\'t stick to it alone in Datang."

Tears came out of her eyes, but she forced a smile, wiped her tears and said with a smile: "I\'m not the heroines in the novel. After crossing, I can still show my strength in ancient times. If you\'re not here, who will feed me? Hee hee, in that case, let\'s go to Taiji palace together."

The words of the beauty boss made Li forget his worries, and he stretched out his hand and hugged the beauty in front of him.

"Changqing, we won\'t go, we won\'t go to Taiji palace! That bastard Li Er, son of a bitch, I won\'t play with him! His own son, die if he wants to die, it\'s none of my business! If we don\'t go, we won\'t go. We\'ll stay in Dingzhou village and won\'t go anywhere!"

Li forgets to worry by the beautiful boss\'s words, makes some emotions out of control.

Before, he only wanted to let the beautiful boss and others hide away. In case he didn\'t save Li Chengqian, Li Er would take revenge on Su Changqing and them.

But the beautiful boss\'s words made him regret.

I\'m not a saint. Why do I have to risk my life to save Li Chengqian?

Li Er didn\'t want to forget it. In order to save his son, he let the beautiful boss fall into irreparable danger with himself. Then he was really crazy.

The beauty boss held Li forgetful\'s face in both hands and smiled like flowers: "forgetful, do you really have the heart to watch a nine-year-old child die in front of you? And when we are able to save him?"


"Let\'s go. I\'ll go to Chang\'an and Tai Chi palace with you. Let\'s save Chengqian."


"Don\'t worry, it\'s getting late. If we don\'t start again, the gate of Chang\'an will be closed. Anyway, we know we\'ve done the right thing, isn\'t it enough? As for the result, let God arrange it. I think God won\'t be so unkind to throw you and me here in Datang."

The words of the beautiful boss finally convinced Li forget worry. He nodded ruthlessly, took the beautiful boss\'s hand and ran out of the door