Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 388

At this Fan Ji cooked water shop in Dongshi, the shrewd shopkeeper fan decided to be the first person to eat crabs.

After joining, he asked for five vending machines and sold five different kinds of cooked water at the same time.

Sugarcane juice, grape juice, black plum pulp, sheep cheese and horse cheese... The five vending machines are pasted with the variety and price of drinks, and a manual is attached to guide the Tang people who have never seen the vending machine how to use it.

The dandies swarmed up and surrounded the five vending machines.

"Ziyou, but if you really put the copper money in here, the drink will flow out automatically?" Chai Lingwu had left Wang Youjun\'s calligraphy behind and turned around the vending machine for several times to find out how Li forgets you.

Chumo is an activist. He directly grabs the bamboo tube placed aside, puts it at the prompt of the vending machine, and then takes out a handful of copper money from the money bag and puts it into the slot.

Li forget worry can\'t make disposable paper cups in Datang naturally, but fortunately, there are bamboos all over the mountains. You only need to let people go up the mountain to cut them down.

The cups matched with this vending machine are these bamboo tubes.

After Chumo puts in the copper money, under the strange gaze of a group of dandies, white horse milk automatically flows out of the outlet of the vending machine and into the bamboo tube below.

"Wow, it\'s really coming out! I actually invested 30 Wen and the horse cheese came out!"

"Ziyou, aren\'t you kidding your brothers? Isn\'t there someone hidden in this vending machine? Otherwise, how can you just put 30 Wen into it and flow out horse cheese?"

"I\'ll try the black plum juice for fifty Wen... Ah, it\'s really interesting. I invested thirty Wen without any response... I really invested fifty Wen to flow out of the black plum juice! God!"

"How can this be possible? How can the dead thing tell how much copper money there is? Ziyou, tell me honestly, is this a trick? In fact, someone is behind it?"

In the face of the doubts of the dandies, Li forgets worry and doesn\'t explain. He just smiles and continues to maintain a sense of mystery.

Chumo was stunned when they drank a drink and tasted the taste.

"Wow, Ziyou, the drinks are all iced?"

"Where did you get so many ice cubes? It\'s too extravagant. It\'s actually iced plum juice. It\'s just ice cubes in your house. Ice cubes are also used in the vending machine. Ziyu, did you rob the ice cellar in the palace?"

"Ha ha, what do you care so much? This iced horse cheese tastes better!"

"Hurry up, you guys. I haven\'t had it yet!" Fang Yiai shouted discontentedly. There were five vending machines. He was a little slow and didn\'t get the chance to buy it at the first time. He would be in a hurry.

The dandies who are having a good time don\'t pay attention to the shouting of Fang Yiai.

Several people occupied the five vending machines and kept putting in copper money. They had a good time. They were so angry that Fang Yiai almost wanted to beat people.

The hustle and bustle of the dandies has long attracted the attention of passers-by.

Just photographed in the identity of the dandies, no one dared to come forward. They could only watch the dandies "occupy" the five vending machines.

At this time, Li Qieyou found a problem, that is, Datang only uses copper money. It\'s really troublesome.

When Tang people go out, they have to carry money girdles to hold copper money. But the weight of copper coins is too heavy. Copper coins always weigh five kilograms.

Moreover, counting the copper money is also very troublesome. For example, if the dandies want to invest 50 Wen, they have to count it for half a day, which takes a lot of time.

Li Qieyou suddenly felt that he should propose to Li Er to forge silver coins and gold coins as a supplement to copper coins?

The Tang Dynasty itself is also short of copper money, so it is often bartered, and even silk is legal currency.

Li Qieyou never received silk. He always felt that it was quite strange to take silk as money. So there are only copper and gold in the money bank of the Li family\'s old house.

Although Datang silver is not money and cannot circulate in the market, its value is almost consistent. Copper money is equal to one or two silver.

Li Qieyou felt that he could speak to Li Er and forge gold and silver coins as a supplement to copper coins. One silver coin is equal to one hundred copper coins, and one gold coin is equal to one hundred copper coins.

In this way, it is not only convenient for merchants to trade, but also much more convenient without carrying so much copper money when going out.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it was. He kept the matter of casting gold and silver coins in mind. He planned to go back and discuss with his beautiful boss and find an opportunity to give Li Er advice.

Li forgot his worries and wandered around the world. When he was thinking about gold and silver coins, the dandies finally had a good time. They had a bamboo drink in their hands and were having a good time with a reed tube in their mouth.

Many people think that China has no straw since ancient times. In fact, this is wrong. Ceramic tea sets with straw shape have appeared in Datang.

The bamboo tube prepared by Li forgetful worry was equipped with a reed tube to replace the straw. The dandies will naturally see its purpose.

Finally, when the dandies left the five vending machines, the itchy crowd immediately rushed up and surrounded the vending machine in front of fan Jishu\'s shop.

Shopkeeper fan quickly shouted to the guys in the store to guard the vending machine in case it was damaged.

Before, the process of dandies using vending machines to buy cooked water had long been seen by everyone. At this time, a man in front of him grabbed a handful of copper money from the money bag and stuffed it into the slot.

The crowd on one side also loudly counted for him: "five, six... Twenty nine, thirty! It\'s flowing, it\'s flowing! It\'s really flowing!"

"Daozu is on the top. Is there really no one hidden in this cabinet?"

"Hey, get out of the way after you buy it. Don\'t delay your efforts. I\'ll buy cooked water too!"

"My God, the boiled water is cold! I\'ve lived most of my life. It\'s the first time I drink chilled boiled water in this midsummer!"

Seeing that there were too many people crowded in front of the vending machine, the man at the cooked water shop shouted at the top of his voice: "line up, don\'t squeeze, squeeze what? Line up in the back! Haven\'t you bought lottery tickets? Tian Shirang, line up in the back!"

Fortunately, after the baptism of rushing to buy lottery tickets, now the people in Chang\'an also have a sense of queuing. With the help of the store staff, five long dragons lined up in front of Fan Ji\'s cooked water shop.

Because there were too many people waiting in line, the street in front of the door was even blocked. The caravan cattle and horse cars between the east city were completely impassable and had to detour.

The excitement in front of the cooked water shop was naturally spread everywhere. It didn\'t take much time. Most people in Dongshi heard that there are five magical cabinets in Fanji cooked water shop, which can automatically identify copper coins and sell cooked water without manpower.

What\'s more amazing is that the cooked water sold is still iced!

So, with the word of mouth, the queue in front of Fan Ji\'s cooked water shop was getting longer and longer