Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 387

"You\'re stupid!" the beautiful boss looked down contemptuously. Li forgot to worry: "don\'t you know what franchisees are?"

Her words made Li forget to worry. After a long time, she asked, "Changqing, do you mean that we authorize the beverage vending machine to the cooked water shop in Chang\'an City? Let them be our franchisees? Is that ok?"

"Why not? Can\'t this beverage vending machine attract customers?"

"Should it be attractive? Even if we try it, many people will buy it. But how can we control the sales of those cooked water shops? And this vending machine is not complicated. Can\'t others find craftsmen to copy it?" Li forgot to scratch his head and asked a new question.

The beauty boss was speechless. He couldn\'t help but stretch out his thin fingers as white as green, and nodded Li forgetful\'s forehead: "Oh, why didn\'t I find you so stupid before? Is it still time to return the goods now?"

Li forgot to worry and replied with a smile: "sorry, the goods are sold and will not be returned."

After they laughed and made a few remarks, the beautiful boss explained to him, "you forgot to make ice with saltpeter? Didn\'t you publicize it?"

"No, I didn\'t even ask Li Shimin." Li forgetful seems to understand the meaning of the beauty boss: "do you mean that we control the supply of ice so that franchisees can choose to cooperate with us?"

"Bingo, that\'s it." the beautiful boss slapped his fingers smartly: "The shopkeepers of these cooked water shops don\'t have the financial resources to dig their own ice cellars to store ice like those Xun GUI. Our advantage is that we can provide them with ice every day in midsummer. Even if they can copy those automatic vending machines, as long as we control the technology of making ice, we\'re not afraid that they won\'t cooperate with us."

The words of the beautiful boss made Li forget his worries and suddenly realized that high is really high. He is worthy of being a top student at the University of Pennsylvania.

"We can provide beverage vending machines to those cooked water shops for free, and provide them with sufficient ice every day. The cooked water shops are responsible for maintaining these vending machines, replenishing drinks and adding ice to the vending machines."

Li Qieyou nodded and asked, "how do you distribute the income?"

"Fifty fifty. You ask the craftsman to transform the vending machine and let the copper money fall into the sealed money box. Every day we send people to unlock the lock, take out the money box and check the amount on site. We share the sales revenue of these vending machines in half with the cooked water shop."

After discussing some details of the specific operation, the two men decided on it.

This kind of "small business", Li forgets worry and doesn\'t plan to go to Li Er\'s partnership, but he and his beautiful boss are not going to eat alone.

After all, the Li family is weak, and the beautiful boss is in charge of the carriage shop and underwear shop. Li forget worry doesn\'t have so much energy to take care of the beverage vending machine industry, so he chose to cooperate with others.

The best partners are naturally the farmers in Dingzhou village.

First, the ice making workshop is located in the village, and the confidentiality is guaranteed, so it is not afraid that the secret will be leaked; second, the farmers in the village are his city households. Now the mutual trust between the two sides is at the max level, and they are not worried that they will be betrayed and deceived by the farmers.

Moreover, most of the farmers work in the carriage shop in Chang\'an City and go back and forth to Chang\'an city every day. At that time, it is also convenient for them to go to the cooked water shops to transport ice cubes and check money,

There are so many benefits. Li forgets worry naturally chooses to cooperate with the village and will not be stingy to share his shares. The village farmers can make more money, and he and his beautiful boss are happy to see their success.

Let Niu Wu invite old Murakami to the house, show him the vending machine, and then tell him his ideas.

This made the old man very happy. Without hesitation, he answered the matter for the farmers.

It\'s a good thing that pie falls from the sky. Unless the old man\'s head is caught in the door, he will say no.

Not to mention, Li Qieyou is the master of 127 households in Dingzhou village. Even if he doesn\'t give them money and only lets the farmers do things for nothing, no one can say no.

If you are willing to give money to the farmers, it is Renyi of Huxian County, and the old village is naturally grateful.

Li forget worry is also very generous. He directly distributed 40% of the profits to the farmers in Dingzhou village, which makes the old village thank him again and again.

When everything was arranged properly, Li forgot to worry and went to the east city of Chang\'an to contact a cooked water shop.

The shopkeeper of the cooked water shop was also very smart. As soon as Li forgetful could supply him with ice every day, he agreed without hesitation.

There is chilled boiled water for sale. I don\'t know how much sales can be increased in this summer. And the automatic beverage vending machine is also very magical and very convenient.

He can even hire a few shop assistants. He just needs to boil cooked water every day and pour it into the vending machine.

Although half of huxianzi\'s income should be distributed, the shrewd shopkeeper thought it was profitable and would not refuse.

The cooked water shop in Dongshi has become the first franchisee of "worry free cooked water vending machine".

Forget worry cooked water vending machine. Li forget worry originally resisted this name. What are these broken names? Why does Mao want to name a beverage vending machine with his name?

However, the beauty boss insisted and gave him examples of the "worry free window" and "worry free elbow" that are now popular in Chang\'an City, so as to prove the brand importance of the word "worry free".

The Dongpo elbow made by Li forgetful at the pig killing banquet that day was renamed forgetful elbow by Yang Zui. Yang Zuan and Liu Xiao liked this dish best. They specially asked the cooks in the government to go to Dingzhou village to find Li forgetful and learn how to do it.

As a result, this worry free elbow spread quickly because of its rotten and soft pig elbow and mellow meat taste.

Nowadays, the major restaurants in Chang\'an city will be despised by the guests if they can\'t cook the dish of "forget your elbow".

As for the worry free window, not to mention that it is the most popular thing in Chang\'an city. If anyone doesn\'t install a worry free window, it will be ridiculed.

Even today, some people call it "worry free lottery"

The beauty boss made such a reasonable point that Li forgot to worry and retorted without words. He could only recognize the broken name by holding his nose.

Li Qieyou led the dandies to the cooked water shop, turned over and got off the horse, and the shop staff came forward to help them tie up their horses.

"Ziyou, covered with these red cloth, is what you call the beverage vending machine?" Chai Lingwu asked curiously.

"Yes, you can start selling when brother Wu unveils the vending machine. You guys are the first batch of customers. Please join us."

Li forgot to worry about this, so Chai Lingwu couldn\'t help but stretch out his hand and grabbed his collar: "Ziyou, do you mean I have to give you money for drinks? Finally, I have to give you wang Youjun\'s calligraphy with both hands? Believe it or not, I\'ll fight with you?"

"Brother Wu, let go. Have something to say. It\'s my treat. Isn\'t it OK?"

The dandies burst into laughter. In the excitement, Chai Lingwu and Li forget worry reached out and tore off the red silk covered on the vending machine