Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 238

What he really wanted to teach Li Chengqian to them also made Li forget his worries and headache for a long time.

Think about the primary schools of later generations, which seem to learn Chinese, mathematics, English, art, music and sports?

Language doesn\'t have to be considered. If Li forgets worry and doesn\'t copy the works of those big men in later generations, I\'m afraid the actual level can\'t compare with these three small ones.

Although Li Chengqian and Li Tai are now eight and nine years old, when it comes to essays, poems, strategies, decrees, sutras and ink righteousness, they have been taught by famous teachers since childhood. They can surpass Li\'s level of forgetting to worry for a few blocks.

English doesn\'t have to be considered. It\'s useless to learn fart. Art itself seems to be able to teach Sanxiao how to sketch, but it\'s just a trail.

It seems that he can only teach mathematics and add some simple physics and chemistry knowledge... Thinking of this, Li forgets worry and feels very tired.

But in fact, it doesn\'t matter what they learn to teach Li Chengqian. Li forgets worry that the most important thing is to set up correct three views for these three small schools.

Eight honors and eight disgraces must be learned! Study every day, make good progress, and be a useful person to the society.

Li forgot to worry and rubbed his chin, wondering whether to write out the "code of daily behavior for primary school students" for the three children to recite?

He is familiar with the "code of conduct for primary school students". When he was a child, he was punished by his head teacher for copying every mistake.

Because there are too many times of copying and deep memory, until now, Li forgetful can recite it backwards.

In the small study, Li forget worry has put a lot of teaching aids.

The essential blackboard is simple. Carpenter Liu nailed the board to him and painted it with a thick layer of black paint.

It took a little effort and many experiments to make chalk out of raw gypsum.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai and little princess Changle have never seen a blackboard. They don\'t understand what their little teacher is doing with such a large black board in their study.

When Li Qieyou took the chalk and began to write on the blackboard, the three small eyes widened.

Li Qieyou wrote ten Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 on the blackboard.

Arabic numerals were first invented by ancient Indians, then spread to Europe by Arabs, and then modernized by Europeans. People think it is an Arab invention, so people call it "Arabic numerals".

Arabic numerals were first introduced into China in the 13th and 14th centuries.

In fact, ancient Chinese mathematics is not bad, even ahead of the world. From Wei Jin to early Tang Dynasty, it was the establishment period of Chinese mathematical theory system.

There are many mathematical works, such as the five Cao Suanjing, the five classics arithmetic, the records of numeracy, the ancient Suanjing and the nine chapters arithmetic.

But Chinese numbers are too cumbersome, which limits the development of mathematics to a great extent.

The three children were very curious. Looking at the strange symbols drawn by Li Qieyou on the blackboard, they didn\'t understand what these were.

Li forgets to worry again in each Arabic numeral bottom, writes the corresponding Chinese numeral, only then starts to give three small detailed explanations.

For these symbols and numbers taught by their teachers, the three primary schools did not feel useful. On the contrary, they felt very uncomfortable because of habit problems.

Li Qieyou didn\'t explain much. After the three of them memorized the Arabic numerals, they wrote several simple arithmetic addition and subtraction problems directly on the blackboard and asked them to calculate them themselves.

However, the youngest princess is required to use the Arabic numerals taught by herself. Li Chengqian and Li Tai used their customary Chinese numbers.

"Well, Chengqian and Qingque, you two won\'t lose to your sister? That\'s a shame. If you win the game, the teacher will reward you with a bowl of ice cream. It\'s delicious!"

Although they don\'t know what ice cream Li forgets you is talking about, Li Chengqian and Li Tai are angry at Li forgets you\'s underestimate.

Arithmetic is also what they have to learn since childhood. In particular, green finches are better at arithmetic. How can they lose to the little girl Changle.

They snorted: "hum, how can we lose to Changle?"

"Hey, hey, that\'s good. If you lose, you two can only watch Changle eat ice cream. Well, let\'s start." Li forgets worry thief smiled.

Are you kidding? Writing Chinese numbers and comparing the speed with Arabic numbers is simply using tractors and sports cars to race speed.

Don\'t think about Chinese numbers. How long does it take just to write those Chinese characters?

The final result was not beyond Li\'s expectation. He had a total of ten questions. When little Lori finished, the fastest Li Tai finished seven questions, and Li Chengqian even did five.

"This, how is this possible? How can Changle calculate faster than me?" the little fat Li Tai couldn\'t believe it.

Without explanation, Li Qieyou ran to the kitchen and got a whole bowl of ice cream for Changle.

Ice cream actually originated in China, not imported.

As early as the Yuan Dynasty, someone added some honey, milk and pearl powder to the ice. As a result, the world\'s earliest ice cream was made.

When Marco Polo returned to Italy, he brought back the Chinese ice cream making method, which made ice cream popular in Europe.

Although the ice cream made by Li forget you does not have the delicate taste of later generations, it is also a rare delicacy in this Datang.

Little Laurie won her two brothers and got such a delicious reward that her eyes narrowed to crescent moon.

While eating ice cream, he also made an exaggerated smack. Hearing Li Chengqian and Li Tai swallow saliva, he was very jealous.

Fortunately, little Lori is not a sole eater. After a few bites, she reluctantly took the delicious ice cream in her hand to Li Chengqian and Li Tai to share.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai originally wanted to maintain the dignity of losers and not eat this "wasted food".

But in the end, I couldn\'t resist the temptation of ice cream and tried to taste it.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai almost didn\'t fight in order to compete for this small amount of ice cream. Li forgot his worries and was speechless for a while.

It\'s pathetic to be the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. He licked the last residue with a bowl in his arms and let others see it. I\'m afraid he thought it was the little beggar from where?

There are fun and delicious food. After only one day\'s effort to settle in Zhoucun, Li Chengqian and Li Tai completely forgot how they disliked Li forgetful before.

Until the evening, the forbidden guards in the palace urged several times, and the three children reluctantly returned to Chang\'an city.

Because Li forgets worry and is not interested in being a child king every day, he and Li Er agreed to send Li Chengqian and them to Dingzhou village twice every ten days, that is, once every five days.

This makes Li Chengqian feel deeply resentful now. When they leave, their eyes looking at Li forgetful are full of resentment. They hate that they can\'t come to Dingzhou village every day.

Li forgets worry and doesn\'t care about the grievances of the three little children. He doesn\'t want to be tired.

Seeing them off, Li forgot to worry. He had to get busy contacting the Ministry of work to repair his county men\'s residence