Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 223

Before Li forgot to worry and catch his breath, he listened to the Chamberlain Tong Bing: "I tell you, your Highness the prince and the king of Yue are coming."

Everyone, it\'s the name given to Li Er by the Chamberlain close to Li Er in the palace, but the ministers don\'t.

Li forgot to worry, but he thought the name was strange, because in the Tang Dynasty, his daughter-in-law called his mother-in-law "everyone".

Such a connection could not help but make him laugh in his heart.

However, his attention was soon attracted by the two little children behind the waiter.

The two eight or nine year old boys, dressed in fancy clothes, are obviously Crown Prince Li Chengqian of the Tang Dynasty and King Li Tai of Yue.

He could tell at a glance who was Li Chengqian and who was Li Tai, because Li Tai\'s figure was so easy to recognize.

Li Tai is extremely smart from urination, but according to historical records, Li Tai has a "big waist and abdomen", which means that he is a little fat man.

At this time, Li Tai was only eight years old, but Li forgot to worry. He estimated that the little fat man weighed no less than 100 kilograms, and his round body was completely in line with Qiu Kun\'s fat man.

Although Li Chengqian is a nine-year-old child, he is also handsome. But the indelible pride on Li Chengqian\'s face made Li forget his worries very unhappy.

Ma Dan, a little fart child, his nostrils are almost facing up when he looks at people. With this proud and charming appearance, Li forgets worry and has the impulse to fart him.

As the eldest son of Li Er and the eldest grandson of the empress, Li Chengqian has been loved since he was born. He was born in Chengqian Hall of Taiji palace, so he took this hall as his name and named it Li Chengqian.

To inherit the cause of the emperor also means to inherit the cause of the emperor and master the heaven and earth.

As the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, Li Chengqian was naturally flattered and flattered by the palace attendants. In just three years, his arrogance has become a habit.

"I\'ve seen my father and my mother." when they met their parents, Li Chengqian and Li Tai were all happy and hurried forward to salute.

Li Er smiled and waved to them: "Chengqian, Qingque, come here quickly. I\'ve seen your brother forgetful."

Li Chengqian and Li Tai both looked surprised.

Where did a worry free brother emerge? Who else can be their brother in this world?

Li Er said with a smile, "this is Li Qieyou, who was born in Huxian county. In theory, he is your two brothers and can afford to call you brother."

Huxian Li? From brother?

Li Er\'s words made Li Chengqian frown. Although he was young, he also knew the Li family in Huxian county.

Although the Li family in that Huxian county is a royal family, it is just a small family. How can Li forget to worry about being worthy of him? The crown prince of the Tang Dynasty calls him his brother?

Li Tai didn\'t say anything. His small eyes blinked on his fat face. He simply obeyed Li Er\'s words and gave Li forgetful a gift: "the green bird has seen forgetful brother."

Li Chengqian looks at Li Er and hopes to get Li Er\'s explanation. As the pride of the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, he is not allowed to call his brother so casually.

Li Er didn\'t seem to see Li Chengqian\'s eyes and stared at him: "Chengqian, why don\'t you salute Ziyou?"

"What? Dad, are you mistaken? Let me salute him? I\'m the prince. What\'s his status? Can he afford me to salute him?"

Li Er smiled angrily at Li Chengqian\'s words: "Chengqian, you should not only salute Ziyou, but also worship him as a teacher with Qingque and Changle. Ziyou is the teacher I found for the three of you. Do you understand?"

"Worship him as a teacher? Why is this? How old is he?" Li Chengqian immediately exclaimed in surprise when he heard the speech. Li Tai on the side also showed a look of surprise and doubt. Only Changle was not unwilling to cover his mouth and have fun.

"Ziyou hasn\'t reached the top yet, but he has great talent! The poems I asked you two to recite and the inscription on the humble house were all done by Ziyou. Why, do you still doubt what I said?" Li Er scolded his two sons, dissatisfied with their attitude.

Li Er\'s words made Li Chengqian and Li Tai a little afraid. They quickly bowed to Li Er: "I dare not. I know I\'m wrong."

"It\'s good to know you\'re wrong. Give Ziyou a salute. That\'s what your aunt means."

The eldest grandson also nodded: "yes, Chengqian and Qingque, you should listen to Ziyou\'s teachings in the future. His words are those of father and mother, understand?"

Seeing that Li Er and empress Chang Sun said so, Li Chengqian and Li Tai looked at each other, but their eyes were full of reluctance.

Li Tai turned his small eyes and said to Li Er, "Dad, since you let us forget our brother as a teacher, let\'s go and prepare a teacher worship tea."

Li Er nodded: "yes, I\'ll ask the waiter to prepare for you."

"No, Dad, let\'s go by ourselves. Only in this way can we show our sincerity."

Li Er didn\'t think there was anything wrong, so he nodded and agreed, "but go and return quickly."

Li Chengqian and Li Tai glanced at Li QIAOYOU, turned and ran.

Before Li forgets sorrow, he has been watching coldly and did not speak. He is observing the performance of Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

It can be seen that Li Chengqian\'s pride and arrogance as the crown prince have gone deep into the bone marrow, but Li Tai may not be a good thing.

Li Tai and Li Er didn\'t notice his little eyes just now, but Li forgot to worry, but they saw it very clearly.

This little guy obviously has no peace of mind. He personally prepares apprentice tea for himself. I\'m afraid he\'s going to "feed" his tea?

Hum, little boy, you are still young to play this game with me!

Li forgot to worry secretly and completely saw through Li Tai\'s careful ghost trick.

He was also very naughty when he was a child, similar to putting laxatives in the teacher\'s water cup. He did it more than once. For this reason, Li forgot to worry about his fart shares, but his family beat him up several times.

Li forgot his worries and didn\'t say anything. He just accompanied Li Er to gossip with empress Chang sun. After a while, Li Chengqian and Li Tai came back with two cups of tea.

"Ziyou, I won\'t prepare the six rites for you. But let the three of them kneel down to worship you." Li Er didn\'t see the careful thinking of his two sons. When he saw them back, he nodded with satisfaction.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai looked at each other, but there was a smug smile in their eyes.

Together with Changle, they came to Li forget you. They were not in a hurry to kneel down to worship Li forget you. Instead, they picked up the tea bowl and sent it to Li forget you.

"Brother forgetting worry, please have tea."

Li forgot to worry, took a deep look at them, reached for the tea cup and made a look ready to drink.

In the expectant eyes of Li Chengqian and Li Tai, Li Qieyou just brought the tea bowl to his mouth, but suddenly put it down again.

"Chengqian, Qingque and Changle, since the three of you are willing to worship me as a teacher, the teacher will give you a word."

Li Chengqian and Li Tai were disappointed to see that Li forgets worry and didn\'t drink tea.

"Brother forgetful, please drink the teacher worship tea first. Let\'s listen to what you have taught." Li Tai didn\'t give up, but advised Li forgetful to drink the tea.

Li forgot to worry and looked at them with a smile. He picked up the tea bowl and looked like he wanted to drink