Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1282

"Tesla, I know you\'re worried about sevia\'s safety. I\'m going to the hunter Empire this time. I promise you, I\'ll help you find out about her. How about this? "

Now that Ariel has said so, Tesla can only nod and stop talking.

"Well, in that case, let\'s assign the work again. Let me see... The defense at night is also very important for this trip to the hunter empire. HMM... cheese, mashed potato, which of you would like to go with me? "

The cheese was a little cold, snorted and raised his hand. But he just wanted to point to himself and say what he wanted to go to war. The cassava next to him took the lead and said, "president, I\'ll come."

I was surprised to see that the younger generation of the same family was so enthusiastic. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "(blood language) you girl, why are you so energetic this time? This is going to other human countries. Listen to my advice. You can\'t grasp this big scene. Let me, a blood hero who is familiar with the rules of the world, participate in it. "

Ma Shu didn\'t pay any attention to the cheese behind him. He raised his head, opened his mouth and said with a very positive attitude: "president, please let me participate. I want to see your human world and know more about you. So this time, please let me go with you. "

Seeing the little girl\'s insistence, Ariel nodded with a smile and said, "I\'m glad you can think so. In that case, it\'s up to you."

With Ariel\'s permission, Mashu immediately puffed up his cheeks, as if he was a little happy, but he couldn\'t laugh directly because of his reserve. Looking at her round face, Ariel really wanted to pinch it~~~

Well, the next person to choose is very simple.

And for Ariel, the current character selection is not complicated.


When the president called out his name, cocoa\'s eyes lit up immediately! An eager expression.

"This time, just stay here."

But then, the expectation of the necromancer turned into surprise.

"Sister president! Why? Why did you let me stay here and watch the house! "

Facing cocoa\'s scream, Ariel covered her ears and asked her to roar. Then she looked at her with a smile and nodded silently.

"Because I trust you, coco."

Before cocoa could yell any more, Ariel opened her mouth and directly pressed the girl down, and continued——

"You may think this expedition is very important, but coco, it\'s also important to know that you stay here in the mermaid song."

As she spoke, Ariel\'s expression began to close slightly. After a pause, she said again——

"This time, I may not be able to come back until years later. Years later, many of the debts of our mermaid song are due. Do you remember this? "

In the past year, mermaid songs have been too extravagant.

It is because of this wealth that almost everyone forgot the mermaid song, and now they still shoulder a huge debt.

Carefully calculate the amount of debt. The current capital flow of mermaid song is likely to be impossible to pay off all debts. If one is not done well, it may lead to major flaws in the debt of mermaid song! Even some people with ulterior motives know that it is possible for mermaid song to be forced into bankruptcy at one go under the condition of poor funds.

"Coco, I may represent the blue bay Empire to the hunter Empire this time. I don\'t want to take the job if I can. But if I have to participate, you must maintain the economy of mermaid song when I have left home for so long. "

Just now, cocoa was angry because she hadn\'t been brought. But now, the necromancer suddenly shouldered the responsibility for the survival of the whole mermaid song. Such a heavy burden made the little girl stop breathing at once, and the whole person was like a real dead man.

After a long time, she suddenly cried out with tears in the corners of her eyes, "President sister! You... You let me do this? I... I can\'t do it! Shoulder the whole mermaid song or something... It\'s too difficult for me! "

Ariel reached out and gently rubbed the little girl\'s head. Although cocoa is now almost as tall as her, and even her figure has become a little more "plump" than herself, she still seems to be the 12-year-old girl in front of her.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t give you work beyond your ability. Although our debt is about to expire, as long as we make a little use of the weakness of human nature, it is not difficult to get through this debt crisis safely. "

Cocoa squatted next to Ariel\'s seat and looked sad: "specifically... What should we do? Sister president, can you... Come back and do it yourself? If it\'s just making money, I can barely do it... If it\'s to avoid our bankruptcy... I... I... "

"Well, well, what you have to do is simple. To put it bluntly, it is to try every means to let those who borrowed our money at the beginning of this year, after receiving interest at the end of this year, think of lending us the money again. "

After hearing Ariel\'s words, cocoa suddenly bounced up from her squatting position and said with a surprised face, "it\'s so simple?"

Ariel nodded and said with a smile, "it\'s that simple. However, we can\'t give such a high interest rate this time. HMM... 10% at most. Next year, the interest on the funds lent to us for mermaid song can only reach 10% at most. This should not embarrass you? "

Cocoa didn\'t seem to have figured out what to do for a while before she could borrow the money again. She seemed a little nervous.

Seeing this, Margo slowly breathed out, came forward and said, "president, do you need me to participate in this expedition?"

Ariel looked at the priest, thought about it, and said, "no need."

Margo nodded and said, "in that case, let me help our little cocoa to control the amount of the guild. It\'s just that there\'s another problem. "

Ariel: "you say."

Margo: "it\'s easy to say other people\'s debts. I have ways to make those who lend money to us willingly continue to lend money to us. But what about the Holy See and the association? "

Margo spread out her palms, shrugged slightly and said, "they invested their money in our guild because they were cheated. After one year, they took the money. How can we ensure that they can continue to invest the money in us? I don\'t think the magician and paladin will allow this to happen again. "

In this regard, Ariel smiled, stretched out her hand, gently clicked her mouth, smiled and said, "Margo, coco, what good way to defeat the enemy except to crush each other with strong strength?"

Cocoa tilted her head, looked at Ariel\'s finger pointing at her lips and said, "kiss them? Ouch! Sister Margo! Why did you hit me! "

Margo shook her hand and snorted, "who makes you a little girl with all those messy ideas? The president means let\'s use words to instigate them. "

Ariel laughed and said, "yes, but it\'s not right. What I really mean is that even if the paladin George peanut Tun and the master Eddie invincible flame refuse to invest in us again, we can go to their men. "

"Even if their leaders are not bound to our economy, as long as we can take advantage of their greed in human nature and make them feel that they can make so much money just by resting in such a remote town for a year without doing anything, then they will definitely invest more in us next year."

"We just need to persuade them to feel that instead of blocking our mermaid song, they might as well continue to invest in US and make money with us. Then there is no need for the Holy See and the association to trouble us, and they will deal with those troubles themselves. Now, do you understand? "

Cocoa puffed her cheeks and said helplessly, "ah ~ ~ ~? In this way, don\'t you want to go to them and say it one by one? Can\'t there be a more convenient and fast way? "

Ariel raised her hand, patted her on the forehead and said, "down to earth, remember? Don\'t think about anything that can be solved once and for all. Dealing with problems always needs to be solved step by step. This is also to exercise your communication skills. We should ensure that even if the people we communicate with are our own \'enemies\', we should try our best to win over each other. Do you understand? "

The necromancer pouted, but he stopped making trouble after all.

Seeing this, Ariel breathed out and looked at the little white cat lying on the counter in the distance, but she just wanted to speak, but the white cat directly waved its tail and said——

"Don\'t count me. I won\'t go out this time."

Ariel was stunned: "aren\'t you going? Didn\'t you like to go out with me before? "

Napa continued to wag her tail, even turned over, faced inside and said, "used to be before, now is now, now I\'m too lazy to move. You have to allow the cat to be lazy. "

Well, since the cat doesn\'t want to start, let it stay. Then

Finally, Ariel fixed her eyes on the remaining two front row soldiers.

To tell the truth, Ariel was surprised that her shield warriors and paladins didn\'t jump out from the beginning when they faced the question of who should go to war?

Even if it\'s su TA, she\'s a quiet woman.

But Brad should have no doubt about his loyalty? But he hasn\'t spoken yet? This is really abnormal.

Ariel\'s eyes paused on Brad\'s face.

The shield soldier looked a little embarrassed, glanced aside and looked at Buffy on his shoulder.

And buffy also looked very anxious. She turned her head and looked at the crisp tower next to her.

Su TA obviously noticed that others gradually focused on himself, and silently lowered his head.

"Su TA, raise your head."

As soon as Ariel spoke, Su TA immediately looked up as if she was frightened by something.

Looking at Su TA\'s face covered by bangs, Ariel was silent for a moment and said, "do you want to participate in this action?"


Su TA seemed hesitant and seemed to give people a very painful expression.

She gently bit her lips and finally said as if determined: "President... This expedition... I... please allow me not to participate..."

Ariel was not surprised by the answer.

It can even be said that it is a destabilizing factor to see their members so restlessly participate in such an action to send to other countries.

But what she was curious about was the reason.

"Why? If we are preparing for the judge\'s examination, we can leave the work to people in the government. "

Su TA quickly shook his head and said apologetically, "no, President, I\'m really... I\'m really sorry! I know... I know I should wait until I get back, but... But... I can\'t wait... Although my husband says he\'s still alive, it\'s been more than a year now! His body is still weakening... I\'m really worried that one day... One day in the future, he will really go straight... Back to the God of light... "

She clenched her fist as if to say these words with all her strength, and nodded hard——

"President, I\'m very grateful to you for letting me find the answer from the manual of the demon swordsman... So even if it\'s dangerous, I still hope to wake up my husband as soon as possible! Please don\'t blame Buffy and Mr. Brad... Buffy promised to help me distinguish herbs before. Mr. Brad doesn\'t want to leave Buffy! So... That\'s why they... "

Ariel was stunned for a moment, but she soon remembered the manual of the swordsman she had put on the shelf and didn\'t care much about.

Thinking of this, Ariel just wanted to ask, "do you want to train your husband into a demon swordsman to wake up?", But when this sentence came to my mouth, it was stuck and couldn\'t be said.

At this time, the cream frowned and said, "Su TA, you\'re going too far. The president wants you to participate in the expedition. If the president thinks it is more appropriate for you not to participate, it\'s OK. But what do you mean by asking to quit? Don\'t you know that this long journey is very dangerous, and you are the only paladin in our guild who can defend against magic. It\'s irresponsible for you to quit like this, you know? "

But Brad should have no doubt about his loyalty? But he hasn\'t spoken yet? This is really abnormal.

Ariel\'s eyes paused on Brad\'s face.

The shield soldier looked a little embarrassed, glanced aside and looked at Buffy on his shoulder.

And buffy also looked very anxious. She turned her head and looked at the crisp tower next to her.

Su TA obviously noticed that others gradually focused on himself, and silently lowered his head.

"Su TA, raise your head."

As soon as Ariel spoke, Su TA immediately looked up as if she was frightened by something.

Looking at Su TA\'s face covered by bangs, Ariel was silent for a moment and said, "do you want to participate in this action?"


Su TA seemed hesitant and seemed to give people a very painful expression.

She gently bit her lips and finally said as if determined: "President... This expedition... I... please allow me not to participate..."

Ariel was not surprised by the answer.

It can even be said that it is a destabilizing factor to see their members so restlessly participate in such an action to send to other countries.

But what she was curious about was the reason.

"Why? If we are preparing for the judge\'s examination, we can leave the work to people in the government. "

Su TA quickly shook his head and said apologetically, "no, President, I\'m really... I\'m really sorry! I know... I know I should wait until I get back, but... But... I can\'t wait... Although my husband says he\'s still alive, it\'s been more than a year now! His body is still weakening... I\'m really worried that one day... One day in the future, he will really go straight... Back to the God of light... "

She clenched her fist as if to say these words with all her strength, and nodded hard——

"President, I\'m very grateful to you for letting me find the answer from the manual of the demon swordsman... So even if it\'s dangerous, I still hope to wake up my husband as soon as possible! Please don\'t blame Buffy and Mr. Brad... Buffy promised to help me distinguish herbs before. Mr. Brad doesn\'t want to leave Buffy! So... That\'s why they... "

Ariel was stunned for a moment, but she soon remembered the manual of the swordsman she had put on the shelf and didn\'t care much about.

Thinking of this, Ariel just wanted to ask, "do you want to train your husband into a demon swordsman to wake up?", But when this sentence came to my mouth, it was stuck and couldn\'t be said.

At this time, the cream frowned and said, "Su TA, you\'re going too far. The president wants you to participate in the expedition. If the president thinks it is more appropriate for you not to participate, it\'s OK. But what do you mean by asking to quit? Don\'t you know that this long journey is very dangerous, and you are the only paladin in our guild who can defend against magic. It\'s irresponsible for you to quit like this, you know? "