Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1281

Ariel tilted her head, looked at Tesla next to her and said, "even if she can\'t reach it, what\'s the power of this weapon now? If you need training, how long will it take? "

Tesla thought for a while and said with some uncertainty, "well... I\'m not sure. The power has been tested before. The range is indeed longer than Mr. cheese\'s short gun, and the power is a little greater. However, it takes a long time to prepare for a launch, and the loading is troublesome... To be honest, I even think Miss Mashu\'s bow and arrow is much more flexible and powerful than our trial machine. "

Ariel thought about it, finally nodded and said, "just listening to you, I don\'t have a concept. So, take your test machine and let\'s go to a place outside the city to test it. Is that ok? "

Seeing that its president has said such words, Tesla has nothing to be uncomfortable with. He could only take a deep breath and said, "all right, president. Then please wait a moment. I\'ll go and carry it out with my designers. That thing is quite heavy. "

Tesla turned back. It didn\'t take him long to come out from behind with a long weapon wrapped in layers of cloth. Many of those designers have followed. Everyone looks at Ariel with excited colors on their faces.

Ariel held Napa in her arms and nodded, "let\'s go and try."

At that moment, the party followed Ariel and walked out of the guild hall. But just at this time, Su TA also came back. She just saw that Ariel was going out.

"President? Are you going out? Ah, I\'ve told everyone about my resignation, and I\'ve also told you about the exam! "

Once all these things were said, Su TA\'s face immediately seemed much lighter. Even though the upper half of her face is still covered by bangs, she can still feel the joy in her heart.

Ariel nodded and said, "OK, now you go to prepare for the exam. I\'m going out to test the weapon Oh, yes. "

When the two sides passed by, Ariel suddenly thought of something, turned and said to the crisp tower preparing to enter the guild hall——

"I made a mess on the counter just now. Please help me clean it up."

Su TA answered, "OK, president."

Seeing that Su TA is so obedient now, perhaps it is because the incident on No. 1231 just stimulated Ariel, or maybe she thought that Su TA was like a character who looked forward to her head and would not refuse at all. Ariel always felt that somewhere in her heart began to hurt again.

At the moment, she couldn\'t help adding a few sentences again——

"Also, those books... Su TA, you should read more books at ordinary times. You can read the books I put in the guild. If you don\'t understand anything, you can ask me. It doesn\'t matter. I can also forgive you for delaying your work in order to read... So, do you understand? "

It was strange to hear Ariel warn herself so seriously.

But now she has no bottom in her heart, and she can only cope with the general nod, "Hmm".

Seeing Ariel and others off, Su TA returned to the hall, looked at the pile of messy documents on the table in the rest area, and then looked at the books piled everywhere on the counter. He could not help frowning, walked to the table and began to clean up.

While cleaning up, she looked at the documents and bills, trying to figure out what her president meant. But even if these bills were clearly put in front of her, she couldn\'t understand them at all. She just felt dizzy in her head.

That\'s when Brad and buffy came back together.

When Brad saw the crisp tower being cleaned up here, he immediately raised his hand and said, "sister crisp Tower! Good afternoon! "

However, suuta was still concentrating on the documents. The more she looked at them, the more upset she felt. She didn\'t hear Brad\'s greeting.

Seeing that Britta didn\'t respond to him, Brad wanted to go forward and continue to say hello. But Buffy, sitting on his shoulder, reached out and pulled his ear and said, "why? If people don\'t pay attention to you, do you still want to take the initiative? "

Brad smiled foolishly and said, "if Buffy doesn\'t like it, I won\'t say hello. Buffy, I\'ll clean up in the back and get some roof repair tools. In the afternoon, there are some rough and tiring work. You don\'t have to accompany me. Have a rest. "

Buffy flapped her wings, flew up from Brad\'s shoulder, stretched herself and said, "all right ~ ~ ~! I\'m really a little tired. Be careful this afternoon. Don\'t force yourself too hard, do you hear me? If you get hurt, I won\'t allow you to leave me alone in the future! "

Brad nodded hard and smiled. So far, he walked into the back of the guild, rummaged through the boxes, took some tools and went out.

After sending Brad away, Buffy looked back and saw that Britta had cleaned up all the documents on the table and began to clean up the books on the counter.

However, she was still very slow to clean up. She shook her head while cleaning up. When she picked up a book, she had to read the name of the book, open it and read a few pages, but after a while, she closed the book and looked like she couldn\'t understand it at all.

"What are you... Doing?"

Buffy flew over and made a circle around the crisp tower.

Su TA still didn\'t seem to be aware of Bafei in front of him. He picked up a Book of appreciation of ancient poetry and opened it. After two eyes, he closed his eyes like Venus again and stacked it on the nearby pile of books.

"Hello! What are you doing?! "

Buffy flew to the tip of the crisp tower\'s nose, opened her hands and feet, and shouted.

At this time, Su TA finally recovered. She was startled, then slowly calmed down, looked at Bafei in front of her, frowned a little, and said, "Bafei... Nothing. The president asked me to help her clean up these books. I\'m cleaning up."

Bafei flew to the stacks of books with her hands on her back and said, "just clean up. Why are you so terrible? And take each one up and have a look? Oh ~ ~ ~ I see! You want to be as knowledgeable as the president, don\'t you? "

Su TA picked up a basic mathematics handout again, casually turned a few pages, smiled bitterly and said, "if I could become like a president, it would be good. But... Alas, the president asked me to clean up and read more books at the same time. I don\'t quite understand why the president said such things to me... Do you think I\'m too stupid and want me to read more books? "

Buffy tilted her head, shrugged and said, "whatever, I can\'t read your human books. Only sister rose and several sisters who like your human books can bear to read your books. Since the president asked you to clean up, you should clean up quickly first. "

Su TA sighed helplessly and nodded. She held out her hand and took out a book from those stacks again. She planned to turn a few pages at will, as she had just done, to see if there were any hidden notes or something. If not, she began to tidy up seriously.

However, when she picked up the book and recited the title of the book as before

"Swordsman\'s Manual...?"

Looking at this slightly shabby book, the memory of crisp tower was outlined all at once.

When she saw this book, she immediately thought of the young man named tiramisu... The young demon swordsman was loyal, brave and powerful. He was willing to devote his life to his master... It was a pity

"Alas... If I didn\'t see it today, I almost forgot that we still have such a book here."

Buffy also flew over, saw the book, then nodded and said, "Oh, I know this book. Isn\'t it what the two magic swordsmen and disciples left behind? Well... Anyway, I haven\'t seen anything in it yet. What does it say? "

Souta bored to open the manual of the demon swordsman and said, "it records all the contents about the cultivation and combat skills of the demon swordsman that Mr. MAS Capone wrote to his apprentice, Mr. tiramisu. On that day, Mr. MAS Capone must have hoped that Mr. tiramisu could inherit his will and inherit the power of the demon swordsman... But now, alas... It\'s a pity... "

Bafei flew over and looked at the preface on the first page of the swordsman\'s manual. After looking at it for a few times, she immediately said, "Oh ~ ~ ~! Swordsman? Uh huh, I see. It\'s the demon swordsman! ha-ha! So we still have such books here? Yes, after so many years, I almost forgot. "

Sutta closed his book: "Mr. MAS Capone and Mr. tiramisu died last year."

Buffy: "ah... Yes! Yes, yes, yes! last year! last year! Well... "

Su TA: "

Buffy: "all right, all right! I confess! I almost forgot what they did! So, Su TA, this demon swordsman... What does the demon swordsman do? It seems that we haven\'t met such a profession in the process of guild championship before? "

Suuta nodded and said, "swordsman is a fighting profession created by Mr. MAS Capone. He was a Templar himself, but later he became a swordsman because his faith in the God of light disappeared. "

"Unlike our paladins who focus on defending against magic, swordsman is a combat class that is almost created specifically for hunting magic. From my understanding of the master and apprentice of the magic swordsman, their bodies have very strong magic resistance, and their weapons can split magic. Even the affinity without magic elements seems to be able to observe the flow of magic. It can be said that they are really natural magicians. No, it should be said that they are the nemesis of magic. "

Hearing this, Buffy could not help but put her arm around her shoulder and shivered, saying, "the killer of magic? Oh... Such a evil door? You humans are really getting more and more abnormal. You not only want to transfer magic, but even want to specifically restrain magic? It\'s terrible, it\'s terrible... "

Su TA also smiled and did not deny it.

After all, for flower goblins like Buffy, they are almost all a collection of magic elements. If this collection of magic elements meets a demon swordsman who is not afraid of magic, it is basically equivalent to having no resistance, and she should be afraid.

Looking at the manual of the demon swordsman in his hand, Su TA breathed out in silence.

Although the demon swordsman is the bane of magic, the cultivation method of the demon swordsman seems to be very hard. There is no specific training recorded in the first few pages of the book. Instead, it requires picking all kinds of herbs and using all kinds of alchemy to wipe and soak the body of the demon swordsman. Even take a lot of poisonous insects and poisons that may be poisonous!

Only in this way can we refine a body whose magic resistance has almost reached the peak... Such a painful process can\'t be endured by ordinary people.

... magic resistance... The body that reached the peak?

Suddenly, Su TA pinched his hand holding the manual of the demon swordsman!

She began to breathe heavily, as if she thought of something. She stared at the book in her hand and didn\'t move! Buffy on one side saw that Su TA was suddenly so stunned. She was a little curious. She floated over, looked at the manual of the demon swordsman in her hand, looked at her again and said, "what\'s the matter with you?"

Su TA did not respond to Bafei, but opened the book in her hand again and began to read it carefully, page by page.

In the front part of the book, almost more than half of the books record in detail what kind of herbs to be picked, how to grind them into powder, or immerse the whole body in the water processed by special medicine for water bath.

Among them, there are, for example, various needles that are almost like torture into each designated part of the body of the quasi demon swordsman, which are stimulated three times in the morning, noon and evening every day. Even, in the later stage, the quasi demon swordsman should take some potions with elemental crystallization!

At first, it was just mixed with various drugs.

In the end, it\'s like eating elemental crystals directly!

If people will not die after experiencing such a situation, then the quasi demon swordsman can obtain preliminary magic resistance and move towards the orthodox demon swordsman!

What kind of terrible training is this?

Poison, suffering? Can a person really live under such training? No wonder the Holy See will regard the demon swordsman as a heresy and a terrible existence that can never be crossed!

Just... Now

Su TA bit her teeth, looked up at her room and thought of her husband who had been lying in bed for more than a year and had not woken up at all

Didn\'t that ice mage say before? My husband was under a very old spell.

No matter how old the spell is, in general, it is still a kind of spell, is it a kind of magic?

If my husband can get a great anti magic constitution through a method... Does that mean that my husband is not far from waking up?

"Crisp tower? Hey, Britta! What do you think? "

Bafei kept greeting. Finally, Su TA came back and saw the flower goblin next to her.

The expression on her face quickly changed from surprise to excitement at the beginning, and said happily, "I know what the president asked me to clean the table!"

Buffy tilted her head: "what? No, wait a minute! You don\'t have to explain to me, and I\'m too lazy to listen. Anyway, you know what the president asked you to do, right? Good. So what\'s next? What do you want? "

Su TA handed over the manual of the swordsman in his arms, nodded vigorously and said, "Buffy, do you know these plants?"

Buffy looked at some plants depicted in the manual, thought about it, and said, "well, most of them know. If you really don\'t know, just ask Sister Rose. What happened to these plants? "

Su TA took back the manual and looked excited: "my husband... My husband may wake up! But I need help... I need you! Buffy, I need you to help me too! This may take a long time. I need an excellent flower goblin to help me master the dosage of plants so as not to make mistakes. "

As soon as she heard that she was an "excellent flower goblin", Buffy immediately changed from strangeness to pride! With her hands on her hips and her nose raised high, she said happily, "OK! Of course not! Hahaha, I am the excellent flower goblin in the rumor! If you have anything you want to ask, just ask! I know everything! Ha ha ha! "

Seeing that he had obtained Bafei\'s cooperation, Su TA immediately set more than half in his heart. She looked at the book in her hand again and muttered gratefully in the direction of the door——

"President... Thank you. I will try my best to do all this..."


Ariel is not very satisfied with the test results of the pilot machine, but she can still see a little vision.

The loading speed of this thing is very slow. If one person doesn\'t have enough strength, it may take two more people to operate it. After trying to shoot, the powerful recoil immediately made Ariel feel that her arm was almost dislocated.

Obviously, this trial machine is far from being used by ordinary people like Ariel.

But now that it\'s done, you can still look forward to it, right?

At dinner time, Ariel took Tesla after the experiment and pulled the trial machine back to the guild.

Along the way, the two people kept discussing various short boards of the trial machine and, most importantly, the raw materials.