Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1277

Tesla was obviously a little nervous and trembled——

"To hand over such an important position as the human justice of Pelican city to a person we may not have met or know? Is that too risky? What if this man faces us everywhere after he becomes a judge? "

Su TA was also worried and said, "yes, president. If you pass the exam, if you\'re a beggar... I\'m not looking down on beggars, but if you\'re a person with bad conduct and misbehavior, you\'ll get the best grades. Should we let such a person act as a judge? "

Ariel shook her head slightly and told her thoughts: "of course, I don\'t really want to be completely open to others to run for judge in Pelican city. I\'ll set a requirement. "

"First of all, I ask those who come to our Pelican city to act as judges to live in our Pelican city for at least one year and become a citizen of our Pelican city. In this way, we can avoid people from other cities coming to the examination and ensure that our number of justices will fall into the hands of people in our own city. "

"Then, we will review the character of the candidates. Those who have committed crimes, cheated, had bad relations with their neighbors, and bullied the good and feared the evil on weekdays can not serve as our chief justice. Our chief justice needs a person with integrity, kindness and a strong sense of justice to be successfully elected. This also means that this person\'s character must be good. If his character is bad or he makes mistakes in some key places, we can also remove the position of chief justice. "

"Again, I don\'t think it\'s necessary for you to worry about whether there will be any strange people. Because after the above two screening, most of the people who stay are people who have lived in Pelican city for many years and know the roots of their neighbors. And the most important thing is that since you want to be elected a justice, you must be able to read and write. After our mermaid song education in the past few years, the literacy rate of Pelican city has increased a lot, especially those children. Among those children, I also met several smart guys who have always watched the deeds of our mermaid song and have the corresponding knowledge. Like Tesla, your fellow designers, I believe there will be a good judge in our Pelican city. "

Tesla didn\'t know what to say when he saw his president\'s cheerful appearance.

After a little silence, the nearby crisp tower said, "but President... Anyway, the position of judge has fallen into the hands of ordinary people... Although those children are familiar with us, they are not members of the mermaid song after all. And... And... This important position has always been assumed by the nobility. At least, it should be designated by the nobility... Will you... Will it have a backfire effect in the future? "

Ariel looked at the crisp tower standing in front of her, smiled, nodded slightly and said——

"Suuta, I know you are worried that the important position of judge may fall into the hands of others. However, have you ever wondered why since ancient times, such positions as mayor, judge and general have been assumed by nobles? "

Su TA thought for a while. After all, she shook her head and stopped talking.

Ariel: "the answer is simple, because this kind of position requires a lot of knowledge. Knowledge needs to be understood through learning. "

"As I said before, the aristocrats monopolized knowledge and words that could broaden people\'s horizons, making most people illiterate who could not read or write their own names. Because only when the largest number of civilians in the world do not know big words, the nobles are qualified to say that they are not suitable for these important positions, and only those who can read and understand books can take these important positions. "

"As long as they monopolize knowledge, even if ordinary people try hard, they can\'t seize the status and wealth of aristocrats. On the contrary, if I let ordinary people learn knowledge, read books and write articles, after three years of hard work, now we can carry out examinations and send a large number of excellent talents to the jobs we need most. "

"If I was a little confused before, what should I do to let everyone in Pelican city build Pelican city together, now I think that passing the exam can make some people who might have been farmers all their life become officials successfully, so that they can take charge of Finance and political operation. Maybe this is the real cooperative relationship."

Speaking of this, Ariel raised her finger and turned around in mid air, laughing: "of course, at the beginning, the new judge will certainly encounter obstacles. But it doesn\'t matter. At that time, you can tell that person how to deal with the judgment. Our mermaid song can also be used as the backup force of that person. I believe that in a short time, if that person is really excellent, he will soon be recognized by the public. "

As she spoke, Ariel got up, stretched out her hand and patted Britta on the shoulder.

This beat made Su TA feel as heavy as a thousand on his shoulder. She thought of something, lowered her head, and her whole body trembled slightly.

But soon, the trembling stopped. She raised her head. Half of her face covered by bangs faced Ariel for the first time today and said, "president, I understand... I\'ll tell you the news of my resignation now. At the same time, I will also announce the selection of judges. "

Ariel felt very pleased to see that Su TA knew her thoughts so well. She nodded gently, went back to her seat, sat down, smiled and said, "very good! Then it\'s up to you to handle the selection of judges. However, we also need some time for candidates to prepare. Um... November 1st! Just over a month! The exam begins this day! Then these two days you think about what questions should be given, and then choose what the answer is. If you can, go and discuss with the other two justices to see how the exam is better. We will start the formal exam on November 1! How\'s it going? "

Su TA: "yes, president!"

After answering, Su TA did not start to act. When Ariel saw her stupidly pestling here, she remembered something. She immediately waved her hand and said with a smile, "OK! You go! "

Su TA answered, and finally left the guild to publicize.

Tesla looked surprised but confused when he saw the crisp tower leave. But seeing that both of them were smiling at last, I think there is no big deal between them?

"Su TA, why doesn\'t she want to do it all of a sudden?"

Tesla held his drawing and sat down opposite Ariel.

Ariel picked up the document in her hand, read it and said, "nothing. She has to take care of her husband. Maybe she doesn\'t have much time."

Tesla tilted his head and thought. Although he thought there might be something else in it, he couldn\'t think of so much now.

Now, taking advantage of the gap where Ariel signed a document, Tesla handed over the drawings in his hand and spoke about the modification scheme of the element car.

Ariel was also very interested in this, nodded and asked Tesla to let go.

That is, when Tesla finished talking about the drawings in his hand and was ready to start reporting his "let go" budget

"Oh! I really didn\'t think of it, I really didn\'t think of it! "

A very familiar voice came in inadvertently from the door.

Tesla was stunned and looked back. I saw a middle-aged man in a tax official\'s robe coming in with three people. As soon as the tax official saw Ariel here, he immediately burst into the warmest smile on his face, came over with open arms and laughed——

"President Ariel, President Ariel! No, maybe it\'s mayor Ariel Garcia now! Oh, I really didn\'t think of it. No wonder I think the guild you founded is so different. It\'s because you are different! It\'s really disrespectful, disrespectful! "

Ariel\'s eyes turned to the incoming group. Of course, she noticed the tax official at the first time.

Calculate the time. Now it is really the time to collect taxes once a year, so Ariel was not surprised by the arrival of the tax official. It can even be said that she has already prepared the mermaid song and the tax of Pelican City, and plans to gently and skillfully solve this year\'s tax problem.

However, when Ariel saw the people who came in with the tax official, her face immediately showed a little surprise and joy.

Of course, as a mayor, she still well restrained her excitement, nodded gently to one of those people, then turned her eyes to the tax official again, smiled and said, "Oh, isn\'t this Mr. tax official? You\'ve come so early this year. I thought you wouldn\'t come until after October. "

The tax official laughed, straightened up slightly at Ariel, smiled and said, "I knew that mayor Ariel would not forgive me! I apologize to you for the rude things I did to you at that time! "

Ariel smiled, making her expression more gentle, without revealing the slightest bias. She reached out to the narrator\'s seat and let the people sit down: "Tesla, help bring some tea."

Tesla looked at the tax official and the president. Although some didn\'t know what was going on now, they still followed the instructions and went into the kitchen to make tea.

While he was making tea, Ariel also packed up the materials on her desk, went to the reception sofa, sat down in the master\'s position, smiled and said, "where, where, how long ago was that? Don\'t worry, it\'s okay. I don\'t mind at all. I also know that Mr. tax official has his own job responsibilities, so I will never have any ideas. "

Hearing that Ariel was willing to forgive herself now, the almost flattering smile on the tax official\'s face finally relaxed.

He sat down on the sofa, but when he saw that the other three people behind him didn\'t want to take a seat, he hesitated for a moment, then got up and said, "well... You can sit, too?"

Two of the three people behind him were dressed in weapons and adventurers. They looked like guards. The remaining one was wearing a dirt resistant travel suit and a cloak. Now she took off her cloak and showed her two sharp ears.

"Sister Ariel, Hello, long time no see."

Under the cloak is an elf girl. She smiled at Ariel and nodded.

Ariel smiled at her and said, "it\'s been a long time... You sit too."

The fairy girl looked at the seat, shook her head slightly and said, "my words... Forget it. My identity does not allow me to sit in front of you. "

Ariel frowned slightly and wanted to say something. However, the tax official here waved his hand and said, "Mr. Mayor, let you sit down! Where did so much nonsense come from! They are your sister. Why are you so polite to your sister? "

The fairy girl was a little stunned, then lowered her head somewhat cramped, with two crimson on her face, and said, "I... I just..."

Ariel also waved and said, "sit down quickly! Otherwise, your sister Ariel, I will be angry! "

Hearing Ariel\'s words, the elf girl nodded and sat down next to the tax official.

The tax official smiled and said, "Mayor Ariel, I\'m here today. On the one hand, I want to apologize to you in person. At that time, I was really... I was really confused. Do you know? At that time, the crown prince, the second prince and the Duke were all in front of me! I\'m really... I don\'t know anything! "

Ariel didn\'t mean to blame the tax official. Seeing that he had been thinking about it for half a year, she couldn\'t help waving her hand and said with a smile, "well, well, I know your difficulties at that time. Don\'t worry, I\'m fine. I won\'t take it to heart. "

The tax official covered his chest, exhaled again and said slowly, "it would be great if mayor Ariel could forgive me... Mr. Mayor, I really didn\'t think of it... To tell the truth, I was really surprised when I heard that Pelican city was at your helm last month! But then I thought it over and immediately figured it out. Well, if it\'s you, don\'t say you\'re just the mayor of Pelican City, even if you\'re the actual power holder of the whole marginal province! I don\'t think there will be any problem! "

Speaking of this, the tax official suddenly showed a bad smile on his face, leaned over and said happily, "Mr. Mayor, can you tell me the truth? Are you going to... Hehe, when will you win all the marginal provinces? "

Ariel laughed and said in a funny tone, "what the tax official said is really interesting. Don\'t say that! You must be tired from coming from a distance? Have you arranged accommodation? If not, I\'ll find you a place to live now! Ensure low price and high quality! "

The tax official laughed and squeezed out a funny expression: "look at what you said, Mr. Mayor. What\'s the matter? Can\'t wait for me to go? I\'m thinking of a way to kick me out? "

With that, both sides laughed, and there seemed to be a happy atmosphere between each other.

Once such an atmosphere relaxed, even Tesla\'s footsteps came up with tea seemed a lot lighter. He put the tea in front of his president and the tax official opposite. Just when he planned to put the tea in front of the elf girl, the elf girl suddenly stood up and nodded to Tesla, looking very reserved.

Ariel glanced at the fairy girl, continued to look back and faced the tax official in front: "ha ha ha! Well, I also know that Mr. tax official is a direct person. HMM... how about this? I just settled the account here, so how about we pay this year\'s tax first? Tesla, go and get the ledger I put on the table over there. "

Tesla nodded, put down the tea and went to clean up the account book.

Seeing Tesla collecting books over there, the tax official smacked his mouth slightly. Then he looked at Ariel with some hesitation in his eyes.

Naturally, Ariel quickly caught the sight of the tax official. She put down the tea she had brought and said, "Mr. tax official, if you have anything to say, please say it directly."

Tesla opened his mouth slightly, but then his eyes fell on Tesla again. After thinking about it, he said, "well... Excuse me, can we talk in a quiet place?"

Hearing this, Ariel\'s smile suddenly froze.

She thought a little and gave Tesla a a wink after he put down the tea, and Tesla left with his design.

When there was no one in the guild hall except the five of them, Ariel got up, slowly closed the door of the guild, walked slowly to the counter, picked up the cat sleeping on the cushion, hugged it in her arms, returned to her seat and said, "now, can you speak?"

The tax official breathed out slowly, looked at the cat in Ariel\'s arms and said with a smile, "do you still have this Warcraft? Cute is cute, but it\'s no use. "

Ariel smiled and was glad that the little white cat in her arms was snoring now.

"Mr. Mayor... No, President Ariel. I came today to apologize to you and collect taxes. On the other hand, I want to announce a new decree to you. "