Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1276

With the chatter of other designers, the three designers have also drawn their own design drawings on the blackboard.

They turned their heads and looked at Tesla with expectant eyes, just like children waiting for the answer to be released at the end of the exam.

Tesla looked at these designs carefully and was even more amazing! He got up from his seat at once——

"That\'s great! A huge pipe is built here to pass water. The water flows into the water tank, and then it is discharged outside the warehouse for continuous cooling, and then it is wound back again to continue cooling. If the water in the water tank is too hot and is about to gasify, we can change it directly. Anyway, we have an element car. It\'s also very convenient to drive to the hidden lake to pour water and get water! "

Tesla looked at the design again, smiled and said, "however, I think we may have some other designs."

The three designers all trembled when they heard Tesla say so! At the beginning, he said nervously, "Mr. Tesla... Do you think... Do you think our design is bad? Is there... Is there something wrong with it? "

Tesla was stunned, then waved his hand and said with a smile, "no, no, you think too much! I mean, since we get so much hot water through this method, can we think about it from another angle? HMM... well, let\'s think about it and see if we can build a big bathroom next to the textile factory? It\'s a pity if such hot water is poured out. If we build a bathroom and use this hot water to heat the water in the bathroom, can\'t we people in Pelican city take a hot bath directly? "

For Tesla, this may just be his idea.

But for people in Pelican City, taking a hot bath is not such a simple and easy thing.

Even for the built bathing room of mermaid song, if you want to take a hot bath, you still need to add firewood to heat the water in advance. But now, these designers just use their brains a little, and immediately figure out how to make use of this huge heat! And these calories can be easily converted into warm bath water ~ ~ ~!

"Mr. Tesla... Mr. Tesla! So in the future... Can we take a hot bath every day? "

"Mr Tesla! That\'s a great idea... It\'s really great! I\'ll take my girlfriend to wash it! "

"I want to build a big bath! A beautiful and gorgeous bath! I dream of a big bathing place to swim in the hot pool! "

Tesla laughed and said, "well, well, whether this proposal can be passed depends on whether our mayor is willing to approve it, and then allocate funds to build this bathhouse. HMM... I think so. The transformation plan of the element machine and the construction plan of the bathhouse will be arranged. You three have worked hard. Please make the improved element machine, and then others! You look so excited. I\'ll give you three days to design a set of cheap and easy-to-use bathhouse design drawings for me! Don\'t embarrass you? "

When Tesla said this, the people cheered immediately, and then buried themselves in pairs to discuss and describe the design.

After seeing the current scene, the three designers went to Tesla and looked at the teacher who taught them the principle of element machine with a smile.

"You three did a good job today! Although we have not made any good progress in the most critical weapon research system... I believe the president will be very happy that you can improve the element machine! I will write down your credit and tell the president. I believe the president will reward you! "

For Tesla\'s praise, the three designers smiled and looked a little embarrassed. At first, the designer touched the back of his head and said, "Mr. Tesla, our knowledge comes from you... And if we hadn\'t studied and read in mayor Ariel\'s school since childhood and mayor Ariel taught us all kinds of knowledge about mathematics, We can\'t easily keep up with your element machine teaching, Mr. Tesla... "

Another designer nodded and said, "so... So we dare not have any reward. Without mayor Ariel and Mr. Tesla, we might still be a group of little children who only know how to roll in the mud. We don\'t know anything in our head."

Seeing that these children were so modest, Tesla smiled, waved his hand and said, "you are modest now. I assure you that our president Ariel will be very happy if she knows that you have improved the element machine! Just as our president said, you are the important force for the development of Pelican city! I hope you can show your talents as much as possible for the development of Pelican city! This is your city and ours. Only by working together can this city become better! "

With Tesla\'s words, these designers immediately showed a light like sunshine on their faces! They nodded, immediately began to turn their heads to study their element machine, and soon began to run out of the conference room with the design drawings to find a blacksmith.

Tesla now keeps other designers here to continue to discuss. He looked at the trial machine on the table and frowned slightly, but he decided to solve other things that can be solved first.

At that moment, he took out a copy of his own design drawing from his arms, slowly walked out of the conference hall and walked towards the hall of the guild.

This design drawing is an improved design of the element car.

After Viscount Norris\'s gorgeous element car and seeing that Ms. nuomi raced the element car regardless of whether she would fall to pieces or not, Tesla fully realized that there was still much room for improvement in the design of the element car.

The element car is produced in his own factory, so he naturally has the greatest say in the transformation of the car.

Now it is obvious that he thought that the element car had only one purpose, but now it seems that this transportation tool that can replace the carriage can at least develop two kinds of "gorgeous" and "speed".

It goes without saying that the gorgeous type is to minimize the noise of the element car, transform the appearance, add various comfortable leather and cork decorations, and cooperate with other carpenters, carvers and craftsmen in the town to build the element car into not only a means of transportation, but also a pastime and an object of identity symbol. The element car designed in this way can obviously sell at a higher price than the previous element car. Although such a transformation may damage the performance of some vehicles, resulting in the vehicle being too large and not driving fast, think of those rich people who buy an element car and don\'t care whether it can run more than one piece. It\'s the most important to reflect their identity, right?

The other speed type can pay attention to safety performance. Think about Ms. nuomi\'s speed. In fact, the carriage behind the driver\'s seat can be completely transformed into a place for storing goods, and there is no need to sit at all. Then, it is necessary to install some anti-collision devices that pay attention to safety, and something that can fix the driver in the seat to prevent the whole person from flying out when the car drives too fast. Think about the little vampire of Mashu who came in her mother\'s car last time. It can be imagined how ups and downs the child was in that crazy car that was almost out of control. I\'m afraid he couldn\'t even sit stably?

With the above two designs, I believe that the appearance rate and sales of element cars can also have more directions! Can earn more gold coins for their president ~ ~ ~!

As long as she can make the president feel that she can earn more gold coins, she should be a little forgiven for her failure to develop and complete weapons so far?

"What do you mean?"

But when Tesla walked to the guild hall happily with the design in his hand, he suddenly heard Ariel\'s obviously serious voice in front of him.

Tesla was stunned. He immediately stopped in front of the hall door and didn\'t dare to step out. He leaned out his head and looked at the situation in the hall. He saw that Ariel was sitting on the sofa she had been sitting on, holding documents in her hands, and the table in front was full of all kinds of information.

However, it was obvious that the object of her speech was not Tesla, but the person who stood in front of her and looked very reserved——

Crisp tower.

Ariel looked up and down at the paladin in front of her again, and continued to say in a serious but slow voice, "have you really thought about it? This is not a casual decision. "

Tesla glanced at Ariel\'s table in the distance, and saw that the badge of the pelican city human judge, which should have belonged to the crisp tower, was now placed there.

At this time, Su TA lowered his head, crossed his hands in front of him, and said softly, "I... Have considered it. Sorry, President, this is the decision I made after thinking very seriously... "

Looking at the crisp tower, Ariel was silent for a long time.

A moment later, her hand also moved to the badge, picked up the badge, looked at it again and again, and said in a slightly regretful voice, "it\'s really... It\'s a pity. I had hoped that you, as a paladin, could do better and more just in the position of judge. Alas... So it\'s a pity... "

Su TA lowered his head and said nothing.

After hearing these conversations, Tesla, who was huddled in the corner, looked a little strange. He came out from behind and said, "president, crisp tower, what\'s going on? You\'re quitting your job as a judge? What are you doing? Aren\'t you a good judge? Why suddenly quit? "

When Tesla appeared, Su TA\'s face immediately flushed, as if someone had broken something shy, and his head was lower.

Seeing that the crisp tower didn\'t speak, Tesla turned to Ariel nearby and said, "president, why don\'t you persuade the crisp tower? She\'s a good judge! She memorized all the laws! Why let her resign under such circumstances? What the hell happened? "

Holding the badge in her hand, Ariel thought for a moment and said, "well, I don\'t know why Su TA doesn\'t want to continue to serve as a judge. But since this is her choice after careful consideration, I can only support her. Su TA, although it\'s not a long time, thank you for your experience as a judge in these two months. I think the experience during this period can also become an experience in your future life to let you understand what justice is. Only those who can bear the cost can bear the heavy responsibility of law enforcers. I hope you can always keep this in mind. "

After hearing Ariel\'s consent to her resignation, Su TA seemed to take off some heavy psychological burden and exhaled a long breath. She nodded again, turned around, and seemed ready to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute."

After putting the judge\'s badge on the table, Ariel\'s serious expression finally disappeared. She also seemed to put down one thing and said with a smile, "although I am the mayor of Pelican City, you are also the judge of Pelican city. Therefore, I hope you can find a time and take the initiative to inform everyone in the city that you want to resign. "

Su TA was stunned. His eyes trembled slightly under the bangs and seemed confused: "this... This... Must I... Say it myself?"

Ariel nodded, smiled again and said, "of course. It\'s your responsibility. Since you want to leave, you should take this responsibility and tell everyone that you will leave. I believe some of them should have a lot to say to you, right? Taking on the \'words\' of those families is your last job as a judge. "

For Ariel\'s request, Su TA seemed to want to say something, but after squeaking for a long time, she still couldn\'t speak. She had to lower her head, exhale helplessly and nod——

"I... know, President... I\'ll go now... And tell everyone..."

With a little uneasy and dejected, Su tower turned and began to go towards the exit of the guild.

But at this time, Ariel stopped her again: "wait a minute, I haven\'t finished yet."

"Ha? President, what\'s the matter with you today? "

Tesla couldn\'t see it anymore, and his tone also brought some doubts.

Instead, Su TA didn\'t say a word, but silently turned his head and continued to look at his own president. He didn\'t know what else to encounter next.

And Ariel seemed more relaxed. Her finger crossed the surface of the badge on the table and said, "since you are going to resign, we are missing one of the three justices in Pelican city. It\'s not necessary to draw another person from the flower goblin or blood clan, is it? Right? "

Su TA\'s figure seemed a little cramped. After thinking about it, he said, "then... President, what do you want...?"

Ariel said with a smile, "why not? Of course, it is to select the next justice of our mankind ~ ~ ~! And I\'ve been thinking about who should be chosen to take up the post of chief justice recently? Unfortunately, there are so many people in our whole city, and I don\'t know who is more suitable for this position. "

Tesla tilted his head: "why is it difficult? Let\'s have a meeting together, and then recommend a person who is willing to take the post and everyone is convinced to take the post of chief justice? "

Ariel nodded, continued to smile and said, "don\'t worry first! Although in other parts of our empire, justices are basically introduced to each other in a small circle. But our Pelican city is not \'the rest of the empire\'. So I thought, can we use another method? A fairer and more reflective way to build Pelican city that everyone needs to work together? "

Now, even the crisp tower is a little strange. With a little courage, she said, "President... What is the method you want to say?"

Ariel smiled: "about how to elect the post of Lord Chancellor... I suddenly thought of my study and life in old tengshu college. At that time, in order to catch up with the progress of my study, I worked hard all day, and then worked hard to study all kinds of books. Then I met all kinds of exams until the final graduation exam. "

"Well, since we can judge whether we can pass our studies by examination, we can judge who will be the Lord Chancellor by examination. Let\'s hold a national exam! As long as you are a citizen of Pelican City, you can run for this judge examination as long as you are over the age of 15, regardless of gender, origin, wealth, beauty or ugliness! Finally, the person with the highest score will naturally get the position of judge! What do you think? "

For Ariel\'s words, Tesla and suuta were completely confused.

After all, from the past to the present, judges have mastered the power of life and death of others and shoulder the position of explaining the language will of the imperial royal family. There is no doubt that they are all undertaken by the nobility. It can even be said that it is not the ordinary little nobles who can play, but those big nobles who can succeed only after they are recommended by each other.

But now, the president of his family, the mayor of Pelican City, says that he wants to pass an exam so that ordinary people can become justices with the power of life and death?!

Is there anything more crazy in the world?!

"President... Have you... Gone too far?"