Gold coin is justice

Chapter 119

Does ello think he should be surprised at all this?

Strangely, at this moment, he didn\'t think he should be surprised by what was in front of him.

After all, from this means, he had probably guessed what the count wanted to do.

Nugget farming.

In fact, placing these corpse eaters in the mine and harvesting them after a period of time is also equivalent to some kind of gold nugget breeding. In other words, if the mermaid song had enough strength, arrow would do the same. As for the "feed" used for breeding... There will always be a way.

So when he saw that the members of the puppet team kept dealing with the corpse eater Wang, but never took the last shot, he basically guessed what these guys wanted to do.

At this moment, ello was not so surprised by the matter at hand as he began to feel a little surprised that he thought "nugget farming" was no big deal. Although it is said that businessmen have heavy profits, they do not have much resistance to this obvious breeding behavior that needs to pay human flesh and blood? What the hell is going on?

However, there is no time for the president to hesitate. Because the holy bread behind has rushed up for the first time. Facing the huge corpse eater king, he raised his staff.

"Dark soul, now I will give you rest!"

With a roar of the holy cake, the corpse eater King twisted his body, and the scarlet luminous organs showed the color of blood in the sunset.

It raised its claw and waved it mercilessly towards the holy cake! But the holy bread was not afraid. With a wave of his hand, a huge golden light defense cover immediately appeared in front of his body. When he heard a sound, the sharp claw of the corpse eater king could not shake the rain cover at all!

After controlling the corpse eater king, the holy bread held up the staff in his hand while the other hand silently held it on his chest and whispered. Soon, a magic energy ball full of hot light appeared in his palm.

He slowly moved the magic ball full of light power to the corpse eater king. At this time, the defense cover was slightly relaxed and was forcibly torn open by the corpse eater king.

Facing the holy cake which was playing with the light magic ball, the corpse eater king didn\'t know what he was going to face, but just shouted at it and made a deafening roar!

"Rest in peace!"

With the cry of the holy bread, the magic in his hand

Touch -!

At the moment when the magic was about to burst out, a man hit the holy bread heavily from the side.

This sudden scene obviously surprised the priest, and the light ball in his hand that had not been emitted dissipated at this moment.

The body shook, and the shield completely collapsed at this moment. Facing the unprepared holy bread lying on the ground below, the corpse eater King impolitely grabbed his claws at him.

Carla la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la!!!

The claw crossed the iron shield, but with one blow, it flew Brad\'s shield, which rushed to block it. The big man was also repulsed by this powerful force and fell to the ground. And the huge claw also deviated under this block, forcibly crossed the shoulder of the holy cake, and immediately made the priest\'s shoulder red with blood.

However, Brad\'s defense finally grabbed a second or two. Cream immediately came forward and immediately pulled up the wounded priest to avoid the rear. When the cream retreated, the dead soldiers and skeleton dogs immediately formed the first line of defense of the team to guard against the next attack of the corpse eater king.

At the same time, cocoa shouted angrily, "what do you mean! Why attack your own people? "

The puppet team members who just broke the holy cake did not answer cocoa\'s anger. They didn\'t even think of coming to listen to the mermaid song. Seeing that the holy cake was wounded and retreated, they continued to command more than 30 soldiers in the escaped camp to surround the corpse eater king. When the soldiers intercepted the corpse eater king, the four puppet members did not know where to take out four long prepared chains from the camp, which seemed to be ready to control the Warcraft.

"They! capture alive! Corpse eater king! "

Even Buffy now sees the intentions of these soldiers.

For the peace loving flower goblins, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to understand human behavior.

Arrow took out a bottle of therapeutic aerosol from his arms and smashed it next to the holy bread. But a strange thing happened. These therapeutic aerosols did not have any effect after drilling into the pancake wounds. Those wounds not only did not scar rapidly, but began to spread a little! Look carefully again, some black spots began to spread in the wound!

As like as two peas, they are the same as those on the puppet.

Arrow also immediately thought that the "blood" of the swallower had also spilled on the body of the corpse eater king. Although there might be no damage to the Warcraft, there was no doubt that this terrible curse had been brought on its claws!

"Uncle pancake, how are you feeling now?"

Facing the curse, ello was helpless. He could only take out a bottle of therapeutic aerosol again and hold it high above his head, ready to drop it next to the holy cake at any time.

The holy bread nodded, raised his hand to cover his wound, and a little soft light appeared in the palm.

These lights were obviously aimed at those black spots, and the diffusion speed of the black spots was immediately stopped. However, because his wound could not be healed quickly, the light in the hands of the holy bread could not be said to be dazzling in the case of bleeding.

However, since the spread of black spots was curbed, arrow smashed another bottle of therapeutic aerosol.

This time, it finally had a little effect. His wound began to heal a little and there was less blood flow. The look on the face of the holy bread was also obviously a little relaxed. He nodded at ello and continued to reach out and cover his shoulder to heal himself.

Seeing that it was useful, ello looked at the two bottles of therapeutic aerosol left in his pocket with some flesh pain. He bit his teeth. After all, he took them out at one breath and smashed them all next to the holy cake.

The treatment finally produced an effect. Under the healing of four bottles of therapeutic aerosol and the light of the holy cake itself, the wound on his shoulder finally slowly scarred and the blood no longer flowed. Until all the black spots were dispersed, the priest took a long breath and slowly stood up with the help of arrow.

"Hold it down! Come on! If you suppress it, Lord count has a reward! "

Arrow looked back and saw that the puppet team members over there were still trying to suppress the huge Warcraft. Just looking at the army with more than 30 people, now there are only more than 20 people left.

Look at the mine over there. There are no soldiers running out, so you can imagine what happened in the mine.

Ello clenched his teeth and couldn\'t help but make up his mind and said loudly, "although I know the count wants to catch this Warcraft, it\'s no longer the time to \'catch\'! We should kill it! Look around, do we have to wait until it is completely out of control before we regret?! "

Arrow\'s words are trying to influence the remaining soldiers. After all, these soldiers can\'t give full play to a Warcraft that can\'t be killed. If they know how to deal with it and know that they should kill the corpse eater king immediately, I\'m afraid they won\'t hesitate to stand by.

"Are you kidding?! Count Karp himself ordered the arrest alive! Mermaid song, you don\'t have fucking bad ideas! all! Find a way to suppress it! iron chain! Pull out the chains you prepared! We\'re going to trap the money tree! "

The members of the puppet team shouted loudly. The expression on their faces was not like going through a dead fight, but more like competing for a lot of gold coins!

These soldiers, led by whisky and polyester, now look at the puppet team and the mermaid song over there. Obviously, they don\'t know what to do now.

"What are you waiting for?! hurry up! Catch those young corpse eaters! They will all be hens that can lay golden eggs in the future! "

After being yelled by the puppet team members again, the soldiers around finally made a decision.

After all, as a soldier, obeying his superiors and leaders is not a mistake in itself. The soldiers put five young corpse eaters into long prepared cages around the camp. At the moment of closing the cage, these young corpse eaters screamed one after another.

"Squeak --- ---!"

Hearing the scream of the young corpse eater, the corpse eater Wang, who was suppressed by the iron chain, suddenly didn\'t know where the courage and strength came from. He lifted up huge claws and tore off those iron chains! At the same time, like King\'s landing in the world, he jumped in front of the puppet team members who had just spoken, and tore them into pieces with one claw.

With the screams of the young corpse eaters, the corpse eater Wang turned his spear and rushed to the cage area of the camp.

Seeing the reward of the hand, the remaining three puppet team members roared and asked the soldiers to stop the Warcraft. Under orders, the soldiers, especially whisky and polyester, could only stand in front of the raging corpse eater king and try their best to support his attack like a raging wind and waves.

Facing this situation, ello doesn\'t know what else he can do.

This corpse eater king has always been the king of the mine. In the past, he always had to be more careful every time he met this monster. The reason why mermaid song can encounter this corpse eater queen many times and still live is that there is a flame magician for the first time and a puppet as a superior soldier for the second time. Moreover, the two corpse eaters Wang did not show the fighting will to kill each other at all. He was fighting with the attitude that he could kill the best and could not kill.