Gold coin is justice

Chapter 118

This news really surprised arrow more than any cruise.

At that moment, he immediately closed the account book, stretched out his hand and pointed to the back storage room: "everyone, take your equipment and we\'ll start quickly!"

After leaving the guild, arrow led the guild members to move quickly towards the Changmian mountains.

He was not surprised that the count sent troops into the mine without informing himself, but why he sent a large number of troops into the mine.

This gold mine is not a suitable place for large troops to fight. It has narrow and tortuous passages. Even the mermaid song must memorize the roads before it can avoid getting lost.

But even so, the count sent a large number of troops into the mine, and he took his mistress to the battle in light and wandered around. This shows how big his heart is?

When such a big heart made such a large-scale move, arrow could not imagine what was in the count\'s mind and what he wanted to do!

As soon as he rushed out of the town, he immediately saw the holy bread coming in front of him in a carriage. When the priest saw that the mermaid song was fully armed, he nodded, stopped the carriage, let the people get on the bus, turned his head and rushed towards the sleeping mountains.

"What does the count want? Suddenly deploy so many people? This feeling of throwing out all the cards in one breath makes me feel that he wants to empty everything in the whole mine in one breath! "

Facing arrow\'s question, the pancake shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. The count has been tired of being with his mistress these two days. Sometimes we want to see him, and even the mistress directly meets us to convey the count\'s instructions. I always feel... Something bad. Will that woman let the count fall into irreparable disaster? Harm more people? "

Although arrow still respected the priest, he was more or less concerned to hear his tone of "women will harm others". On second thought, however, it is not surprising that women may delay the thinking of leaders for a long time. This time, he was relieved and continued——

"So what instructions did the count give?"

"I don\'t know. This time, the count\'s team was completely under the command of the original puppet team. Now the puppet captain is still lying in my tent, so they are led by their deputy for the time being. I think there should be hundreds of people entering the mine this time. God knows what they want. "

The carriage galloped and soon reached the military camp at the foot of the Changmian mountains.

Looking up, many soldiers are ready to go and are lining up to enter the mine.

Arrow looked around, hoping to find whisky and polyester he knew. But I couldn\'t find them anyway. After thinking about it, arrow made a decision——

Don\'t enter the mine, but wait outside.


It seems to be a very negative attitude, but it is the best way for the mermaid song and the current situation.

Arrow looked into the mine. In the narrow passage, the soldiers were still moving forward slowly. The expression on his face also seemed very relaxed. He didn\'t seem to feel how dangerous the place he was about to enter was.

You don\'t have to think about it. There must be people in it. The latter can only see the back of the former\'s head, right? The passageways inside the mine are also very messy. Now arrow can only expect those soldiers who enter early not to get lost.

The party squatted beside the mine. In addition, several soldiers responsible for guarding the gate of the mine did not enter.

They saw that mermaid song did not go into mine. Obviously, they were curious, but they didn\'t come to ask.

But since you don\'t come to ask, arrow can take the initiative to talk.

"Hi! Hello, sir! It\'s really hard today. "

ELO accosted without a word.

The gatekeeper glanced at ello, then looked at the high priest\'s holy bread behind ello, nodded and said, "don\'t you go in the mermaid song?"

Arrow shook his head and said, "we didn\'t get instructions. Now we\'re running here after hearing the news. Do you know what this mission is? Almost half the troops have gone in. What do they want? "

The gatekeeper shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. It\'s estimated that those people in the original puppet team know what to do. In fact, no matter what you do, you should be all right? So many people went in. Last time, you mermaid song and puppet team were able to get out of it. This time, there\'s nothing to worry about. "

Another gatekeeper stretched slightly and said with a smile, "yes, there\'s nothing to worry about. Really, compared with the nearest front line, it\'s so happy to follow the count. The count will not take us to any dangerous place, so since it is the order of count Kapp, I believe the count must be well prepared. "

Having said that, ello has nothing to question. At this time, the holy bread behind came forward and asked, "excuse me... Front line? What happened to the front? "

The gatekeeper smiled and said, "don\'t you know the high priest? Now the situation on the front line is really getting worse and worse. Although the armistice agreement between us and the hunter empire is still valid, private small-scale battles have been carried out continuously. I don\'t think there\'s much time to tear up the armistice agreement? "

Another guard also smiled and said, "but it should have nothing to do with us. Count Kapp won\'t go to the front, so we can continue to stay in the rear with count Kapp“

Although there was a smile on the face of the holy bread, it was obviously mixed with some worry.

When he returned to the mermaid song, ello quickly said, "don\'t worry, uncle pancake. Your daughter is unlikely to be on the front line. Even if there is any reason, there are no women in the army. When she hears the news of the war, she should quickly escape to a safe place. "

The pancake looked at arrow and gave him a gentle smile: "well... Thank you, president. But I\'m more worried about the front line than holding my daughter. This time, our negotiations with the hunter empire are at an impasse. Once an all-out war really breaks out, the number of casualties will be astronomical. "

Arrow nodded and said nothing. Brad looked puzzled and asked, "president, what\'s the situation on the front line? Is there a war? "

Although ello still wants to introduce the gratitude and resentment between the blue bay Empire and the hunter Empire to his family members, this is a very long topic, which is obviously not suitable for a short chat.

Because at this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the mine!

Dada dada——

Footsteps seem very impatient, which is also mixed with all kinds of falling and collision sounds!

Obviously, it\'s not the running sound of a few people, but a lot of people running!

"Get out of the way."

Arrow asked the members to spread out a little towards the nearby area. Soon, a bloody soldier rushed out of the mine.

One, one, another!

The faces of these soldiers seemed to see something terrible. No one was complete. The lost arm and the chest were covered with blood. At the moment they jumped out of the mine, they were like bathed in the holy light, and their faces were full of joy and hope!

But soon, they will be trampled on the soles of their feet by the soldiers who rush out from behind and scream in pain.

"Excuse me! Let\'s all give way! "

The pancake saw someone injured and immediately wanted to come forward for treatment. But the soldiers poured out one after another, so that the holy bread could not even pull out the soldiers who were trampled under!

Seeing that the trampled soldier was dying, the holy cake pulled down his face, grabbed a soldier who rushed towards him, held it high and threw it aside. Then he stretched out his hand again and pulled out all the two soldiers on the ground at one breath.

"Light healing!"

With the chanting of the mantra in the priest\'s mouth, a soft light immediately emitted from the staff and shrouded the two seriously wounded soldiers.

While the holy bread was being treated, arrow also asked Brad to come forward to separate the crowd and drag out the fallen soldiers one by one.

At this time, arrow\'s eyes were sharp and saw that whisky and polyester rushed out of the mine. Both of them had fewer wounds, which obviously benefited from their rich experience.

"What the hell happened?!"

Arrow stopped them and asked loudly.

Whisky stopped and just wanted to say, but when the polyester on one side saw the mine hole behind, he suddenly grabbed the whisky and jumped aside!

The next moment, a soldier with a young corpse eater in his hand rushed out of the mine. No doubt, that\'s one of the puppet team.

Then, second, third, fourth! The whole four members of the puppet team rushed out of the hole with four young corpse eaters in their hands, just the moment when the last member of the puppet team rushed out


The originally spacious entrance to the gold mine was suddenly torn by a powerful force from inside to outside! With a shrill roar that could almost shatter people\'s eardrums, a terrible demon rushed out of the mixture of cracked rubble and soldiers\' flesh and blood!

It jumped into the air, and its scarlet light-emitting organs kept searching for its target like eyes! The puppet member closest to the demon threw the young corpse eater on the soldiers who retreated to one side.

With this throw, the huge demon immediately changed direction, and the claws in his hand fell quickly like thunder! Just in an instant, the two soldiers were cut into pieces of meat by their sharp claws and turned into a mixture of blood and meat.