Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1179

Ariel felt a little puzzled about this request!

But more, she was wary of the greed of this Viscount Norris!

She smiled and said, "Viscount, your request... Is it too much? You think the design drawing was designed by our guild. Since it was designed by our guild, you set the time for us? You can\'t say that if you build a house, after a period of time, the house will become accessible to anyone? "

Obviously, Ariel could not agree to the request. You know, if you can hold this patent forever, you\'ll be able to eat on it forever! Even in the future, you don\'t have to develop anything by yourself. You can make profits simply by lending patent rights. This is a huge profit!

Now, the Lord of xiehu city wants to give up his right to make money by lying down? Ha! It\'s a joke!

As for Ariel\'s refusal now, Norris obviously expected it long ago. He was not annoyed, but continued——

"President Ariel, of course I know what you\'re thinking and why you think so. However, for the sake of long-term planning, I would advise you to accept such conditions. "

Ariel responded to the request with a smile on her face: "what? I don\'t want to give it. Does anyone want to rob it? "

Hearing Ariel\'s words, Brad immediately lifted his shoulder and showed an absolute sense of oppression.

To tell the truth, as early as when she proposed the patent, Ariel thought that someone might not be willing to pay. Therefore, she wanted to ensure that her patent would not be abused and that all users of the element machine would hand over the money to her pocket. She had long thought about what to do in case someone refused to pay back the money.

Not to mention the others, now she has hundreds of vampires. For those who want to steal their element machine design and make pirated ones, sending a vampire every night can solve this problem.

Well, if you think so, it\'s still cool to have a strong combat effectiveness in your hands ~ ~ ~!

"President Ariel, it\'s not that I want to rob hard. But for the better development of the element machine. "

Viscount Norris said slowly, holding his arms——

"Do you think that once the efficacy of your element machine is proved to have strong transcendence, no one in the world will create a better element machine on this basis?"

Asked by Norris, Ariel\'s smile, which was still hanging on her face, suddenly solidified.

Norris continued, "can you guarantee that your guild will always be the smartest? Have the best talents always gathered in your guild to create more amazing changes for the development of element machine? If you really have such self-confidence, consider me speechless. "


Of course Ariel can\'t have such confidence!

You know, the original source of element machine is the origin guild.

More precisely, it was made by the president of the origin guild. Although Tesla is also a member of the origin guild and can draw design drawings, he is not the person who really created the element machine. He can only be regarded as an innovator at best.

In this world, it is not very difficult to evolve from 1 to 2, even to 10, to 100, to 1000. At most, it is a matter of time.

The real difficulty is to highlight the most precious 1 from the 0 that has nothing.

Therefore, once the design concept of the element machine is disclosed, it is really difficult to ensure that the outside world will create more efficient element machines through these production methods, so as to replace the element machine of mermaid song.

When I think that my most important money making machine will be replaced one day in the future? This made Ariel\'s smile disappear completely, and her eyebrows wrinkled.

"What you mean... I see."

Ariel has given up her defensive posture. She crossed her fingers, put them on the table, thought patiently for a moment, and said——

"You want me to set a deadline so that others who can make a more powerful element machine can\'t control this power forever, can you? For example... You are making plans for yourself and want to deprive this patent from me for a period of time, aren\'t you? "

Norris didn\'t give a careless eye either. The tall and thin City Lord smiled, nodded and continued: "in fact, President Ariel, don\'t think I\'m aiming at you. I think that setting a deadline for patents is a good way for you, me and everyone. Within the time limit, you will be paid as long as someone uses the design drawing of your element machine. But because there is a time limit, it can force you to constantly improve the design drawings and create more patents within the time limit. "

Ariel said with a sneer, "yes, at the same time, the patents made by others can not be arbitrary, and they will spread out after a period of time. Viscount Norris, in order to take away the patent right from me, you can really think of this so-called "mutual gold progress."

The city Lord just smiled and said nothing.

Although on the bright side, Ariel felt she might have been fooled. But on second thought, setting a deadline for patents may not be all bad.

If you want to set a patent right, if someone uses the element machine design of mermaid song in the future, you will give mermaid song money. But think about it carefully. How can the mermaid song prove that the other party\'s design copied the mermaid song?

In this case, it is bound to publish the element machine design of mermaid song, and then compare it with the other party\'s element machine design. In this way, we can confirm that the other party is plagiarism and can be held accountable.

In this way, we must design the element machine of mermaid song at the beginning, just like everyone announced, telling everyone that such a design belongs to mermaid song alone, and no one else can make this type of element machine.

Next, change your mind. If someone is smarter, maybe you can design a better element machine on this basis by seeing the design of mermaid song!

Similarly, those element machines with better design should also apply for patents and publish their design drawings in order to avoid abuse by others.

In this way, the mermaid song... And Tesla can also see those design drawings, so as to get the inspiration to make a better element machine?

If you think about it this way, the publication and time limit of patent rights do some damage to yourself, but in the long run, it seems to be a good thing.

At least, we can have a thorough guarantee when our element machine is competitive one day in the future.

On this thought, Ariel felt that it was not so unacceptable to put a time limit on the patent.

At that moment, she finally nodded, breathed out and said, "in that case, in principle, I agree to set a deadline for the patent right. But I think the deadline should be set at least 20 years. "

Viscount Ruichi was stunned: "twenty years? So long? Shall I keep paying you for twenty years? "

The Viscount Norris over there also frowned, shook his head and said, "President Ariel, twenty years is too long. I think it will be about five years. In five years, you can also make a lot of money by using the patent right. "

At this moment, Ariel shook her head firmly and said, "you think twenty years is too long, but five years is too short? According to you, the design drawing of the element machine has been designed this year, and my textile factory has just built the first factory, which is far from a large expansion. Five years? This time is so short, which means that just after designing a new element machine, before we can make good money, we have to start thinking about the next element machine. Will anyone want to study a new element machine? "

Norris and Viscount Ritchie looked at each other and didn\'t seem to refute for a moment.

At this time, the representative of the chamber of Commerce nearby said, "in that case, how about a compromise? decade. If it is ten years, the mermaid song can not only make money with this set of patents, but also ensure that there can be a period of transition in the middle. Besides, if the update speed of the element machine is fast enough, it will not be possible for you to continue to use this original element machine. "

After ten years, the two viscountees on both sides looked at each other again, and then at Ariel.

After thinking about it, Ariel nodded and said, "well, ten years is ten years. The nature of the patent right is ten years from the beginning of the design and making into a real element machine. In these ten years, the design drawings of the element machine belong to the designer, and others cannot infringe. "

This result seems to be a compromise.

Vicomte Ruichi breathed out, but then his eyebrows wrinkled again and said: "the patent problem has been solved... But... If the mermaid song really published the design drawings and people in other provinces really imitated them, what should we do? In the border province, it doesn\'t matter. We can intervene. But if such pirated guys appear in Tianhong province or di Liao Province, we can\'t send someone to catch them? "

"I can find a way to solve this matter."

Viscount Ritchie exhaled and said slowly——

"In fact, I don\'t want to set a patent for one or two days. You should know that Tianhe City is used for breeding, right? Our Tianhe pig can be regarded as a delicacy. "

"But in the last year, after I really took charge of Tianhe City, I found that because the pigs in Tianhe City are so famous, there are not a few counterfeit products. Many provinces have counterfeit pork sales in Tianhe City. Some cities or small towns have gone too far. They have directly started to imitate Tianhe City\'s breeding model for Tianhe pigs, and even directly sent people to go undercover in Tianhe City\'s pork farms. After learning the full set of technology, they have completely copied one farm. "

The Viscount\'s face also looked very ugly. His hand touched the table in front of him as if he wanted to press down all the protrusions on the table——

"I\'m embarrassed by this situation, so this time when I went to Hanhai City, I also chatted with some city leaders who also produce local specialties. Among them, there happened to be several city masters located in Tianhong province and di Liao province. Some of their cities are rich in porcelain, some are good at iron, and some are good at making saddles and so on. As long as your brand is famous, there will certainly be a problem of counterfeiting. "

"Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, I also want to directly promote the patent at one go. I will contact the city masters who are also suffering from the theft of such local products and sign an agreement with each other. As long as there is counterfeiting between each other\'s cities and towns, the local cities and towns will cooperate with the pirated cities to crack down on those fake vendors for no reason. "

"In this way, piracy in several other cities should have a good suppression effect."

After hearing what Viscount Norris said, Ariel nodded and said, "if so, it\'s really troublesome for Viscount Norris. Obviously, this is a project that can make money for each other. Do you need our mermaid song to send someone to negotiate? "

Norris smiled and said, "that\'s nature. If there is royal endorsement, I believe the patent agreement can be better extended. President Ariel, I will contact those city leaders. Please come and discuss it at that time. "

At this point, the problem has been solved.

Ariel breathed out a long breath, and now looking at the Viscount Norris in front of her, she thought for a moment that this guy was no longer so hateful?

No, no, no, calm down, just calm down. You know, this guy cheated his helper several times with the old man sugar coated wine Qiaoguo! Even if we can make money together now, we can\'t relax our guard.

Well, that\'s right. We should take a good look at the patent agreement at that time. We must not look at it one by one. It will only lead to great disaster at that time.

Now that the main topic was over, the servant opened the door of the meeting room and served a carefully cooked steak in front of everyone.

Looking at the plate of steak still emitting the smell of nourishing oil flowers in front of her, Ariel smiled, picked up the knife and fork at hand and said with a smile: "it\'s really troublesome for Viscount Ruichi to take care of our dinner."

Ruichi smiled, waved his hand, and said indifferently, "where, where! Today\'s meeting has been held for so long. It\'s evening now. Of course, I\'ll treat you to dinner! Lord Norris, it\'s late today. Why don\'t you stay in my swan castle for one night and return to xiehu city tomorrow? "

Norris nodded, inserted his fork into the steak, began to cut it with a knife and said with a smile, "then it\'s really troublesome, Mr. Ritchie. In other words, President Ariel\'s current factory should also be shut down? "

Ariel cut a steak and put it in her mouth. The meat containing juice melted in her mouth. She smiled and said, "now? HMM... it should be almost. Their working hours are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and they should be getting off work soon. "

Viscount Ritchie now cut off a large piece of beef and put it in his mouth. While chewing, he said, "President Ariel, I\'m a little strange."

Ariel was stunned: "what\'s strange?"

Viscount Ruichi smiled and swallowed the beef in his mouth and continued, "I wonder why you chose the time period from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m? Excluding the 15 minute lunch time, their real working time is only nine hours and 45 minutes, right? Isn\'t that too wasteful? "

Speaking of this topic, Norris on the other side also frowned, looked at Ariel with an expression like a fool, and said, "I think so, too. President Ariel, you are a waste of time. "

He cut off a small piece of meat, put it into his mouth in a very elegant posture, and said slowly——

"Although I heard, you seem to work with that terrible monster at night? But that monster only works nine hours and 45 minutes. Add up, 24 hours a day, you only let your workers work for 19 hours and 30 minutes? Not even twenty hours! This is really a great waste. "

Ariel could tell from the tone of her words that the two Viscount were not satirizing themselves, but really had a sense of waste. At that moment, she just smiled and didn\'t speak.

Viscount Ruichi then turned his head and looked at Norris and said, "Lord Norris, the farms and slaughterhouses in Tianhe City. How many hours do those workers work every day?"

Norris smiled and said, "the work of the farm is relatively simple, so twelve hours a day is enough. The slaughterhouse depends on the season. After all, it is not suitable at any time. But if I\'m busy, I\'ll need them to work around the clock. But that\'s good. I don\'t have to pay the butchers when they don\'t work. Relatively speaking, the cost is still within the control range. "

Viscount Ruichi smiled and said, "it should be the same for aquaculture. But my Wald fishery can\'t. My men need to go fishing at sea. There is no rest at sea. They must be on standby anytime and anywhere. However, our work is a simple job, and it also depends on the time. Unlike the textile factory headed by Ariel, the output is fixed and there are not so many seasonal restrictions. "