Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1178

Viscount Norris snorted heavily, raised his copper glass and smashed it on the table. He stretched out his hand and pointed directly at Ariel across the long table and shouted——

"Ariel Garcia! Don\'t think you are the mistress of the second prince, I dare not touch you! The second prince can\'t reach out to our lords\' territory no matter how much he supports you! "

"Your mermaid song is an operation. The people in xiehu city don\'t have enough to eat and wear. They don\'t even have a bite to eat! This is ridiculous. Last year was a good harvest! But they have no food to eat now? You said you didn\'t do it! "

In the face of viscount Norris\'s fierce accusation, Brad, standing next to Ariel, took the same step and showed full desire to protect.

For this shield warrior who was obviously stronger than the last time he met, Norris was also a little afraid and unconsciously shrunk his neck.

Ariel held out her hand and smiled, telling Brad not to look too excited. She crossed her fingers and said slowly, "Lord Norris, I really didn\'t make trouble. If you don\'t believe it, please ask the representative of the chamber of Commerce next to you. I believe that the representative of the chamber of Commerce in xiehu city should tell you that our mermaid song has not done anything strange. "

Ariel pointed to a small, capable old man sitting on the other side of the long table. The old man opened his eyes slightly, glanced at Norris next to him, looked at Ariel over there, and said after a moment of silence——

"Viscount, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us. Although we are businessmen in xiehu City, all businessmen are profit seeking. We won\'t let go of making money. But I think President Ariel has not done enough. "

Ariel glanced at the representative of the chamber of Commerce. After a moment of silence, she said, "what do you mean?"

The able old man smiled and said, "our Lord of xiehu City, viscount Norris paxas, spent almost half a year in our capital, making arrangements for all kinds of things. In addition to the wedding of the second prince... Hehe, I believe you should also know that there is a more powerful news coming out now? "

Viscount Ruichi took a sip of wine and said, "what\'s more exciting news? What news? I also know about the birth of the little prince. If I didn\'t come back to preside over the pelican city as soon as possible, I would hope to stay in Hanhai city more. "

The representative of the chamber of Commerce smiled, shook his head slowly and said mysteriously, "No. But... Two imperial concubines, already have! "

On hearing the news, viscount Ritchie\'s expression, which was still very calm, immediately became panic! Just three seconds later, the fat man immediately began to hold his head and start crying!

"What did I miss? God, what did I miss?! The prince of the crown prince was born! Then the second imperial concubine is pregnant?! How many business opportunities have I missed!!! "

The representative of the chamber of commerce is very calm about Ruichi\'s ghost roar and ghost cry. But he turned his eyes to Ariel\'s calmness, and then looked at the Viscount Norris next to him.

Viscount Norris snorted and said slowly, "it seems that President Ariel has known for a long time? But that\'s right. After all, you are the mistress of the second prince. It\'s not surprising to know this. "

"For these things, I delayed for a long time in the capital. But when I came back, I saw that my xiehu city was in a mess. Ask carefully, you mermaid song came to sell and buy a lot. How much money did you make in xiehu city? You know, all this money should have been mine! And you, Baron Ariel Garcia, you plundered all the gold coins in my people\'s pockets into your pockets without my consent! Is it none of your business? "

Ariel breathed out, now she could only nod slightly and said with a smile, "well, well, it\'s no use for me to say anything? But I also heard that what Lord Norris really cares about is not how much money I make, right? Come on, what do you want? "

At this point, the anger on Norris\'s face gradually turned into a smile. He nodded and said, "President Ariel, I know you have a lot of money making ideas in your mind. And this method of buying and selling to make a lot of money, to tell you the truth, I\'m also very interested. "

Hearing this, Ariel\'s face changed and her smile began to fade away.

"So I want to know, can you tell me this method? Then tell me, how do you operate to make so much money at one go? You know, the border province is such a large area. Instead of letting us consume each other, we might as well join hands and go to other provinces and cities to make money. Right? "

Although Ariel has always been wary of this Norris, his words are really reasonable.

If you have money, of course, you have to continue to earn it. If you have been entrenched in the border province, there will be no great development if you die.

But the problem is... At the beginning, menglang promised to stay in the border province

Norris had a strong smile on his face. He hooked his fingers. The servant on one side immediately picked up a map and opened it on the table.

He pointed to the border province and said happily, "next to our border province, there are Tianhong province and diliao province. Although these two provinces can not compare with those important economic provinces, they are too rich and rich compared with our small border province. "

"There are twelve cities in the two provinces, and there are countless small towns and villages! President Ariel, you teach me the way you can earn a lot of money at one go. After I make money, I will certainly give you dividends! "

Looking at the two neighboring provinces on the map that are several times larger than the border province, even the Viscount Ruichi nearby couldn\'t help but be moved. He looked at the provinces as if he were looking at the sweet cake in front of him. He just needed to reach out and cut a piece into his mouth.

"Well... President Ariel, I also think that if you have such a good method, you might as well teach us." Viscount Ritchie smiled and said, "you see, you\'re not trying to make money! We all want to make money. As long as we can make enough money, we won\'t give you less benefits, will we? "

It\'s a lie to say you don\'t care about outside money.

Sometimes even when Ariel looked at the gold coins in her safe, she felt very anxious.

So much money is hidden in my hand and can\'t be spent. It\'s just a pile of golden circular films.

You know, the value of money lies in exchange. If a currency completely leaves the market, does not enter circulation and does not trade with other goods, even if it stays in its own safe, it is equal to no money.

You must spend your money before you can earn more money!

Only after constantly making money and making their own wealth even more than the royal family of the blue bay empire!

Then everything will become different.

To this end, their wealth must be expanded... And expanded more rapidly! It is absolutely impossible to rely solely on this small border province.

At the thought of this, Ariel frowned involuntarily.

After a moment of silence... Or a slight confrontation with her conscience, she finally decided to stand on the side of her useless conscience for the time being——

"That way, it\'s OK to only do it in the border province, but if we want to go out to provinces and cities to make money in provinces such as Tianhong province or diliao Province, the amount of funds we have is definitely not enough. What\'s more... I don\'t want to use this method every time. It\'s a little too injurious. "

Ruichi was curious and asked, "is it harmful? What harm would it do if we went to make money? "

Ariel breathed out, and then she said the concept of dumping as briefly as possible.

The representative of the chamber of commerce immediately understood and immediately showed an expression of appreciation. The two Viscount Norris and Reich next to them understood it not too late. After a few instructions, they immediately opened their mouths and looked at each other as if they had found a new world! I\'m afraid they don\'t understand until now that there is such an easy way to make money in the world.

"But these practices do not work for other provinces. Because we don\'t have so much money and goods. Tianhong province and diliao province have more materials than we do, and there are many towns and villages, which are easy to circulate among each other. It can only be said that it is a dream to harvest their wealth in this way. "

Ariel finished, took a sip of the water on the table, leaned back on the chair with her glass, and stopped talking.

Although she said she just told the truth, it was really good to speak on the side of conscience~~~

Then, after falling into a brief silence, viscount Ruichi suddenly said, "there are not enough materials... Then president Ariel, if we have enough materials, will it be ok? In this case, isn\'t your textile factory able to make a lot of clothes? You tell us the production method of the textile factory, and we also use our funds to open the textile factory and produce more materials! Isn\'t that all right? "

When it comes to profitable business, viscount Ritchie seems to react a little faster than Viscount Norris over there.

The Viscount Norris, who was now full of spirit, nodded and said, "that\'s right! President Ariel, tell us quickly how the textile factory made it? That machine! That looks like a powerful machine! We can do it together! "

In the face of these two aristocrats who are full of money, Ariel will not compromise so easily. She raised her hand, slapped heavily on the table and hummed, "here you are? You two want to be wonderful, don\'t you? The element machine is a technology that was developed by our mermaid song, and it has been guaranteed by the royal family! Now you two want me to give you the manufacturing method of the element machine so easily? Let you make money. What do I make? "

Norris could not help twitching at the corners of his mouth and wanted to make trouble at once, but when he saw that Brad next to Ariel was staring at himself now, the curse at his throat had to shrink back.

Viscount Ruichi thought about it, clapped his hand, and said, "Viscount Norris, this is your fault."

Norris pointed to his nose. "Am I wrong?"

Viscount Ritchie nodded vigorously and said, "of course I\'m wrong. You think it\'s very simple for us to directly ask President Ariel for the manufacturing method of element machine, and then we expand our productivity and directly exceed president Ariel\'s output. You might feel good. "

"But don\'t you think about it the other way around? The element machine has not been promoted before, because those people of the magic association and the Holy See of light don\'t want this kind of thing to be promoted. However, if we also engage in the element machine together and produce a large number of clothes and cloth, won\'t the effect of the element machine be promoted? "

"In this way, can you guarantee that other people won\'t come to our side? If there are nobles with more money and higher titles who want to ask for our element machine making method and make money by themselves, do you think we should give it or not? "

When Viscount Ruichi said so, viscount Norris\'s anger, which was still in his heart, suddenly cooled down half. He thought about it, and then said, "is the element machine... A very complex process?"

Ariel breathed out and felt that this kind of thing could easily be exposed if she really wanted to lie. She simply told the truth: "the production of element machine is not difficult, the difficulty is design. As long as there are no defects in the design, the appropriate element machine can be easily made according to the design drawing. "

Viscount Ruichi nodded and said, "in that case... President Ariel, what conditions do you think you should use to be willing to give us the design drawing of the element machine?"

Ariel thought for a moment, then made up her mind and said——

"I have a way. I can give you the design method of the weaving element machine. But we need to sign a contract. "

As soon as he heard that he had signed a contract with the president, viscount Norris felt that his head was a little big. But in order to continue, he asked, "what contract..."

Ariel thought for a moment and said, "I think it\'s not difficult to make a textile machine according to the design drawings. The difficulty lies in the drawing of the design drawings. In this case, can the design itself be sold for money? It\'s like the map of the Changmian mine cave I drew before. "

Viscount Ritchie: "you mean... Do you want us to buy it with money?"

Ariel: "actually, it\'s a little different. I hope you can admit that even if I give you the design drawings, you should still believe that the original designer of the design drawings is the mermaid song, not your own design. "

A strange expression appeared on Viscount Ritchie\'s face: "there\'s no problem, but what\'s the point?"

Ariel continued, "the meaning is that I hope I can enjoy the right to our mermaid song for this design. Abbreviate it and call it \'patent\'. We mermaid song have absolute control over this design. If you want to use it, I can \'rent\' you the right to use this patent. During the period of leasing this patent, you need to give me a fixed royalty for each period of time. "

For Ariel\'s idea, Ruichi, who just seemed to agree with it very much, now looked unhappy and said, "why is it so troublesome? Don\'t you need so much trouble? "

However, viscount Norris, who had just seemed a little anxious, now held his chin and said, "you mean... Do you want to protect your patent? What you mean by protecting the patent is... If someone uses the same design and structure as the element machine to make other element machines without your consent or our consent of renting your patent, can we rush up and ask them for money? "

Ariel held out her hand, nodded at Norris over there, smiled and said, "you\'re so smart. Of course, this is just a small idea I just came up with. There may be many key details that I haven\'t grasped well. For example, what kind of design is the use of our element machine design. If others don\'t want to steal and use patents, what means should we use? I\'m afraid just drawing up this contract is a big project. "

Norris breathed out and said, "it doesn\'t matter. I can let my civil servants draft it. It\'s just... Miss Ariel, it\'s no problem that you say this patent belongs to you, but I think there should be a time limit? "


At that moment, Ariel was instinctively alert.

After a little silence, the guild president immediately showed a smile on his face and said slowly, "deadline... What does this mean?"

Viscount Norris nodded and said, "that means, although we recognize that your mermaid song has the exclusive right to this design, I don\'t think this right should be permanent?"

He turned his head, looked at Viscount Ritchie and said, "the mermaid song should only have exclusive rights to it for a certain period of time. However, after a period of time, maybe one or two years, maybe ten or eight years. After this period of time, perhaps this design drawing should no longer belong to the right of mermaid song itself, but should belong to the right that everyone can use casually? "