Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1168

"I... we... We will..."

Among the four village chiefs, the only one who can speak human language opened his mouth. However, the sound seemed intermittent, as if it could not be opened because of some strange things.

Ariel smiled beside her, obviously cheering.

Looking at Ariel\'s present expression, after one eye breathed out a little, she finally nodded and said, "we... Won\'t disturb you humans. We will follow our traditions and our habits, but I believe... Our habits are not aimed at you humans. "

"We... Our night people have their own lives. I\'m not saying... What will we do to you. I mean... We won\'t attack you... President Ariel Garcia, she promised us food, we have enough food... We won\'t attack you... "

Such a bumpy dialogue looks like the powerful and domineering blood clan village head in the Luna residence before?

However, such embarrassment and unfamiliarity is the result Ariel wants most.

After one eye finished, she turned her head and said to everyone present, "that\'s right. From today on, I will take on the work of managing the blood clan. I will teach them and let them know human rules. Similarly, I will pay for them to eat and drink and will not attack humans. "

She put her hands on her hips and said with a smile, "so we humans will do some bad things when we don\'t eat or drink and our life is in trouble? Well, as long as the blood clan knows this, so that they can eat and drink, I believe everyone can live in peace. "

"And finally... If you still have any worries..."

Ariel took a deep breath, raised her hand and patted on the conference table in front of her——

"Once there is any situation on the blood clan side and they do anything bad to mankind in our human cognitive concept, I will be responsible for all the responsibilities. Well, what do you think? "

As Pelican townspeople who have lived with arrow for almost three years, they have a natural sense of trust in the girl in front of them.

As a mistress personally canonized by the royal family, the newcomers who are not familiar with Ariel Garcia will not have much doubt about her.

Finally, as a beauty.

Well, Ariel knows that she has a good face.

As a beautiful woman, among those new youth groups, she thinks she has done a good job. Although those people could not say how much they trusted her, after hearing that they were responsible, the dissenting voices were more or less suppressed.

"So... That\'s it?"

Viscount Ritchie looked at Ariel, at the four village chiefs, and turned his head to the round cheese.

The mayor of round cheese now opened and closed his mouth for a long time. After confirming that there were no other people present to express their objections, he took a deep breath, nodded and said, "if everyone has no opinion... Let\'s do this first, let\'s let president Ariel... And these suck blood..."

"Blood clan. Or blood. Of course, they want to be called the night people. "

Ariel said faintly.

Round cheese glanced at the four blood families whose eyes all revealed bleeding red light, slightly trembled, nodded and said, "so... Your blood family... First... First live in the... New city, President Ariel? Anyway... There are not many residents in the new city... You... You can keep a little distance from us... "

After the negotiation, Ariel looked around all the people present again.

Now, the flower demon spirits represented by rose, the association represented by Eddie, the Holy See represented by George and the citizens represented by round cheese have no too many objections. Seeing this, Ariel nodded and said with a smile——

"Thank you for your tolerance and your generosity. Please believe me, our goal is to build Pelican city better! Thank you! "

The meeting ended in such mutual exchanges.

However, although it is over, it does not mean that the misunderstanding between humans and blood families will be eliminated.

After leaving the mayor\'s office, Ariel took her blood family out of a street.

Looking back, I saw that those who poked their heads out of the mayor\'s office retracted their heads and hid once they came into contact with the blood clan here. It can be seen that such things will become normal for quite a long time to come.

"(blood language) you humans hate us."

Those who speak are copper hands.

She stretched out her claws and gently supported Mashu\'s mother. As she walked, she looked back at the closed doors on both sides and said slowly——

"(blood language) you have no trust in us at all. Although you are afraid that we will kill you all at night, I am afraid that some of you will attack us during the day. "

The cheese face showed difficulty and did not translate it.

However, the one eye on one side said the words of the copper hand, and then said: "human girl, we trust you, not you human beings. We promise you that we will not show claws and fangs to humans. But if you humans dare to attack us, we won\'t sit and die. "

Such words were already obvious, and Ariel now only had convulsions in the corners of her mouth and smiled awkwardly.

I always wanted to bring these blood families back to work for myself, so my factory can run 24 hours a day.

Obviously, this idea was a little thoughtless when it was established.

There are people working in the factory, but what about the mutual acceptance between races?

Ariel may be able to restrain only 103 blood clans and let them not harass humans.

But by day, in this Pelican city where more than 1000 people live, will there be any two Leng people running over to harass the blood clan?


Sure enough, there are still many problems to be solved

So the first question is

"Would you like to learn human language?"

Ariel looked up and suddenly said.