Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1167

George was stunned and immediately realized that his drunkenness last night was known by the mermaid song. He groaned and said, "what am I talking about? I didn\'t say anything. I\'m just saying, will your mermaid song even go against us in order to protect the vampires who brought us infinite suffering in the war hundreds of years ago? For example... By the way, for example, slander me as an obscene thief! "

People all around frowned, and their eyes began to turn around on the faces of George and Ariel over there.

Ariel breathed out silently and said, "hahaha, Knight peanut Tun, how can someone in this world frame you as a color embryo? You have just done something that is not firm enough in your belief in the God of light. Of course, we don\'t need to say these things here, do we? "

As a clergyman, George can definitely accept the mermaid song and abuse himself as a color embryo. After all, I am a priest. Who will believe what a priest says and what you heretics say?

However, if a clergyman is directly pointed out that he is not pious enough in his own faith, he may be in great trouble. The other party doesn\'t need to explain where you are not pious at all, because no matter how extreme you do, the other party can put forward more extreme pious to prove your pious. This is a dead end.

So hearing this, George immediately snorted coldly, shut up and stopped talking.

But his silence made Ariel look a little disappointed.

If this color embryo has the courage to advocate her faith here, it will be easy for her to deal with

Forget it, it\'s not the most important thing. The current situation is in a period of panic. It\'s better to minimize incidents.

Then Ariel turned her head and said something to the cheese next to her. Cheese nodded, turned his head and walked out of the conference hall. After a while

"(blood language) come on, don\'t be afraid, come here."

Cheese, holding two female vampires, walked in carefully.

When everyone here saw the two vampires, although they were involuntarily startled at the beginning, their eyes soon fell on the mother and daughter.

Mashu is very short.

It\'s only one meter four, or maybe less than one meter four.

When she came out of the moon god\'s residence, she almost had no clothes on her. It was over when only a rag surrounded her waist.

She looks like an old woman. She is dry and thin all over. She doesn\'t have any beautiful feeling of young women at all. When I saw her for the first time, the only thing I could feel was a skinny, weak and powerless feeling.

Now Mashu is wearing an old dress that can be worn before. Although it is washed very clean, it still looks too generous.

Compared with her boldness and honesty in the residence of the moon god, she seems very timid when she comes to human society now. She held her mother\'s hand tightly and shrank behind her mother. She could only slightly show a small half of her face to look at the human beings in front of her. After glancing at them, she shrank back again.

And her mother is not much better.

The beautiful girl who once absorbed the blood of all the people and turned into a sacrifice no longer exists. Perhaps it is because she still retains the strength given by some people in her body. Her appearance looks like an old woman in her 70s and 80s, bent, wearing old clothes, sparse hair and tired steps. It seems that as long as anyone pushes her gently, she will collapse to the ground like any old woman.

Looking at such a mother and daughter, the round cheese was stunned for a time. He pointed to the two blood families and said, "who is this? They two... Old lady...? "

Ariel put away the smile on her face and said slowly, "yes, this is the blood family I brought back yesterday. As you can see, they are now weak and powerless. "

"Maybe you can\'t see anything just looking at it now, but what I want to tell you is that these blood families experienced a bloody battle before leaving their hometown. In that war, they broke free from a vampire king who wanted to oppress and enslave them. After paying a very painful price, this can finally escape from the sky. "

Cheese helped Mashu\'s mother sit down in a seat, and Mashu, a little vampire, stood beside her mother, looking at these humans with old and vigilant eyes.

"They went through war and trauma. But what I want to say is that there have been wars between the blood clan and us humans before. But what is more than a blood race that has fought with us? "

Ariel raised her head, looked at the rose over there and continued, "on war, there have been a lot of wars between us humans and flower goblins. Moreover, we humans have indeed done many very terrible things to the flower goblins. "

"But now, I am very grateful to the flower demon spirits for accepting us and being willing to live with us in this Pelican city. Similarly, our human race has accepted people from different ethnic groups such as elves, dwarves and even orcs to live together. "

"In this case, why should we exclude blood clan alone? What\'s more, or reject a race that has been defeated by our human beings? "

Ariel\'s voice was not strong, even with a little softness.

The woman\'s unique voice combined with her expression, coupled with the weakness of Mashu\'s mother and daughter, did shake the people present.


"President Ariel, even if what you say is so high sounding."

Eddie of the magic association, the flame mage saw that George nearby stopped talking and immediately stood up by himself——

"But these vampires are too aggressive. It\'s OK to say one or two, but you\'re more than 100 vampires at one breath! How do you want us to believe that you can control such a huge quantity? "

"If the association is unwilling to live in a \'dangerous place\', you can go, and we won\'t stop you."

It was not Ariel who responded, but dak.

The crazy soldier\'s eyes stopped steadily on Eddie\'s face, his tone was cold, and he didn\'t want to discuss with them at all.

Seeing that dak was so against himself now, Eddie just bit her teeth silently and sat down without talking.

Ariel continued, "I don\'t believe that strict control can do things well. I always believe that only when we face common interests, even if we kill our father and enemy one second, we can cooperate and win-win the next. "

"Among the 103 blood clans who came to Pelican city this time, there are four village heads. The four blood clan village heads have promised to abide by our human laws and regulations, not to interfere with us or harass us. The specific legal provisions need to be planned slowly in the next time, as we worked out with the flower goblins last year. But the general direction is still the same. "

"In addition, blood clan activities are mainly at night. In fact, most of us can\'t see them most of the time. "

"In return for staying in Pelican City, they have promised to work for me. Ladies and gentlemen, even if we are not willing to accept the blood clan, can we give them a chance in my face? "

In the face of Ariel\'s plea, people here look at me and I look at you. There is a slightly anxious and uneasy expression on their faces, but it is difficult to refuse because of their past friendship.

Ariel also knows that her current behavior is completely equivalent to forcing people to be difficult.

But if we want human beings to accept that there are blood families in our factory, this time, she really has to force people to be difficult.

After a moment, viscount Ritchie saw that the people around him were silent. He was silent for a moment and said——

"President Ariel, I believe you. You should know that I have always believed in you. "

Ariel turned her head and looked at the nominal Pelican City owner.

"We are all worried, and I understand that. After all, you have a cheese here, which is already very powerful. Now there are more than 100 vampires for no reason. The current population of Pelican city is a little more than 1000. You have brought a population equivalent to one tenth in one breath. "

Ariel nodded silently and continued to watch the city LORD speak.

"I just want to know, if these vampires make something... How do you solve those things? There are more than a hundred of them. Don\'t blame me for worrying here. If they suddenly decide not to listen to your words and then eat the human beings here directly, it doesn\'t seem to be enough to expel them just by relying on the power of your mermaid song? "

Ariel nodded again to this question. She said two words to the cheese next to her again. The cheese nodded and helped the cassava mother and daughter leave.

After a while, cheese came in with four village heads, Simon, tongshou, one eye and Lianyin.

Ariel said with a smile after briefly introducing the village chiefs to everyone——

"If the blood clan really starts to attack us at that time, what will you do, four village heads?"

After cheese translation, the four village chiefs looked at the humans in front of them.

To be honest, their eyes now look really... Dangerous.

Not the kind of danger you want to rush up and bite. But a kind of maladjustment... A kind of cramped feeling when suddenly facing a large number of strange humans.

It can be seen from the eyes and expressions of the four blood families that they are now in a very anxious and even a little nervous feeling.