Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1165

The light blooms from Margo\'s palm in an instant!

The huge light suddenly closed George\'s eyes. Taking advantage of this gap, Margo quickly broke free from his hands and was about to run outside the guild gate.

But she didn\'t wait to take two steps, but there was the same sound of footsteps behind her! Without waiting to turn back, Margo immediately raised her hand, and a huge light barrier appeared behind her.

After blocking the paladin, Margo continued to speed up and run to the exit. But at this time, there was a sudden sound of broken windows in the guild hall behind!

Margo was surprised. Looking back, he saw that the paladin broke the window of the hall and jumped into the street outside. Then he rushed to the door at a very fast speed, raised his fist and hit Margo on the stomach mercilessly.

How can the priest compare with the paladin who has been fighting for many years?

Margo couldn\'t react. She was beaten back after a heavy punch on her stomach. George looked at Margo, who collapsed in front of him, kept covering his stomach and coughing, with an obscene smile on his face, and slowly closed the door of the guild with his backhand and locked it.

"Why run? Shouldn\'t you be familiar with such things? "

As he spoke, George began to untie his clothes.

Margo coughed and struggled to move back. She glanced at the gate leading to the rear of the guild, because her staff is now placed on the weapon rack in the training room

"What? After joining the guild, I thought I had learned some light magic of fur, so I began to pretend to be pure and pure? "

There was still that obscene smile on the corner of his mouth. After taking off his coat, George came forward and stuck Margo\'s neck, dragged her up and threw her on the table in the rest area over there.

"Oh ~ ~ ~ look at you, you are really beautiful ~ ~ ~ you must be very popular when you were a prostitute (harmony) girl? Hehe, hehe, bah! You are so dirty! "

George\'s hand pressed Margo directly so that she couldn\'t point her palm at her eyes. Immediately, the paladin stared at a pair of red eyes narrowed by the smell of wine and scanned the priest back and forth. Then he suddenly raised his head and spit hard on Margo\'s face.

"Dirty, cheap, dirty! You are such a dirty woman, such a dirty and shameless bitch! What qualifications do you have to serve the God of light? A prostitute (harmony) girl, such a filthy thing, dare to call herself a priest serving the God of light? Even being a nun makes you sick! "

After that, George\'s other hand began to tear Margo\'s clothes. His actions were rude and violent. His thick arm was like tearing a pile of cotton that belonged to him alone, and it was full of revenge!

"You\'re disgusting! Let me have a good look at what a dirty body you want to hide in these clothes? Ha ha ha! Come on... Come on! You dirty soul, you despicable and shameless prostitute (harmonious) who desecrates the dignity of the God of light! Now let me purify you and let you feel the true gift of the God of light! "

George reached out and tore Margo\'s skirt in half. From beginning to end, Margo didn\'t speak. She just silently looked at the paladin who was spitting at herself and touching his thigh with her hands. Her eyes were extremely cold.

Is he a beast?

No, it shouldn\'t.

Because the beast should not care whether the object of his desire is dirty or dirty.

So, is this man worse than a beast?

But he had the glorious name of the paladin of the God of light, which even the female paladin of his guild dreamed of her husband.


This thing is tearing its skirt and clothes

What the hell is it?


Just as George\'s hand pulled the last layer of Margo\'s clothes, there was a noise on his head.

The crazy Paladin stopped and turned his head slowly. At the same time, Margo raised her head slightly and looked in that direction.

"You... What are you doing! From... From her... From Miss Margaux... Leave! Otherwise! Or I\'ll... I\'m not polite! "

Tesla was holding a tool hammer in his hand, pale and frightened.

It can be seen that he is very afraid now, and even his frightened legs are shaking.

George also saw what had just hit his head. It was a small piece of wood.

George couldn\'t help humming coldly. He turned around, put his hands on his hips, walked proudly to the assembler and said with a sneer——

"Ah, don\'t be so nervous. Anyway, I\'m also an investor in your guild, right? Since we are investors, we should be polite to each other, right? "

Margo on the table saw George leave and came down quietly at once. When George left her a little distance, she didn\'t care to put on half torn clothes and ran away!

Aware of Margo\'s escape behind him, George immediately turned to stop it, but just as his hand was about to grasp Margo\'s arm, a hammer flew from the side at this moment.


He stretched out his hand to catch people. As a last resort, he turned back and caught the hammer.

Taking advantage of this gap, Margo did not look at the unarmed Tesla over there, quickly fled into the gate leading to the back and disappeared into the guild hall.

Seeing his prey run away, the color on George\'s face immediately became ugly. He threw away the hammer in his hand and walked to Tesla. The card owner his neck and shouted angrily: "shit, how dare you conceive my good deed

Tesla kept patting George on the arm, trying to struggle, but he couldn\'t move!

Seeing the assembler\'s painful expression, George snorted, turned his anger into contempt and said, "forget it. Hehe, I thought you Mermaid songs were so united. Boy, if you want a hero to save the United States, you have to weigh your weight. That prostitute (harmony) knows the current affairs very well. She immediately left you and ran away. But it doesn\'t matter. There\'s still a chance next time. Just you... "

Pinching his fist, George had begun to build up his strength and planned to hit Tesla hard on his thin face——

"Today, I\'ll leave you a little memory, man, fish, song."

Fist, swing.

Touch -!

However, what I touched was not the weak face of the assembler, but a bright wall that looked unusually thick!

George was only happy at the first moment, and after that moment, he obviously felt the strong pain from his fist after hitting a hard object!

Turning around, I saw the prostitute (harmony) who had just escaped. Now she ran out again.

Her silky soft white pajamas still look dilapidated, only covering the most critical parts of her. Obviously, she didn\'t change.

But at this moment, she has a light wand in her hand! The top of the staff is emitting a strong and restrained light!

Looking at the strong power of light, the corners of George\'s mouth could not help twitching. He clenched his teeth, silently released Tesla\'s neck, took two steps back and said in an unbelievable voice: "it\'s incredible... Why does the God of light give you such a dirty prostitute (harmonious) woman? You do everything you can... You don\'t deserve this power. "

Margo, who got the staff, was obviously much more confident. She took a step forward carefully and said, "yes, I am such a dirty woman. So what are you? Hehe, maybe the God of light thinks that even a dirty woman like me is higher than what you want - expensive! "


George couldn\'t help pressing his hand on the handle of his sword!

However, with his action, the power on the light staff becomes more and more strong, just as there is a small sun in it. As long as you are willing, you can erupt in an instant!

Looking at such powerful magic, the anger in George\'s mind was gradually replaced by calmness after all. With a sneer, he got up slowly and looked up and down at the woman in front of him again. She was a collection of male desires. Look at her thighs, her waist, her shoulders, her arms. It was he who created such a "beautiful" picture of her now.

At the thought of this, suddenly George seemed to feel that there was nothing wrong with it.

He snorted. The hand that had been pressed on the hilt of the sword was also slowly released. He raised his hands, put on a gesture of surrender, smiled and continued to retreat backward.

"Hehe, just kidding, don\'t be so serious. Still, we are partners. There is no need to be so rigid in many things, right? It\'s too late today and my wine woke up. Next time... Next time. "

As he spoke, he slowly backed up, waited until he was near the guild gate, turned around, opened the door and ran out quickly.

It was not until the paladin left completely that Tesla finally seemed to have completely loosened his pinched throat. He leaned against the wall and breathed heavily. It was as if he had just come back from a marathon.

Margo put away his staff, walked slowly to Tesla, smiled and said, "I thought you were a machine repairer. I didn\'t think you really dared to rush up? That\'s a paladin. We don\'t add up enough for him. "

Tesla raised his head, but just after seeing Margo, his face turned red, turned his head and said nervously, "you... You\'d better hurry up and put your clothes on..."