Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1163

While guiding the blood clan through the portal, Napa suddenly asked——

"You just said three reasons, so what\'s the fourth reason?"

Seeing the crowd slowly passing through the portal now, Ariel couldn\'t help covering her mouth and smiled gently.

At this moment, Napa seemed a little anxious. She hurriedly said, "what are you laughing at? This is a very serious thing! Your human brain circuit is so strange that you don\'t want power? So what is the fourth reason? "

Ariel gently rubbed the little white cat\'s face, turned around, stepped in towards the portal and smiled——

"Hey, I\'m a girl. Don\'t you know that girls can\'t casually eat the food handed over by strangers? "

Before entering the portal, Napa asked in surprise, "that\'s it?"

Ariel nodded seriously, "yes, that\'s it. Is it not enough here? "

Then she stepped into the portal. On the other side, he looked at those blood clans coming through one by one, sorted out the team and prepared to return.

Yes... That\'s the reason.

In fact, if you really want to say... There are two reasons why Ariel will never eat this thing.

One is that the red dragon once said that after eating its heart, the golden mountain is half a person.

But the question is... Who wants to be half with you?

You\'re dying! When you die, those blood families don\'t need money. All the gold belongs to themselves. Since you can swallow the golden mountain alone, why do you want to be half with you?

Unfortunately, this wish ended in failure... If you want to dig out the treasure in that mountain again, the human and financial resources required are not a small amount. If we really want to take action, it is impossible for the large excavation team not to arouse the vigilance of the red moon empire. At that time, once the news of the red dragon treasure is spread, God knows how much it will cost to deal with the red moon empire. Moreover, the blue bay Empire itself has to spend a lot of energy on such exchanges between countries. What\'s more, the red moon Empire and the blue bay Empire do not border. How much does it cost to transport those gold back? What do those countries think?

Alas, it\'s a headache just to think about it

As for the last and most critical reason

Walking through the dark passage, Ariel silently glanced at the sleeping kitten in her arms.

She won\'t forget.

I will never forget the strong killing intention of the little cat when he mentioned hunting red dragon and red jade

If he really became Chi Fei, how would the vice president treat himself?


Pelican city at the beginning of spring, but it still feels cool at night.

Thanks to the improvement of the economy, and at night, the element lights in the whole Pelican city will turn on. The bright color makes the whole Pelican City show a dreamlike attraction.

People come and go in the street. All kinds of small handicrafts and vendors gathered in the square of the old city. The flow of people was like a shuttle, vaguely giving people the feeling of a big city.

Vigorous, that\'s what I\'m talking about now.

Mermaid song guild.

After a busy day\'s work, the boss of the chamber of Commerce who came to talk about business has finally left the guild. Brad and buffy went out and took the presidents of the chamber of Commerce to some hotels in the city.

At this time, cocoa, one of the members of the guild, ran down happily from the second floor, rushed to the counter, patted an account book in his hand on the counter, and laughed at Margo who was compiling daily work behind the counter.

"Look, look, look! Great! Am I good? "

Margo frowned and saw the crooked handwriting in her work log because of the shooting of cocoa just now. After a short pause, she put down her pen, piled a smile on her face, took a glance at the account book handed over by cocoa and said, "Oh, yes! girl. You\'re doing a great business, aren\'t you? It makes more money than the president. "

Hearing Margo\'s praise, cocoa hugged her arms and looked great. She smiled and said, "right, right? Am I good now? ha-ha! I came up with this way to make money! I promise, even the president\'s sister never thought of making money in this way! Hee hee, when the president\'s sister comes back, I\'ll let her praise me well! "

Margo gave a sneer and said, "look, I\'m proud of you. Even if you think of this method yourself, you can master it by yourself only after President Ariel taught you so much economics knowledge. It\'s as if you, such a silly girl, can understand by patting your head alone. "

Cocoa didn\'t care. She took back the account book from Margo\'s hand, sat on the high stool in front of the counter, swaying her legs, and said with a bored face: "Alas... When will the president sister come back... I want the president sister to know how powerful I am... Alas, how annoying! I\'ll go and see the Changmian mountains. Maybe the president\'s sister will come back today! "

Margo was stunned and said, "it\'s past midnight."

But before he finished, the necromancer ran out excitedly.

At the thought of the girl always yearning for the president in such a hurry in recent days, Margo could only sigh helplessly, smile bitterly and continue to write her work log.

Almost ten minutes later, when the log was finished, Margo yawned slightly and packed up the paper and pen. Just then, there was a soft sound outside the guild gate. Margo couldn\'t help laughing and said, "why? Decided to sleep - "

Unfortunately, her words didn\'t finish again, so she swallowed them directly.

Because now the one who pushed the door in was not the necromancer who knew how to rampage, but a drunken... Paladin who was full of wine all over.

Paladin of the Holy See of light - George peanut tun.

The slovenly paladin is now wearing a light suit, not his knight armor. Obviously, these days in Pelican city are very peaceful, and these guys don\'t have to be armed all day.

There was only one exception, that is, the knight sword he wore at his waist was still carried with him.

Although the person who came in was not cocoa, Margo quickly sorted out her mood, smiled and said, "ah, Mr. peanut Tun? Sorry, it\'s closed now. If you have any entrustment, please come early tomorrow. "

George disdained Margo\'s departure order. He staggered to the rest area and sat down on the sofa. His feet were impolitely raised and put on the table.


A big wine burp instantly filled the guild hall with a strong smell of wine.

Margo frowned again and turned her head to look at the guild gate.

Now Brad and buffy have gone out to see off the guests, and I don\'t know when the big man will come back... In terms of power, the priest himself is not the opponent of the paladin. Brad is more convenient if you want to kick him out directly.

"Mr. Paladin, we are closed."

George glanced at Margo, who continued to smile next to him, and looked up and down at her. A moment later, he said with a dry smile——

"Water! Give me... A glass of water! Come here and give me a glass of water... "

Margo is so familiar with this look. In the past, when seeking life in the red light district, I don\'t know how many men would sweep around themselves with such eyes.

But now, she is no longer the one who lives in the red light district. She is one of the champion guild members of the guild championship. Since she is a champion member, she should maintain her dignity.

"The water is over there. Take it yourself if you want. If you want to sleep, you can lie on the sofa all night. "

With that, Margo stepped back, the smile on her face had turned into frost, and planned to go upstairs to her room.

However, her steps had just taken two steps, but George suddenly bounced up from the sofa and rushed to Margo. Before Margo could react, one of his hands had tightly hugged her waist, turned around and pressed Margo on the side wall.

"Yo yo ~ ~ ~ why are you so cold to me? Hehe... Everyone serves the God of light... You are a priest and I am a Paladin... Don\'t you think, Hiccup! Should we have more \'in-depth\' communication with each other? "

Margo didn\'t lose her composure. She tried to break George\'s hand, but found that her judgment was right and her strength was really inferior.

After that, her face remained indifferent and said slowly, "do you know you serve the God of light? Does the God of light allow you to do such a thing? Please get out of the way. Now, I can still act as if nothing has happened. "

But George obviously didn\'t stop because of Margo\'s refusal. He pressed Margo, raised his head, sniffed Margo\'s neck and chest, and then showed a very intoxicated expression. He held out his other hand, gently hugged Margo\'s white hair, put it wantonly in front of his nose, sniffed and said——

"It smells good ~ ~ ~ it really smells good ~ ~ ~ it\'s a pity. If you weren\'t the fat aunt, but you were a saint, would I believe in our great God of light more? You are so beautiful, Margo. Today\'s environment is so good... Burp! Hehe, why don\'t we just... "

As he spoke, his hand began to touch Margo\'s chest from the root of her hair.