Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1146

But is such comfort useful?

Mashu obviously understood what her mother\'s words meant. She even dragged her mother\'s hand and shouted anxiously: "(blood language) it\'s not me? So who made the sacrifice? Is that mom? It must be Mom, right! I don\'t want it! I will never! "

"(blood language) we managed to escape from the giant ghost! We managed not to be sacrificed again! Mother will not be sacrificed, and I will not be sacrificed! But now why? Why did mom make sacrifices again? I will never do this! Mom, shall we run away? Ariel, they are right here. Shall we escape to the human world with them? "

Mashu shouted, noisy, shouting. Gradually, her voice began to bring a little cry. She kept pulling her mother\'s arm, as if she wanted to pull her mother\'s arm off!

And her mother, the weak female blood clan, now the only thing she can do is to stretch out her hand, constantly caress her daughter\'s head and comfort her. I could see that she was holding back her tears and trying to keep that smile on her face. But when comforting her daughter, her voice began to tremble

"(blood language) I don\'t want my mother to be sacrificed! I will never! Woo woo... Ariel! Ariel, aren\'t you coming to help us? Will you help us? Will you convince my mother that we two will go with you? Ariel! You talk! Will you come and persuade my mother? "

Ariel silently looked at the blood clan roaring at herself.

She couldn\'t understand what the vampire named Mashu was saying to herself, but her anxious state of mind had made Ariel understand what she was shouting.

But the next moment

Pa -!

One hand stretched out from the side, grabbed Mashu and dragged her mother\'s hand. Then there was a slap on the face.

"(blood language) have you had enough! Don\'t hurry back! "

Mashu was stunned.

She released her hand, covered her numb face and looked at the man who was teaching her a lesson - Copper hand.

The head of poisonous claw village now clenched his teeth, roared loudly, and his face was full of distortion.

In the face of such a terrible "old" woman, Mashu won\'t give in like this. She suddenly shook off the copper hand, jumped half a step back, pulled out the stone bow that had been broken because of the battle from behind, opened her mouth, exposed her fangs, and shouted——

"(blood language) what do you mean, have you had enough?! It was my mother who sacrificed! What do you understand? As long as you are guys who can live, where will you cherish my mother\'s life?! "

"(blood language) I said have you had enough! Don\'t you understand? You smelly child! "

In the face of the tusks and ferocious Mashu, the copper hand roared impolitely! With just such a roar, the power generated destroyed the already fragile stone bow in Mashu\'s hand and turned it into a pile of rubble. The little vampire collapsed backward and sat on the ground.

"(blood language) do you think... Do you think we all want this?! Do you think... Do you think now... We... All want to? "

The village head\'s voice began to choke.

Her claws clenched slightly... But a moment later, it was slowly released because of some helplessness.

The sharp claw was like trying to catch something in the air, playing silently, but there was no way to catch anything.

A moment later, she clenched her teeth tightly, raised her claws, turned back her arms, stopped looking at the little vampire, and muttered with some hatred——

"(blood language) next time... It\'s my turn..."

The village head of poison claw village held herself tightly and walked back to the moon god\'s residence... Towards the barren stone forest.

Only Mashu was still sitting on the ground, staring at the female village head who left silently.

Her mother came over at this time, slowly picked up her daughter, raised her thin claws and patted the dust on her body. Then, the mother showed a tired... But gentle smile to her daughter and said a sentence slowly——

"(blood language) come on, let\'s go home."

Mashu, holding his mother\'s hand, walked back to the stone forest again with other blood families

But for Ariel

What does that mean?

You don\'t play anymore? Quit? All escaped? Forget all the agreed things? What is this?

Think about how much effort you have spent to get your labor force, crossing half of the golden continent and coming to this place where birds don\'t shit is to recruit you. As a result, you were all scared to move after a dragon roared?

In this case... What can I do with the financial resources and energy I have invested in this matter?

You know, I spent a lot of money to buy those blood sugar blocks for these blood families! There are all kinds of financial losses caused by leaving the guild for so long and ignoring the official business of Pelican city!

What is the loss in this regard? You just tremble with fear and want to make all your efforts go to waste? You\'re kidding!

"Are you kidding me?"

Ariel clenched her fist, clenched her teeth and snorted softly.

"Are you kidding...!"

As if to embolden herself, she couldn\'t help yelling again!

Those blood families in front should have heard her voice. They looked back at the human being, but they didn\'t express any opinions and continued to walk into the stone forest.

Ariel raised her hand and slapped her fist hard to make herself look stronger.

But even so, the strong fear left on her body made her unable to stop shaking at all.

The dragon has been gone for so long, but now she can still feel that her lips are still colliding with each other. Even now, my legs must be stretched tightly! Otherwise, she felt that as long as she relaxed a little, the whole person would immediately collapse because of instability.

The members of the mermaid song are all elite combatants. Of course, they can see the fear of their president. However, in the face of a real dragon, who will not have a sense of fear?

"President... We... This time..."

With a long breath, cream came forward and muttered softly. Then, as if he wanted to completely recover his spirit, he raised his hand and pulled his mouth. Then he said slowly——

"We really have no choice this time. After all, it\'s a dragon! A complete red dragon, a red dragon that has lived for thousands of years... "

Su TA held the equipment TA Dun he had brought back from xueya village, nodded silently and said, "although it\'s a pity... President, I also think we have done our best. We all thought it was the lie of the vampire king, but now it\'s all true... Then we have no choice... "

"Damn it!"

Suddenly, dak raised his fist and blasted heavily to the ground. His strength was so strong that a small hole was punched in the ground under the punch.

But even so, the crazy soldier\'s neck muscles are still beating gently. He got up slowly, rubbed his slightly bleeding fist, opened his palm and clenched it again——

"That... That\'s really a dragon... I once heard of a dragon only in fairy tales... Ha... Ha ha... Damn it... I was too scared to move just now... I... I dare say I\'m a crazy soldier... Ha ha... I\'m so damn... Ha..."

On the other side, cheese is silently looking at these guild members.

A moment later, he looked back and looked at the moon god residence over there again.

At this time, all blood families have gone in, and they can no longer see their own people in the intricate stone forest... Presumably, they have begun to prepare for the sacrifice now

Thinking of this, the cheese gently bit its teeth, walked up to Ariel and said——

"President... Sorry, I may not be able to accompany you to see the future you want to see."

Ariel was stunned and her trembling stopped for a moment. She looked up, stared at the blood clan in front of her, looked into his eyes and asked, "what do you mean?"

Cheese exhaled, raised his fist, pinched it and said, "although... I have left my people for twenty years. Just to say what feelings I have for my people, this feeling may not be so deep. "

"I always thought that I could pretend that there was nothing like living with you humans. After all, that\'s how I\'ve been for the past 20 years. But these days... These days, after I am with my people... "

He took a deep breath and continued——

"I began to find that my people were really my people. They will have the same pain and sorrow as me. Trapped in hunger all day, they live far less than I, a \'traitor\' who leaves here and flies away. "

"In addition, when I fought against the giant ghost, I suddenly felt very poor for the giant ghost. Although this guy is nominally the strongest in our whole blood family, his heart is so fragile. "

"It is precisely because over the years, his frailty has led my compatriots, so it has also made my compatriots so vulnerable. That\'s why I\'m so timid in the face of a red dragon. "
