Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1145

It was obvious that the Dragon didn\'t care whether the giant ghost was dead or alive. What it cared most was the progress of the sacrifice!

Ariel\'s mouth trembled, smiled awkwardly and said, "now... We should... Not offer sacrifices... Everyone... Everyone wants to... Leave... Leave this... Place..."

Perhaps the initial shock has been used to a lot now. When Ariel said this, the members of the mermaid song around finally moved silently towards her and reluctantly put on a posture of confrontation.

However, the red dragon raised his head, looked at the residence of the moon god over there, pondered for a moment, nodded gently and said——

"(blood language) I see. You want to leave, don\'t you? That\'s right. This place is so barren, without flowers, trees, animals and vitality. For my family members, this is really not a good place to live. It is indeed understandable that you want to leave. "

The red dragon\'s voice never fluctuated, but what it said in its mouth made those blood families start to have some hope! Especially after cheese translated these words to Ariel and others, humans began to feel a little excited and rejoice that they met a reasonable dragon.

It\'s just

"(blood language) but did I allow you to leave?"

A simple word, but let those blood families who were about to push the cheers to their lips fall into the most desperate abyss again.

The red dragon slowly moved its front paw as a wing, turned a little two steps to the side, and walked towards the mountain forest where the moon god lived. It raised its claws, put it on a mountain and said slowly——

"(blood language) the giant ghost is dead. It doesn\'t matter. I remember, except for the giant ghost, the head of the largest village is you, stone leg, right? Next, you will host the once-in-a-decade Festival. This year also happens to be a sacrifice in your village, right? Get ready quickly. I don\'t want to wait too long. "

With these words, the red dragon grabbed the cliff and waited for these blood families to return to the cage and looked at the people——

"As for you humans, I don\'t care what you\'re here for. I\'m not interested in you either. Go away. "

At that moment, Ariel finally understood why the dragon race could be called the most powerful race in the world.

Because they are powerful, they can have this almost unreasonable arrogance, and they can also have this kind of arrogance that doesn\'t care about each other\'s ideas at all and expresses only for the implementation of their own will!

However, even if you know the other party\'s brutality and the other party\'s Irrationality

But for these blood families and humans, is there any reason to refuse now?

"Chifei... Lord chifei..."

Finally, the stone leg seemed to recover. He opened his mouth tremblingly and said with fear——

"We... Are your dependents... You... Gave birth to us? But why... Why do you keep us... Imprisoned in... This barren mountain forest? You are our... Our ancestor! Why... You... You want to... "

Ariel knew that this was the last bit of the village head\'s defense. He hopes to use this last bit of courage to get a humble answer.

But for such a humble question, the red dragon looked contemptuously, and then

It raised its tail and swept it as if nothing had happened.

Only a loud bang could be heard. A tall mountain peak was knocked down under the sweep of the tail of the red dragon, and the smoke and dust filled the sky and turned into dust.

"I have given you too much patience today."

With a touch to the ground, the red dragon\'s claws left the mountain and landed again. And it was also slowly approaching the night clan who had already been scared out of his mind. The bright red vertical pupil stared at him and said slowly——

"So if you continue to consume my patience, I will let you enjoy the sun during the day like a giant ghost. Do you understand? "

Now, stone leg will no longer say any questions. He was like a puppet, and now he only nodded mechanically.

(blood language) very good. So now, you all go back and prepare for the sacrifice. "

Chi Fei turned his head and didn\'t care about the thoughts of those blood families. He didn\'t even look at them, but walked towards the residence of the moon god——

"(blood language) I\'ll give you another day. At midnight tomorrow night, if I can\'t see the sacrifice ready for me, then you are ready to bear my anger. "

With that, the red dragon turned and walked towards the moon god\'s residence.

It didn\'t even look back at the blood clan that it was forbidden to leave, and it didn\'t seem to worry that they would turn and run away when they didn\'t see it.

In fact... The red dragon really doesn\'t have to worry.

Because at this time, Ariel suddenly found that the blood families around her no longer had the happy expression of leaving this barren mountain area a few minutes ago.

On the contrary, one by one, they all tightened their eyebrows again, and their faces were full of despair. He began to turn his steps and followed the red dragon back to the residence of the moon god.

No blood clan dares to resist

Is this because of some kind of curse? Or does it come from some kind of contract or slavery between the creator and the created?

No, neither.

It\'s pure fear, because the difference is so great that there\'s almost no way to flatten the power.

Because of these, these blood clan members can immediately turn around and escape to the boundless human world, and they will not take any action now

"... (blood language) let\'s go and go back."

The stone leg village head\'s face was like dead gray. He lifted the stone package on his back and walked towards the moon god\'s residence again.

With the turning back of those blood families, the female blood family standing next to Ariel couldn\'t help breathing out, lowering her head, falling down the helpless and desperate sigh, and walked to the mountain forest together.

But her turn made her daughter look flustered. Mashu grabbed her mother\'s dry hand and said flustered——

"(blood language) Mom! No! I don\'t want it! "

The voice was so frightened that Ariel turned her head and looked at the mother and daughter.

The old face of the female blood clan showed a bitter smile. She reached out her hand, gently stroked her daughter\'s face and said slowly——

"(blood language) don\'t worry, Ma Shu. Now... You don\'t have to make sacrifices. "