Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1120

For the vampire who could communicate, Ariel couldn\'t help laughing and said, "your human language is very good. It looks like it\'s comparable to the village head of stone leg."

One eye snorted: "his Terran language is studied against each other with me. Now, answer my question, human. "

Ariel counseled her shoulder, continued to smile and said, "I don\'t need you to kill anyone or do anything for me. Because I believe that as long as you practice the method I envision, we humans will naturally give you blood. I am not a traitor to mankind. If I really want to say what I am loyal to... I am only loyal to my wealth. "

Obviously, a little disappointed expression appeared on the one eyed face. He shook his head gently and said, "I have seen your human hypocrisy and greed, and I understand that there is no free acquisition or meaningless payment in this world. Unfortunately, human beings, you lie again in front of me, trying to deceive us. "

Ariel: "what if I didn\'t deceive you?"

One eye: "what evidence do you have? What kind of road is the road you just mentioned? What do you want our night people to do for you? "

Here, the topic will finally go deep into the core part.

Of course, Ariel still had a smile on her face. She opened her arms and said with a smile, "well, can you let the members of the night family avoid it first? I hope that only Mr. Simon of Hunter village, Mr. Lian Yin of Hongxiang village, Ms. copper hand of poison claw village and you, Mr. one eyed of ghost Tong Village, and I will get together alone with my guild to tell you my plan. "

The blood families named looked at others one after another, and everyone seemed a little nervous and cautious. And no one is talking now.

In this regard, Ariel couldn\'t help laughing and said, "why? Are you still afraid that I will take all four of you in one breath? If I really want to kill you, I have plenty of opportunities in broad daylight. "

Hearing Ariel say this, the vampires looked at each other again, and then nodded.

Copper hand village head pointed to the cave he had just climbed out and took the lead in climbing in. One eye also enters together.

Then came Simon, chain sound, and all of the mermaid songs.

Those vampires are gathered at the door now, but they dare not come in due to orders, but they stretch their ears one by one, hoping to listen to what is being discussed inside.

And soon——

(blood language) what are you talking about

In the cave, there came the startling voice of several village heads.

In the cave, Ariel sat on a haystack that had dried up for some time under the torches of other members. Her face was still smiling without any change.

Just in front of the four vampires, but now they all show frightened expressions and look at each other.

Copper turned his head, looked at the chain sound and Simon next to him, and immediately said: "(blood language) why are you two so surprised? I thought you knew it long ago, so you wanted to work with me long ago! "

Simon immediately shook his head and said: "(blood language) are you kidding?! I just follow these humans according to the instructions of the village head. How can I know she wants to do such a thing?! "

Lianyin also quickly denied it and said: "(blood language) me too, me too! She suddenly rushed to our village this evening and seduced us with that small blood sugar block, saying that she could supply us with unlimited blood sugar blocks! How can I... how can I know such a thing? This human is lying to me. She obviously has a plot! "

Ariel certainly knew that this proposal would make these blood families nervous, but she didn\'t expect that these guys\' emotions would be so exaggerated!

Seeing that Simon, chain sound and copper hand were about to lose control, their eyes at Ariel began to become unfriendly again.

But just when Ariel wanted to say something more to recover

"You let us kill the giant ghost and dismantle the blood tooth village? So, is it for you humans to better prepare to attack our night people? "

Compared with the other three, the mood of one eye is more calm.

No, rather than being calm, he now clenched his fists tightly, showing a sense of tension.

Ariel breathed out a little and said slowly, "from the human point of view, we humans have no interest in the territory of your night family. The moon god\'s residence here has no suitable plain, is not suitable for planting crops, is not suitable for living, and there is no water source. There is simply no place worthy of our human occupation. If we want to destroy you... Why do you think that we humans who defeated you four hundred years ago will still be afraid of you four hundred years later? "

"Because in these four hundred years, there was no \'traitor\' in our night family to bring you humans to our residence“

One eye was not polite at all. The scarlet eye glared at the cheese over there and continued——

"But now it\'s different. Under the leadership of this frustrated \'traitor\', you have found our residence. How can I guarantee that you humans will not kill in? "

Ariel sighed and simply opened her mouth——

"If you want an absolute guarantee, I can only say that I can\'t give it to you. But are you willing to believe that we humans have spent so much energy to rush in and kill your night people in exchange for some peace of mind? Or are you willing to believe that I, a human being, hope to make better use of your night family for my own interests? "

After a moment of silence, one eye said, "I don\'t know how you feel, but if you really decide to kill the giant ghost and annihilate the blood tooth village... My one eye and my ghost pupil village follow."

Ariel was surprised to see that the village head had promised so readily. The copper hand next to him asked him. After getting his answer, he was stunned and said quickly——

"(blood language) are you crazy?! One eye, how can you believe this human being so easily? "

The chain sound on one side also said: "(blood language) one eyed village head, I know you were a little unhappy with the village head of giant ghost because your daughter was sacrificed ten years ago, but this is an internal matter of our night family after all! But now you want to involve human beings, which is really... "

One eye turned his head. His eyes, which had turned into crimson, fell on these compatriots, clenched his teeth and said fiercely: "(blood language) you don\'t have to say any more. I know what I\'m doing! My wife was killed by a giant ghost thirteen years ago, and my daughter was sacrificed ten years ago! If it is a dignity to continue to live like this, I would rather not have it! "

In Ariel\'s thinking, there are some contradictions between xueya village and the other four villages. Taking advantage of these contradictions is indeed the focus she can think of.

However, she did not expect that the one eyed village head would show such a strong sense of revenge so smoothly.

It seems that he really has great resentment about his daughter being sacrificed. Even after ten years, he still hasn\'t weakened it.

Since some people in these four villages directly agreed, will it be much simpler next?

"(blood language) this kind of thing is crazy. Sorry, our poison claw village won\'t do such crazy things. "

Then it was the copper hand village head of poison claw village who made a statement.

The female vampire is still lying on the ground on all fours. She tried to raise her neck, as if she wanted to support her body more, she said——

"(blood language) I will not challenge the most powerful blood tooth village for my dead wife and daughter with a madman like one eye. Human beings, you should not casually give him such unrealistic promises. You don\'t have any chance. "

Ariel nodded gently, smiled and said, "I didn\'t expect that the village head of tongshou would oppose it so strongly. Or is there any way you can find other women to sacrifice in ten years? For example... Converting humans into blood races? "

Cheese translated and looked at the female vampire with a slightly expectant look.

In this regard, the copper hand looked contemptuous and said: "(blood language) if we can convert other races into our night race, where will we be so tired? Just go outside and catch your humans and come back to sacrifice. "

Ariel spread out her hands, continued to smile and said, "in that case, I really don\'t know why you object? Is it fear? Or out of loyalty to xueya village? "

The copper hand\'s eyes flashed a sense of erasure. She quickly climbed in front of Ariel, straightened up suddenly, and clasped her hands on Ariel\'s shoulders!

For her move, the nearby dak and suuta immediately wanted to stop it, but Ariel still stretched out her hand and asked them to stop for a while.

"(blood language) human beings, I\'m afraid you don\'t understand our tradition at all. Maybe in your imagination, the reason why I want to get pregnant is to prevent myself from being sacrificed and keep my poisonous claw village, isn\'t it? Hehe... From my point of view as a village head, it is true! "

She came up to Ariel and opened her mouth. The two sharp fangs and a row of sharp teeth looked like a guillotine chopper.

"(blood clan language) however, being sacrificed as a sacrifice in the active sacrifice is an incomparably noble honor for our blood clan! yes! As the village head, I can\'t let my village have no next generation! But personally, if I have to go to the altar at the end, I will never hesitate! You must remember this for me! "