Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1119

Ariel is not afraid of mouth guns. In fact, that\'s what she wants. Let Hunter village and Hongxiang village stand for themselves, so even the vampires in these two villages will not speak for themselves, so this momentum alone is actually very enough.

Ariel stretched out her finger to the villagers of the two villages behind her and said in a righteous way——

"I don\'t have any feelings that don\'t respect the night people. In my eyes, you are born with powerful power, which is beyond the reach of ordinary human beings like me all my life. Therefore, I have only respect for you, the family of the night, but I dare not have any contempt! "

"It is because of respect that I hope to get your willingness and understanding. Copper hand village head, you are also respected by me. You want to save your village with your own strength. In my eyes, you are undoubtedly the greatest soldier and a well deserved village head! "

If the other party feels he has been indescribably insulted, it is OK to verbally say that he has not insulted the other party. Ariel would never mind doing more to give the other party a little pleasure and get real benefits.

In fact, it is precisely because of her current publicity that the chain sound that just appeared to be somewhat unstable now also turns around and looks at Ariel. Obviously, the hostility on his face has weakened a lot, and Simon\'s face looks a lot more gentle after seeing the human woman\'s speech of respecting the blood race.

But for the copper hand village head, the hostility on her face still could not be eliminated.

"(blood language) what do you really want to do here?"

Ariel smiled and said, "I want to provide you with a way to save yourself. Rely on your own strength of the night people to return to a life where you can eat, drink and reproduce. As long as you are really willing to do so, copper hand village head, although I can\'t guarantee whether you can have children, I can at least guarantee that your body will not be as healthy as it is now, but as healthy as the cheese of our guild. "

It has to be said that since entering the residence of the moon god, cheese can indeed be regarded as an alternative in a blood family.

He is handsome and strong, even fearless of the sun. Such physical quality makes every blood family who sees it incomparably envious.

Don\'t turn your head, the copper hand looked up and down at the handsome boy and said: "(blood language) Yes, you can let him and me hole. After he makes me pregnant successfully, I can\'t kill you."

This sentence seemed a little untranslatable for cheese. He was stunned on the spot, half open his mouth, and didn\'t seem to know what to say. Thanks to NAPA\'s two words beside Ariel\'s ear, Ariel couldn\'t help covering her mouth and smiling, and then said, "no, no, I\'m not just talking about your poison claw village. I want to say something about the whole night family. Let me put it more simply and easily, that is, it can let all of you live in our human world, let our human world provide you with the food you need, and then coexist with us. "

Now, not only these vampires, but even the members of the whole mermaid song were stunned on the spot.

They looked at their president in disbelief and fully doubted that their president\'s head was still awake now? Did you break it somewhere?

Of course, the first speaker was dak, but he kept a low voice and came up to Ariel and said, "president, I haven\'t heard of this? You want these... These vampires to live with us? Do you want us all to be their food? "

Ariel smiled and said, "since flower goblins can live with us, why can\'t blood clan?"

Dak frowned, "because they are vampires! Their food is us humans! "

The cheese beside him was a little unhappy. He came up and said, "dak, I think your prejudice is really more stubborn than anyone. Yes? How many Pelican city citizens do you think I ate? "

The cream in the back looked at the two quarrelling people, came forward and said, "president, although I don\'t agree with dak\'s one-sided suspicion of these blood families, I think it\'s ok if one or two vampires, but if hundreds of vampires enter human society at one time, it will certainly cause panic? So it\'s better to slow down first... "

"I think I can try." Now she was talking about suuta. She carefully took the stone as a shield and continued, "since Mr. cheese can have such a happy gathering with us in Pelican City, I believe others should be able to do the same. Moreover, the president should have a way, isn\'t he? "

Sometimes, it\'s really difficult to bear the worship of others~~~

Ariel smiled and continued, "how\'s it going? Ms. copper hand, would you like to listen to my thoughts? Compared with looking for men everywhere to force yourself to get pregnant, maybe there is a second way in life, isn\'t there? "

The copper hand\'s eyes swept over Simon and Lianyin\'s face, but they still seemed a little hesitant. But at this time, another voice came out of the cave over there——

"Can I see this as an invitation from your human world to our night people? Human woman, are you a human traitor? Do you want to use the power of our night people to achieve some of your ulterior and sinister desires? "

When they looked back, they saw a thin vampire coming out of the cave over there. Simon and Lian Yin recognized them immediately and exclaimed——

"(blood language) one eyed village head? Why are you here? "

Hearing the cheese translation, Ariel immediately turned to the village head of ghost Tong village with one eye. He was indeed blind in one eye, even half his face, as if he had been hit and sunk. But the remaining scarlet eye looked brighter, just like a huge light bulb.

One eye ignored Simon and chain sound\'s surprise, but slowly climbed out of the cave and said slowly——

"Answer me, human, do you want to use the power of our night family to kill someone? If you agree, have you prepared the sacrifice for us? "