Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 999

Li Feng took out his mouth and said, "girl, your acting skills are too bad. You have to be scared by other people here."

Alice Coffey's turning point is too rigid and the purpose is too obvious. Let alone Li Feng's knowing that she is hostile to herself, even if she doesn't know, we should also consider why she must take herself to her home.

Just when Li Feng considered how to refuse to show his tough attitude without losing his demeanor, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

Li Feng frowned slightly, and a bad premonition floated in his heart: "MMP, isn't the system asking me to accept her invitation? Is there a host system like this? "

It's not that Li Feng thinks too much, but the urine of the system is just like this, we have to prevent it!

But no matter what, the system released the task, Li Feng would like to check it, so he said silently: "check it out!"

"Task: please invite"

"task objective: to accept the invitation of Goddess Alice Coffey. If the host refuses, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 5 million exp, 10 million system points, 100 conquest points."

"My special So many rewards? "

After reading the introduction of the task, Li Feng was shocked.

Let's not say the system integral and the conquest point, but say 5 million experience value. As long as he completes it, he will be able to upgrade to the late demigod!

Now the question is

The system must know that Alice Coffey is hostile to him. Inviting him to her home is the Hongmen banquet. In this case, it will release such a task to him. Isn't it going to kill him?

If the reward is less, Li Feng is not nervous. If there are so many rewards, it means that the task is very difficult!

"Well, I promise you!" Li Feng took a deep breath and said.

In wealth insurance, he must strive for 5 million experience value. Besides, he also wants to find out what Alice Coffey has in mind!

"Really?" Another look of contempt flashed through Alice Coffey's eyes.

Oh, men are really the same, can not withstand the temptation of the United States cesium, a little bit of her intimacy, this Chinese man can not stand.

Li Feng knew what she was thinking, and felt a little upset, but he said, "of course it is true. You are so beautiful. How can I bear to refuse your invitation?"

As he spoke, he would put his hand around Alice Coffey's waist.

Alice Coffey's face changed slightly. She wanted to avoid Li Feng's salty pig's hands without trace, but what Li Feng wanted to do was not what Alice could stop.

Before she dodges away, Li Feng has firmly held her waist.

Alice cofeton is stiff!

"Well Beautiful woman, your waist is very thin, A4 paper? " Li Feng felt the width and the taste of playing.

Alice Coffey forced a smile: "well Thank you, Dr. Li. I I'll go and tell my family the good news first. "

She's about to break free.

"No, just play here." Li Feng's arm was like a big iron Tong. He didn't let go of it at all. At the same time, he sniffed deeply and sighed, "you smell sweet. You don't smell like perfume. Do you bring your own incense?"

Alice Coffey's going to explode!

It's not that she hasn't been so close to a man. For example, she dances with her partner at the ball, shakes hands and sticks to his face in a polite way, but the other party is very gentlemanly!

Where, like Li Feng, forcefully cuddle the waist, but also a face of indecent deep sniff, say people feel frivolous words?

It's just

"Well I was born with it. " Alice Coffey forced a smile, took out her mobile phone and dialed out the phone: "Hello, Dr. Li has promised to be a guest at home, um All right, we'll start in a minute

When she was on the phone, Li Feng's hands were not idle. His left finger swam back and forth on her waist, and his right hand lifted her long hair to the tip of her nose to smell deeply.

Coupled with Li Feng's intoxicated expression, it's really obscene! Alice Coffey has goose bumps all over her body!

But now it's not time for her to fall out with Li Feng. Everything takes the overall situation as the priority!

Yes, Li Feng is deliberately acting very obscene, just for the sake of disgusting Alice Coffey.

Don't you look down on me? Don't you think you can't walk when you see a woman? Good, that young master just as you wish!

I just want to see you are disgusting but dare not refuse!

"Dr. Li, my family already knows. When shall we start?" Alice Coffey adjusted her mind and asked with a smile.

"Well I have to make a little arrangement. " Li Feng pondered a smile, took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone call: "Hello, Xiaoqiong, stop all your work immediately and come to my Chinese Medicine Museum. There are important things to do."Then he called ashaniya again, and the words were almost the same. No matter what she was doing, she would come here immediately.

Alice Coffey was a little confused. Did you mean to take two women to her house? What the hell is this?

"Beauty, you don't know. In fact, I have two girlfriends in LD." Li Feng put down the phone with a smile.

Alice Coffey: Dr. Li, you are so humorous. "

"I'm not kidding you. I'm serious." Li Feng pondered a smile and then said, "I fell in love with you at first sight. Why don't you be my third girlfriend in LD?"

As he spoke, he took Alice Coffey's little hand and scratched it in the palm of her hand.

Alice Coffey was a little nervous. "Are you serious, Dr. Li?"

"No? Then I won't go to your house. " Li Feng Song opened his hand and said in a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Alice Coffey's face became dull, and then she forced a smile: "Dr. Li, you have two girlfriends. I'm..."

"What's the matter for a man with ability to find more girlfriends? What's more, I saved your life. There's a saying in China called" saving your life "that you should be like yourself. Is there no such etiquette in country y?" Li Feng sneered and said sarcastically.

Alice Coffey:

It's not Is this special etiquette? This is not a moral kidnapping!

Originally, her attitude to Li Feng was limited to the execution of the task, but at the moment she really wished Li Feng would die early!

"But you don't even know my name." Alice Coffey took a deep breath and said, strangely.

"Oh, yes." Li Feng patted the forehead and asked, "what's your name?"

Alice Coffey: Alice Coffey. "

Under Li Feng's obsession, Alice Coffey finally gave in and said to go home and ask her family's opinions.

Li Feng didn't press him step by step. He was just disgusting and disgusting Alice Coffey. Otherwise, as soon as Tang Qiong and aishania arrived, they would have to tear him up?

But it's not good to take Tang Qiong and ashaniya. You have to take all of them to the place

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