Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1000

Li Feng waited for nearly an hour before Tang Qiong and aishania came together.

When Alice Coffey saw the two women, there was a flash of surprise in her eyes, and then her face became more and more strange.

She doesn't know much about Li Feng. She only knows that he is a martial arts strong man who makes those big people fear. As for Li Feng's girlfriend That's what the big guys didn't say.

When I heard Li Feng talk about this, Alice Coffey didn't think he was joking. How many men in the upper class of country y have more than two girlfriends?

What she didn't expect was that don Qiong and isania were so beautiful!

Don Qiong, aishania's reaction is similar, Alice Coffey not only let them feel surprised, but also let the two women feel a bit of pressure.

Who is this woman? Why is Li Feng holding her waist?

Yes, even after the arrival of the two girls, Li Feng didn't let go of her arm.

Because of this, Pearson, the housekeeper of the Coffey family, was about to have a heart attack. In order to keep his eyes clean, he ran back to the car by himself after winning over Alice Coffey's advice.

"This is Alice Coffey. I saved her life, and then she's going to invite me to her house."

"Alice, don Joan and isania are all my girlfriends. Let's meet the three of you first."

Li Feng's face was playful and introduced to the two sides.

On one side, Luo Tianzheng and others give Li Feng a thumbs up.

What is the red flag at home, the color flag fluttering outside? This is so special!

Who can be so calm to introduce the woman who will become his girlfriend to the two main palaces? Only the Lord!

"Hello, nice to meet you!" Don Qiong shook hands with Alice Coffey without expression.

Then there was isania: "Wow, my sister looks so beautiful. Have you established a relationship with Li Feng?"

"And Not yet. " Alice Coffey looked at Li Feng with a complicated look and said.

"Sooner or later." Li Feng's domineering smile: "when I go to Alice's house, I'll tell her parents about it. I'm sure they will agree."

"Why?" Ashaniya asked, puzzled.

"Because I'm so good." Li Feng has fun.

Tang Qiong:

Isaniah: --

Although Li Feng's words made the two girls angry, it is undeniable that He's not bragging.

Alice Coffey was about to vomit. She had never seen such a brazen person!

At this time, the two girls suddenly received a message from Li Feng: "Alice is hostile to me. I mean to disgust her. Don't take it to heart. In addition There may be danger later, so follow my instructions. "

The two women's eyes flashed imperceptibly, and then nodded silently.

On the other side, Alice Coffey looked confused, so did the two women agree with Li Feng? God, what kind of soup did this Chinese man give the two girls?

"Lao Luo, you pack up and let's go together." Li fengchong, Luo Tianzheng and others winked.

Luo Tianzheng and others were stunned first, then nodded wildly.

"Dr. Li, aren't they the staff of the TCM museum? Why Well, will they not be on duty here? " Alice Coffey asked mildly.

"They are not doctors, so it's useless to be on duty here. Besides, I always treat my subordinates as family members. They will certainly follow me wherever I go. If you don't agree, I won't go." Li Feng said haughtily.

"This All right Alice Coffey nibbled at her lips and agreed, somewhat embarrassed.

The next time, Lao Luo simply cleaned up, and then put up the sign of "closed business today" at the door of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Then they left down a sentence "I'll drive", and disappeared in the corner.

At first, Alice Coffey didn't care. Although Luo Tianzheng and others looked ugly and their careers looked ordinary, cars were not rare in country y. even if they had one, she would not be surprised.

But a few minutes later, Alice Coffey could not control her expression.

Aston Martin DB11, Lamborghini, Ferrari 488, Porsche 911 A super run of water came from the corner!

Take a look at it again I'll go. Isn't it Luo Tianzheng who runs to drive in the driver's seat?

So they are the staff of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, but they have an expensive super car?

Alice Coffey was crazy!

In fact, Li Feng also thinks that Lao Luo's seven people are a little bit eye-catching. Think about it, seven bad old men who want to look bad but have no temperament, but are driving extremely eye-catching super runners. What kind of scene is it to appear in the street together?

It will definitely cause a crowd!

However, Lao Luo and others are willing to buy the car as soon as they get the bonus. He is not easy to say anything as the patriarch, so he can only let them go."Doctor Li, would you like to take my car?" 'said Alice Coffey, forcing herself to look back.

"No, I'll just take Joan's car." With that, Li Feng took the car key from Tang Qiong's hand and took two women to the roadside Panamera.

Seeing this scene, Alice Coffey was fascinated again. The boss drove the Panamera, and the subordinates ran faster? Is this a little bit of a contrast?

But it wasn't much of her business. After simply sorting out her emotions, Alice Coffey sat down on the pink phantom on the side of the road and drove off into the distance.

Just as the super luxury motorcade drove away from here, on the roof of a hotel in the distance, a man dressed in black put up his telescope, took out his mobile phone and said, "boss, the target suddenly left the traditional Chinese medicine hall. Please direct Copy it

After hanging up, the man in black left.

Almost at the moment when he left, a black Mercedes Benz S400 started from the corner near the Chinese Medicine Museum and slowly followed up.

Two hours later, the phantom led motorcade arrived in front of an ancient castle, which is located in the suburb of LD, with beautiful scenery and land price.

Of course, not really rich people can't afford the castle

"Boss, the target has entered the old castle of Kofi." In the S400, the driver made a phone call.

"Fort Kofi I see. You don't have to be too close. Just stare around There was a gloomy voice on the phone.

"Yes, boss!" The driver hung up and pulled out a cigarette for a rest.

At this time, an old man in white suddenly appeared beside the window!

Suddenly, the driver's body on a stiff, as if the surrounding air has dropped more than ten degrees in general!

"Young man, are you from Li Feng?" The white robed old man said through the window, but the voice went directly into the driver's ear.

The driver's face changed slightly: "what Li Feng, I don't..."


there was a dull sound, and the window was smashed by the old man in white robe, and the driver's neck was crushed with his hand!

The driver hung up before he could make any response!

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