Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 983

"Why am I here?"

When he came to his senses, Stephen was in a daze.

In his memory, a second ago, he was sitting in his modified polo. How did he suddenly come to Jack's Audi A4?

Did he drink a fragment?

It's not He doesn't seem to drink! What the hell is this?

"Er Stephen, you must be joking with us? " Jack's face is confused, too.

SHENTE? Why are you here? You ran in my car by yourself, don't you remember?

"What are you kidding about? What happened?" Stephen was a little agitated, and even though Jack was driving, he reached out to grab his shoulder and shook hard: "Damn it, tell me!"

Audi A4 shakes to the left and right, which makes Jack step on the brake to death. After swinging its tail 180 ° in place, the A4 can stop and almost hit the roadside guardrail.

"Stephen, are you crazy? I'm driving Jack was about to pee just now. He roared.

I'm glad he didn't drive fast, or his car had to hit the guardrail just now. Although he bought all risks insurance, even if he had an accident, he could take insurance without spending his own money, but no one wanted his car to have an accident!

Stephen also knew that his action was dangerous and embarrassed for a moment, but soon he said angrily, "thanks, Jack, do you know who you're talking to? Believe it or not, you won't get the scholarship next year!"

His father is a member of the board of directors of LD University. Although he has little say in it, it is easy to decide whether an ordinary student can get a scholarship.

As soon as Jack heard this, he immediately said, "Hey, Stephen, don't be excited. I was just a little excited It's like this... "

At the moment, he said that Stephen was willing to gamble and give Li Feng the vehicle and property certificate.

This year, he won an excellent undergraduate scholarship, 3000 pounds. Although it is only one month's pocket money for him, in the current situation of serious overspending, if he loses the scholarship next year, it will undoubtedly be an even worse thing for him.

Stephen: "what??? Are you sure? "

My special I have done so many things, why do I have no impression at all?!

"Sure." Jack's face is even more strange. It's clearly Stephen who did it himself. How come he doesn't seem to have any impression at all. He is over stimulated, so he has mental problems?

Kelly in the back row also nodded wildly, wondering, "Stephen, have you all forgotten?"

"I didn't forget No, I mean, I don't have any impression at all! " Stephen grabbed his hair with his hand, as hard as if he wanted to get it all down.

Jack and Kelly look at each other, and they see an incredible look in each other's eyes.

After a while, Jack's eyes suddenly brightened and said, "Stephen, will you be hypnotized by Li Feng?"

Stephen suddenly looked up: "hypnosis? Yes, it must be hypnosis. He hypnotized me, so I have no impression at all! Jack, turn around. I'm going to go back and find that damned Chinese! "

Jack took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said strangely, "Stephen, I understand your mood very much, but that Chinese is very unusual, isn't he?"

"What do you mean?" Stephen grabbed jack by the collar and asked angrily, "you coward, you are afraid of that Chinese, right?"

"Hey, Stephen, calm down!" Jack's face was pale. He quickly broke Stephen's hand and said in a deep voice, "he's a man who can carry 300 kilograms of gold with one hand. What's the end of us going back to him?"

"If you don't let the villa security personnel go home, we still have some hope, but they have been sent home by you!"

"Have I even demobilized the villa security?" Stephen looked confused.

"Yes." Jack sighed helplessly: "and Li Feng can hypnotize, you are not afraid that after we go, Li Feng will do more terrible things?"

Stephen's face was stagnant. After a long time, he vomited: "you're right. We must think about it for a long time."

Jack rolled his eyes secretly. God, we have nothing to do with it. I don't want to get involved in it!

"Jack, please take me home. I'll ask my father to come out in person to solve this despicable Chinese boy!" Said Stephen, gritting his teeth.

"No problem!"

This kind of small request Jack naturally will not refuse, immediately starts the car to drive to Queen's road.

In villa No. 10, Constantine street, isaniah looked at the empty front yard of the villa and said strangely, "Li Feng, are we going to stay here tonight?"

"Well I'm not used to using things that have been used by others. If you want to spend the night here, I can change everything in my bedroom Li Feng thought about it and said."I don't mean that I mean, Stephen won't be reconciled when he goes back. If he brings someone back, there's going to be a big problem. "

She didn't worry about Li Feng's safety. She didn't want to let Li Feng get into trouble again. Did she have the time to practice it together?

Even if Li Feng is eager to give me money, he will give me a piece of money

"OK..." Isanya sighed. Since Li Feng was not worried at all, she would not say anything: "I think they should wait a long time to come. Why don't we take advantage of this time to replace the things in the bedroom first?"

Li Feng facial expression playfully ordered aishania's nose tip: "you this greedy cat."

"Who is greedy? I didn't say anything else." Aishaniya turned her head haughtily and said with slight red complexion.

Li Feng's face was stagnant, and he sighed with disappointment: "that's why I misunderstood you. I'll change the sheets and covers later. You'll have a rest first. I'll continue to wait outside for Stephen to bring someone here."

“…… No, you must stay with me. " Aishania snorted coldly and took Li Feng to go inside

Three hours later, at 12 o'clock in the evening, a motorcade headed by three Audi A8, behind the mirage of Rolls Royce, drove into Constantine street.

A few minutes later, the team came to the gate of villa 10 and stopped steadily.

Then, several men in black walked out of the front of Audi A8, came to the villa door and found that the door was locked.

After asking for instructions with the walkie talkie, one of the men in black took out a pistol with a muffler and fired directly to blow the lock open.

Then, the motorcade continued to move forward and drove into the villa.

At the same time, Li Feng, who had just finished a practice, heard the news and patted aishaniya and said, "greedy cat, there are guests outside. Put on your clothes as soon as possible. I'll take you out."

Isania's face changed slightly, and she put on her clothes in a hurry.

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