Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 982

At the moment of the launch, the modified Polo leaped out like an arrow from the bow, while the more advanced panamella seemed to have fallen behind!

Although it's not much behind, it's only half a car, but it's a quarter mile race. If you start half a car behind at the start, you'll probably end up behind the finish line.

The quarter mile is 402 meters, and the top performance car can run to the finish line in 10 seconds. For example, the Porsche 918, one of the three great vehicles, scored 9.8s in the quarter mile acceleration race and 9.7s in the velon Supersport.

Of course, these are mass production vehicles. Those sports cars that have been modified for the quarter mile race can easily run within 9 seconds. For example, a reformed GT-R once ran a terrifying 6.9 seconds.

For example, the Porsche Panamera driven by Li Feng usually takes more than 12 seconds to run a quarter of a mile. Let alone the explosion of PK, it is far inferior to the mass production overtaking described above.

And Stephen's magic polo, in terms of quarter mile acceleration performance, has surpassed that of the Porsche 918 and the Veyron Supersport, or even far better, because it has run the best performance of 8.5 seconds!

In the quarter mile race, 0.1 second is a huge gap!

The gap between it and Panamera is more than 3 seconds, which can be called crush!

"Sleeping trough, Stephen's modified Polo is so fierce!"

"It must be fierce! The maximum power is 450p, the maximum torque is 700nm, and it only takes 2.9 seconds to break through the hundred. This kind of car is not fierce. What kind of car is fierce, at least it is stronger than his Panamera! "

"Ha ha, this Chinese boy must be a fool now!"

Jack and others can't help laughing at the thought of Li Feng's confused expression at the moment.

At the same time, Jack and others have some regrets. They should have been involved in this situation. It's a box of real gold!

In the modified polo, Stephen looked at the rearview mirror, with a mocking smile in his mouth and whispered: "hum, this silly x, I think my modified polo can't compare with his panamella. Wait for my tail gas!"

Seeing that panamella was getting farther and farther away from him, Stephen felt relieved. He was suppressed by Li Feng all night, and now he can finally puff up his eyebrows!

Three seconds later, the modified Polo has already been ahead of the Panamera by two bodies, and the power of the modified Polo is still in constant flow, with the speed of 200 kilometers per second.

On the contrary, Panamera's acceleration is not as fast as it was at the beginning, and the distance between it and the modified Polo is getting bigger and bigger!

The result seems to have been doomed!

Stephen wants to release the steering wheel and raise his hand to celebrate!

But at this time, a sudden change!

Stephen suddenly felt that the modified Polo hit a wall made of cotton, and the speed of the modified Polo began to drop with naked eyes, 180, 160, 140

In contrast, Li Feng's Panamera is like changing into an aeroengine. It emits a cloud of white light from the exhaust pipe. At the same time, it speeds up rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the speed increases from 150 to 200, and it is still increasing rapidly!


a gust of wind blows, and Panamera flashes by the modified polo, with sparks and lightning all the way, and rushes to the finish line two seconds later.

Although no one clocked, a rough estimate would have found that Panamera did not take more than seven seconds to run a quarter of a mile!

This is too much different from the data given on the car website, so Li Feng's Panamera is also modified?

In contrast, Stephen's modified polo, it took another 5 seconds for panamella to cross the finish line

It's not really slow. In fact, its speed has been above 100, but compared with the beginning, it's really slower.

What's strange is that the modified Polo tires are idling all the way, just like skidding in rainy and snowy days. However, the tires emit bursts of black smoke due to friction with the ground. This shows that the friction is very high, so it should not skid.

This happens only when the car encounters strong resistance, such as two cars running in the opposite direction

But the reality is not like this, so Jack and others are a little confused

Fans return to fans, Jack and others are very happy. Fortunately, they didn't follow Stephen's bet, otherwise the rhythm of Diku will lose!

"Wheeze" "wheeze" "wheeze"

after the modified Polo stopped, Stephen's eyes were red and he was panting heavily.

He couldn't understand why this situation happened. There was nothing in front of him, but he met with strong resistance. Can you believe it?

There is also Li Feng's Panamera. When he started his "meat", how could it suddenly become so hot and fierce? This is so unscientific!Stephen's spiritual world can be summed up in one sentence: "who am I? Where am i? What am I doing? "


just then, there was a knock on the window. Stephen turned around and saw Li Feng twisting his fingers at him through the window, and the meaning he wanted to express could not be clearer.

"Fake!" Stephen lowered the window and roared, "this one doesn't count. You cheat!"

He can lose to Li Feng without blinking an eye, but he can't give Li Feng the villa, which is 10 million pounds!

The Becky family's assets are worth 1 billion pounds, most of which are company shares and a lot of bank loans. The cash and fixed assets available to the Becky family add up to about 100 million pounds.

If he loses the villa to Li Feng, his father can tear him alive!

This villa was left by my father for his future marriage. It was written in his name!

"I knew you would go back." Li Feng mouth a hook, ridiculed: "but you regret is useless, I want things, no one dare not give."

Stephen's face was stagnant, and then sneered: "I'm definitely not included in anyone you say. If I don't give, I won't give it. Can you still kill me?"

He and Li Feng didn't sign anything in writing. What can Li Feng do to take the villa from him? He won't believe it!

"You don't deserve me to kill you." Li Feng raised a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and then used puppet technique on Stephen.

Stephen was pale at first. Then he started his car and came to Jack and others. He announced in public, "I lost to Mr. Li Feng in the quarter mile acceleration. I'll take a gamble and give him the real estate certificate when I go back."

Hearing this, Jack and others were surprised.

Stephen is so simple to admit defeat, do not do any struggle, this is not like his style!

But Stephen said so, and they could not persuade him. They watched Stephen return to the villa and called a lawyer. Under the lawyer's notarization, he transferred the property certificate and the luxury car in his name to Li Feng.

After finishing this, Li Feng began to see off the guests.

This villa is his now. He doesn't like Stephen and Jack. Naturally, he won't let them stay here to hold parties.

In this regard, although Jack and others have no choice but to admit their fate, who let Stephen so useless to lose the villa to Li Feng?

Shortly after Stephen left the villa in Jack's A4, Stephen suddenly woke up

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