Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 974

Li Feng's face suddenly became strange: "my basketball skills It's OK. "

So they thought for a whole afternoon that they wanted to play basketball against him? This piece of work is a bit too much of a pronghorn!

If you want to compare with him, you have to play basketball with him

Jack and Stephen are all kids who haven't grown up yet. Li Feng doesn't believe how deep the city government and means are.

So when Stephen winked at Jack, Li Feng knew that the good play was going to be staged. Then Stephen took the basketball and said the above words, and their routine was seen through by Li Feng.

I just want to beat myself with basketball in front of aishania, so as to prove that he is better than himself

How naive!

"Oh?" Stephen eyebrows a pick, play flavor: "it seems that you have confidence in your own skills."

Is this unfortunate? No, he is afraid that Li Feng says he can't play basketball!

In this case If he puts forward 1vs1 again, Li Feng has no reason to refuse?

"I'm not confident, but I'm a little arrogant." Li Feng shrugged and said.

As soon as Stephen and others were about to nod their heads, they all turned pale.

Is there no self-confidence? You are so arrogant that you can't talk about self-confidence? Crazy!


aishania was amused by Li Feng and laughed.

Why she likes Li Feng is not only because he is powerful, but also because he is humorous.

At least Li Feng's words can always poke her smile and make her happy every day. Isn't this the most important significance of the existence of lovers?

"Hehe, man, your words are not funny at all, even make me feel a little provocative."

Stephen squeezed the basketball with his hands and said fiercely.

"I'm sorry, I'm a straight talker. If there's something that makes you feel offended You can challenge me. I don't mind giving you a little guidance in basketball. "

Li Feng shrugged.

Jack, Kelly, and others were stunned on the spot again.

My special This Chinese is really crazy. He even wants to give Stephen guidance in basketball. Does he know what level of basketball player Stephen is?

Let's just say that, although Stephen is not the one who plays NBA, his playing skills are absolutely one of the best in LD University.

As the ace guard of LD university basketball team, Stephen can average 20 points, 10 assists, 5 steals, 5 rebounds and 2 blocks per game, almost filling the data column.

Among them, the shooting percentage is 52%, the three-point shooting rate is 40%, and the free throw shooting rate is 92%!

Under the leadership of Stephen, LD university is expected to be in the top four of the country this season. With a bit of luck, it is not impossible to win the championship.

Although the level of the University Basketball League of Y country is not as good as that of the United States, it is a group of basketball players who have been professionally trained. If they perform well, they can enter the professional league.

There is no doubt that Stephen's basketball level can stand out among such a good group of young players.

"Stephen, do you hear that? He's going to instruct you to play basketball."

"Hey, ACE guard, you've been looked down upon, you know?"

"Stephen, challenge him, kick his share in the basketball court!"

"Stephen, for the glory of LD university basketball team, blow him up!"

After a short period of stupidity, Jack and others clamored.

"Of course, I know what to do!" Stephen Becky puffed out a foul breath and sneered: "man, you have successfully angered me. Now I want to send you a 1-on-1 challenge. Do you dare to accept it?"

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, playing flavor: "but it's just one-on-one, isn't it boring?"

"Do you still want to play team basketball?" Stephen laughed. "Is it because you're afraid to face me alone?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean." Li Feng shook his head, playing with the smell: "I mean It's always fun to have a little bit of fun, don't you think? "

"Colorful head?" Stephen was stunned at first, and then his eyes brightened. "That's a good idea. What do you want?"

"It's better to have something to do with money. Although it's a bit vulgar to talk about money, you don't seem to have anything that interests me except money." Li Feng spread his hands and said with a slight disdain.

"My special..." Stephen was choked by Li Feng and his voice was smoking.

How can this Chinese person always be so choking? Do you know me well? How do you know that I don't have good things?

"Stephen, gamble with him and ruin him!" Jack said bitterly.

Li Feng and Stephen's confrontation, let Jack feel again by Li Feng show a face of fear."Yes, bet with him. You are better at playing football than he is and richer than he is. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Hum, I don't know the height of China, you will regret this decision!"

Kelly and others were shouting.

Stephen nodded coldly. "How much do you want to bet?"

"For the first time, I don't want to bully you too much. Let's bet on this number." While speaking, Li Feng held out a finger.

Stephen was stunned at first, then said strangely, "100 pounds?"

"Haha, 100 pounds, he would say?"

"I'll give you 100 now, you go home by yourself, hillbilly."

Li Feng was ridiculed by everyone.

"I said Can you stop being so conceited? " Li Feng was angry and laughed: "I said 100000 pounds."

There was a silence, and everyone looked at each other, thinking that they had heard something wrong.

All of them were students from LD University. Most of them came from middle-class families. Their family conditions were generally good. Otherwise, everyone would not drive here.

But 100000 pounds is also a lot of money for a middle-class family, and these kids who are still in school have never seen so much money.

Only a few students, including Stephen, can casually offer 100000 pounds at home.

"Are you sure?" Stephen took a deep breath and asked.

100000 pounds is nothing to him, just a month's pocket money, but Li Feng dare to bet so much, somewhat surprised him.

"Sure, other people can also take part in the game. If you bet, I'll pay as much as you lose. If you win, you can take me as much as you bet. It's fair, isn't it?"

Li Feng swept from Jack and others one by one and said with a smile.

On hearing this, Jack and others were interested: "OK, this is what you said, don't go back on your word!"

"I'll bet Stephen 1000!"

"I'll bet Stephen 2000!"

"I bet 500, Stephen wins!"

"I bet 200..."

Most of the students have put in hundreds of thousands of pounds on Stephen, and only a few of the more affluent families have put in between 10000 and 20000 pounds.

There were nearly 100 students present, and the total amount of bets reached 200000 pounds, plus Stephen's 100000 pounds

That is to say, once Li Feng loses, he has to pay 300000 pounds for it!

Jack can't wait to see Li Feng lose

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