Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 973

When Li Feng drove to Villa No. 10, Constantine street, it was already evening, and the street lights were on.

Constantine street is the rich district of LD, where businessmen, politicians and stars gather here.

Along the way, Li Feng met a lot of luxury cars and super runners. Panamera was a little inferior here.

However, Li Feng doesn't care. For Li Feng now, the quality of clothes, accessories and cars is not so important. He doesn't need these things to set off his identity.

There is a saying that the real rich can wear a pair of cloth shoes and feel like stepping on cloud shoes, while the poor people will be regarded as fake even if they save money for a year and a half to buy a LV bag

It's called self-contained atmosphere!

Before entering the villa, Li Feng heard the music coming from inside. It was a little noisy.

Fortunately, the villas here are all single, and each villa is tens of meters away. There is no need to worry about being called to the police by neighbors for disturbing the residents.

When panamella arrived at the door of the villa, a security guard came up and said, "madam and Sir, are you here for the party? Do you have any invitation cards?"

Li Feng frowned slightly: "no, we were invited by Jack and Kelly. Didn't they tell you?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't received any notice at the moment. Please wait a moment and I'll ask."

Then the security guard took out his walkie talkie and began to ask, "Andy, help me find Mr. Jack. I have something to ask him Mr. Jack, have you ever invited a Chinese to the party OK, I see. "

At the end of the call, the security guard said with a smile to Li Feng: "OK, welcome to both of you. I hope you have a good time tonight."

With that, he opened the door of the villa and watched Panamera drive into the villa.

Under the guidance of the security personnel in the villa, Li Feng parked his car in the huge parking lot on the south side of the front yard. At the moment, there are many cars in the parking lot.

Most of them are very ordinary cars, such as Carola, Jetta, Peugeot 207, Citroen SEGA and so on, and they all seem to have a sense of age.

Of course, there are also luxury cars, such as Audi A4, BMW 5 series, and higher level ones, such as Audi S7, BMW M5, Jaguar, Land Rover, and even a green Lamborghini calf.

Li Feng also swept a glance, looked for a space to park the car, and then got out of the car and led ashaniya's hand to the villa.

From a distance, Li Feng can see the bright lights in front of the villa. A group of men and women are playing in front of the swimming pool, twisting their bodies with the dynamic rhythm.

"Hey, look who's here!"

At this time, Jack in the crowd found the arrival of the two people, and quickly yelled.

This group of men and women stopped their hands and turned their heads to look at them. While they looked at them, they whispered to each other and commented on them.

Just then, a tall, burly young man pushed aside the crowd and came to the front, opened his hands and said, "Hey, isania, I've found you at last!"

At the same time, he walked quickly towards ashaniya, as if to give her a big hug.

"Li Feng, he is Stephen Becky." Isanya, looking puzzled, whispered.

"Oh." Li Feng nodded, moved a step sideways in front of ashaniya, also extended his hands and said, "Hey, Stephen, I finally see you!"

Stephen Becky, who's coming this way, looks confused.

It's not Who are you? Do we know each other? Did you finally meet me? Crazy!

Just as Stephen Becky was confused, Li Feng rushed to him with two lunges and gave him a bear hug. Then he patted him on the back and said, "Hey, man, you are as strong as a bear. How do you practice? Do you have any secrets to teach me?"

Stephen Becky is 190 up, tall and muscular. Li Feng says he is as strong as a bear.

"I have two hours in the gym every day, and that's my secret," said Stephen Becky, pushing Li Feng aside in spite of his anger

"Anyway Are you isanya's boyfriend, the Chinese man named Li Feng? "

"Yes, my name is Li Feng." Li Feng warmly held Stephen Becky's hand and asked, "is this villa your real estate? It's magnificent, wow Do you invite all these people here? There are lots of beautiful men and women. "

Stephen Becky laughed triumphantly: "you guessed right, this villa is the property of our Becky family, and these people are also my classmates and friends."

"Wow, you'll have to spend a lot of money on this party?" Li Feng asked with interest.

"Ha ha." Stephen Becky shook his head and laughed, and said haughtily, "maybe it's a lot of money for you ordinary people, but it's a little pocket money for me."

"Mmm How much is it? " Li Feng continued.Stephen Becky frowned for a moment and said, "about 20000 pounds."

"Hiss!" Li Feng took a breath of air-conditioning, thumbed up and said: "20000 pounds is small money, cattle force cattle force, admire!"

Stephen Becky was flattered by Li Feng, but he was confused.

Don't Jack say that this Chinese is very worried. It seems that the actual situation is not like this. It seems that Kelly's words have played a role. This Chinese is also a fool who dislikes the poor and loves the rich!

By the way What did he just want to do?

Under Li Feng's gag, Stephen Becky has forgotten that he was going to give ashaniya a big hug

"Hey, Stephen, what are you talking about?" Then Jack came up and asked.

Because the music was too loud and far away, Jack and others didn't hear the conversation between them. They could only interpret the information through their expressions.

Jack originally thought that Stephen would give Li Feng a bully, but when they met, they were embracing each other. They had a good chat. What the hell?

"Well, I just want to introduce him to the specific situation here." And, to be honest, I shrugged my brows

Jack is in a daze.

At this time, other people also came here, one after another to Li Feng, aishania said hello.

All of us were young people, and with the blessing of alcohol, they soon chatted hotly, and then some people began to pry into Li Feng's details.

Li Feng naturally will not follow these people's way, just say some ambiguous words, let these people guess very hard.

Stephen Becky wanted to take advantage of Li Feng being surrounded by people to call ashaniya out alone to have a good chat, but who knows Li Feng has been holding eisania's little hand, which makes him very angry.

Finally, Stephen Becky couldn't help it. He winked at Jack, and soon Jack came back with a basketball in his arms.

"Hey, man, ashaniya was a basketball boy in high school. Since you can be her boyfriend, you should be good at basketball?"

Stephen Becky took over the basketball and said defiantly.

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