Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 971

They looked up and saw a pair of young white men and women standing 10 meters ahead.

The male is in his early 20s, with short golden hair. His face is handsome, his facial features are deep, and his body is strong. At first sight, people who exercise often wear and dress up with taste and charm.

The woman is also in her early twenties. She has long blonde hair and delicate face. She wears a white T on her upper body and a pair of jeans shorts underneath, which completely outlines her good figure.

she has a pair of silver toes on her feet, and ten toes are painted with red nail polish, which is very attractive from head to toe.

It's the blonde.

"You are Kelly? " Isaniah looked at the blonde for a moment, then covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "is she your friend?"

Isanya nodded and said excitedly, "she was my best classmate in high school. We haven't met each other for more than two years."

After being taken away by Dylan Austin two years ago, he lost contact with his former friends and classmates, making it even more impossible to meet.

After being rescued by Li Feng, she did not go to these friends and classmates because she was afraid that she would cause trouble to these people. She did not want to go out for a walk with Li Feng, but met her best friend in high school.

"My God, it's really you. I thought I knew the wrong person!"

Kelly also covered her mouth with surprise.

Then she looked at Li Feng, who was held by aishania's arm, pointing to him and saying, "is he your boyfriend? A Chinese? "

Looking at Kelly's expression, she seems to be shocked and puzzled that aishania has found a Chinese man as her boyfriend.

"Yes, his name is Li Feng. He is a Chinese. I like him very much."

The latter sentence was deliberately accentuated to express her firmness, and she also wanted to remind Kelly not to say anything out of place.

"Oh, my God, you actually find a Chinese man to be your boyfriend. It's really crazy!"

Kelly was shocked again. Then she found herself overreacting and quickly explained, "I'm sorry, I'm not saying that Chinese people are bad, I just want to say Well I thought you'd find a guy from China y to be your boyfriend. "

Then she took the young man's hand and said, "his name is Jack. It's my boyfriend. Jack. Her name is isania. She's my high school classmate. We had a good relationship at that time Jack

At this time, Kelly found that Jack's eyes had been on ashaniya, and the astonishment and greed in his eyes made her a little uncomfortable.

"Ah Oh, oh. " Jack then responded, quickly went to ashaniya, reached out and said, "Hello, my name is Jack, nice to meet you!"

Although Jack looked at her before, she was a little discontented, but out of the most basic politeness, she shook hands with him.

Li Feng didn't say anything to stop him. He just shook hands. If it was a face to face ceremony, he would definitely say something to stop it.

Then Jack looked at Li Feng, stretched out his hand and said, "Hey, man, you have good luck!"

Li Feng Mei pointed a pick, held his hand, said with a smile: "I also want to keep a low profile, but the strength he does not allow."



God special strength does not allow, how do you speak so irritating?!

Under the dark resentment, Jack put on the afterburner and said enthusiastically, "man, you are different from the Chinese people I know."

Li Feng kept shaking hands with him and said, "because Everyone has a different situation? "



What kind of ghost are you singing suddenly? Can you speak well!

What's more, what Jack can't accept is that Li Feng doesn't have a painful expression on his face!

I rely on, he is the school football team, or the school's wrist breaking champion, the strength of his hands is really not comparable to ordinary people!

Is it because he doesn't use enough strength?

Thinking of this, Jack added some strength: "maybe, but the Chinese people I know are very timid, and they are always not confident. But you are different. You are more like our people in Y, so you should grow up in country y, right?"

"You're wrong about that." Li Feng shook his head and laughed. He said, "I am a native Chinese. In addition, I would like to remind you that we Chinese are not timid. If you know the history of China, we Chinese people are always famous for their bravery."

As he spoke, he put a little strength on his hand.

All of a sudden, Jack felt a tremendous force coming from his right hand, and the bones would be broken!

Now Jack screamed!

"Jack?" Kylie was startled and asked.At this time, Li Feng had already released his hand, and he was hiding his merits and fame.

"Maybe I sprained my wrist in training yesterday. It hurt a little bit just now." Jack looked at Li Feng with hatred, then forced out a smile and said.

It's a shame for Jack to lose to a Chinese who looks thinner than him in terms of strength competition. Therefore, he will never tell the truth. He can only find a chance to find the court in the future.

"Oh, my God, you're going out to play next Tuesday. Are you sure you're ok? It won't affect the game next Tuesday." Kelly asked, worried.

"Believe me, it won't be." Jack smiles, then looks at Li Feng and says, "man, we're going to have a party tonight at Villa 10 Constantine street. Would you like to join us?"

Li Feng frowns slightly, and now he has to refuse.

"Hey, you just said that the Chinese people are very brave. If you refuse, you will make me think that you dare not go because of timidity." Jack blinked and said with a slight mockery.

Li Feng laughed and turned his head to see ashaniya: "what do you mean?"

Before ashaniya could reply, Kelly said, "ashania, don't you know? Stephen will also come to this party. Oh, he was your suitor in high school

"By the way, Stephen's father's company went public a year ago, and now his family's assets are nearly 1 billion pounds."

At this point, Kelly gave Li Feng a slightly provocative look.

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "so It seems that we have to attend the party. What do you mean? "

Isanya nodded smartly: "well, I listen to you."

Seeing this, Jack couldn't help but feel happy. Just now he was upset that he was eating a flat on Li Feng's hand. Now, as long as Li Feng goes to Villa No. 10, he is at his home. If he wants to give Li Feng some color to see, isn't it easy to catch it?

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