Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 970

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get all the love of goddess ashaniya, and get 200 conquest points reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The progress of the goddess ashaniya has been improved, and the current progress is 100% (complete Zhengfu)"

Not long after the end of the practice, two sound system prompt sounds sounded.

Li Feng's mood is indescribably complicated. In one day, he connected Tang Qiong and isania It's like a dream to think about it.

It's not that Li Feng feels numb. Numbness can't be numb. He can only feel a little bit of joy in his heart, and he wants more to help the better

Don Joan and isania are two different kinds of women.

Tang qiongren was noble and cool, but she was obedient to him in private. She would agree to Li Feng's request without principle, that is, she lacked subjective initiative.

But aishania belongs to the weird type of elves. Her subjective initiative can be seen from her preparation of stewardess' uniform in advance.

In short Today, Li Feng not only defeated four strong enemies, but also strengthened the strength of his subordinates. He was subdued by the two goddesses and had a full day!

On the one hand, aishania, like Tang Qiong, felt the real Qi surging in her body.

The difference is that isanya was originally a martial arts strong man, and she was an S-level strong person. She knew what this meant better than Tang Qiong.

It's just that she didn't mean to be excited. Instead, she felt a little panic!

"Isn't the power of blood clan revived?"

Isanya guessed to herself.

After Li Feng quit the system, he happened to see that isanya frowned and not very happy. He was stunned at that time.

It's not Isn't ashaniya regretting that she wants to be merciless?

At the moment of Li Feng's wild thoughts, aishaniya said with a cry voice: "Li Feng, I It seems that I will become a blood clan again. What should I do? "

Li Feng:

Wait He seems to understand!

At the moment, Li Feng asked, "is there any new energy in your body?"

Isania nodded again and again, "yes, I'm so scared!"

As she spoke, she threw herself into Li Feng's arms and was about to cry.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said in a soft voice, "it's OK. Even if you become a blood clan again, I won't dislike you. Moreover, the blood clan can keep youth forever, which is a good thing for women."


It's not Is that comfort? Why is her mood worse!

"Ha ha, OK, OK, I don't want to tease you. In fact, there is energy production in your body, which is related to our practice just now." Li Feng is afraid that if he doesn't tell the truth, she will run away.

Isania quickly looked up and said, "are you not a human being?"

Li Feng:

Why did you start swearing?

"I mean Blood clan can be used to give others the first hold, turn others into blood clan, with extraordinary power, if you are only human I should not be able to turn me into a strong warrior in this way? " Isania explained in a low voice.

With a smile, Li Feng explained the matter of mutual benefit.

"Isn't it possible that I'll surpass Dylan Austen in this way?" Isania was surprised.

"It's only a matter of time before Dylan Austin is surpassed." Li Feng shrugged, saying there was no pressure.

With this driving force, ashaniya can't wait to continue to practice with Li Feng

In the next few days, Li Feng focused on helping the two women improve their state of mind, but most of them benefited from ashaniya, because Tang Qiong was busy at work during the day.

After Philip Gullit became Li Feng's most loyal servant, the import approval document was approved quickly. Tang Qiong was always busy with the follow-up work of establishing the new company.

Only when she comes back in the evening can she practice with Li Feng, and the time of the day can only be monopolized by ashaniya.

Three days later, a company named LT was set up in a large office building in LD.

This office building is one of the world's top 500 companies. The rent per square meter is 2000 pounds per year. LT company rented three floors as soon as it sold it. The rent was paid directly for three years!

You should know that the building area of each floor of this office building is 2000 square meters, the third floor is 6000 square meters, the annual rent is 12 million pounds, three years 36 million pounds!

It may be too straightforward to say, after all, there is no harm without comparison, and it can be shocked by another way of saying.

Most companies in the world do not have an annual turnover of 36 million pounds, which is an annual turnover, not a net profit!

It's really big money!

However, it is strange that after the establishment of LT company, no large-scale ribbon cutting activities have been held, and only two or three employees come to work, which makes people who work in this office building feel confused.At first, people thought LT company was a newly founded subsidiary of a large group, but it was too low-key to have no tailoring activities. It's not like the style of a large group company!

Later, after inquiry, people knew that the company was not a subsidiary of a large group, but a cosmetics sales agency co founded by a young woman named Tang Qiong

For a while, people working in this office building became more and more curious about LT company. Some people also put the matter on Twitter and Facebook, which attracted the attention of many netizens.

However, the establishment of this company has not attracted the attention of LD business community. After all, in LD, the world's second largest city, some companies are set up every day, and some companies go bankrupt every day. How can a company founded by an unknown person make these business tycoons pay attention to it?

It's just that the situation changed dramatically two days later.

Under the protection of Luo Tianzheng, Tang Qiong took a flight to China and held a press conference with Su Tong in Mingzhu city. At the meeting, she announced that she had cooperated with oswelli and obtained the agency sales rights of Hongyan, Runyan and Tongyan in the West.

Once the news was exposed, it attracted the attention of the whole world!

Until then, people did not know what kind of enterprise the name of LT was. Before it was officially opened, it had received numerous consultation emails and orders.

At first, the business tycoons who did not pay attention to LT company also visited in person, or sought cooperation, or asked to buy several bottles of Tongyan water after the official business.

For a time, lt company has become LD and even the whole UK, are the most watched companies!

Of course, Li Feng will not bother to manage these things. Before Tang Qiong returns to country y, Xu Shuang will be in charge of it. After Tang Qiong's return, she will be fully responsible for all the affairs of LT company.

For Tang Qiong in the business operation ability, Li Feng is 100% trust!

If Tang Qiong encounters something that can't be solved, it's not too late for Li Feng to go out in person.

Because Tang Qiong is still in China, Li Feng only needs to help aishania improve her state of mind. However, it is also boring to practice all the time. Early this morning, she proposed to go shopping and relax.

Li Feng naturally agreed to come down. After isanya dressed up, they went out together and went to the largest business district of LD.

When they came to the supermarket of a shopping mall and bought a lot of fruits and vegetables, snacks and drinks to go back home, a cry was heard from the distance.

"My God, ashania? Is it really you? "

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